Trouble with Twins (Hitachiin Twins x fem!reader x slight!Tamaki)

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You'd just transferred to a new school and at first, you were nervous, but that quickly dissipated. A pair of red-head twins in your class immediately took you under their wing. You couldn't tell which was which, but you soon learned their names were Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin. They helped you acclimate to life at Ouran Academy quickly. Certain aspects annoyed you about them though. The main one being that the two of them would not leave you alone about visiting the Host Club.

"Come on, Y/N," the twin you thought was Kaoru began and Hikaru finished, "It'll be fun." It was the fifth time they asked you that day. You groaned as you packed up your books after your last class. You had to admit, the mischievous duo was wearing you down. "Alright! Alright! If I go will the two of you quit bugging me?" The twins began sporting identical smirks. "Of course," they said in unison and you sighed. "Fine. Lead the way."

They each grabbed an arm and began dragging you out of the classroom, both yelling over their shoulders, "Hurry up, Haruhi! You don't want to be late!" You had to run to keep up with the long-legged twins as they hurried to Music Room #3. You heard Haruhi running behind you, trying to keep up as well. The twins suddenly stopped and you ran into one of their backs. "Oof." They laughed at you and put their arms around your shoulders again as they opened the doors.

You were immediately showered with rose petals and you had to close your mouth to prevent any from flying in. "Welcome!" a chorus of voice rang out as the petals cleared. You blinked rapidly as you stared at the group of boys in front of you. The twins laughed at your reaction. Their joy didn't last long however. It was brought to a screeching halt by none other than Tamaki.

"Welcome, Princess," he greeted, a bright smile painted on his face. He approached you and took your hand in his before kissing your knuckles. The twins' smiles fell slightly, but they tried to hide it as they began their job as hosts. Tamaki had insisted that you sit with him, taking in the beauty of the host club, as he put it. For some reason, he felt the need to flirt with you incessantly but you really didn't mind. He was charming and funny and treated you like a princess. You didn't notice the twins seething across the room.

"You know, if you like Y/N, you should tell her instead of sitting here angry with Tamaki-Senpai," Haruhi told them as she moved around the room, serving tea since she didn't have any clients at the moment. The boys stared at the brunette for a minute, their golden eyes wide. When she walked away, the Hitachiins exchanged a glance. "You know, she's probably right," Kaoru told his brother who nodded. They bid their guests a short good-bye and their way over to you.

"Hello, Y/N," they greeted in unison sitting on either side of you, glaring at the blonde. Tamaki's face turned a bit red. "What are you doing? I told you to behave yourselves in front of new guests!" he shouted, causing you to giggle. "It's alright, Tamaki-Senpai," you soothed him then turned to the twins. "I didn't know you boys could be so jealous," you teased them getting up and beckoning them to follow.

They stood swiftly and followed you out. "Boys, boys, boys. What am I going to do with you two?" your tone was still teasing and the twins' eyes widened again. They weren't used to girls flirting back with them, especially not at the same time. "You know, there was no need for you to be jealous, don't you? I have no interest in Tamaki-Senpai." They looked back to you, the smiles widening. "Now, how about we go hang out and you can show me how two loves are better than one?" In a split second, they were dragging you out to their limo. This was going to be fun. 

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