Break Up (Hikaru x fem!reader)

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You weren't supposed to hear it. The argument between your boyfriend and his twin. Yet, you did. You had been on your way to meet up with Hikaru after school, but you stopped short when you heard Kaoru's hurt voice.

"You're never around anymore! You spend all your time with her!" The word her was said like it was a dirty word. "Kaoru, of course I spend time with Y/N! She's my girlfriend. Why wouldn't I spend time with her?" You felt your heart clench. Kaoru was mad at you? That hurt. As far as you had known, you and Kaoru had gotten along really well. Apparently, you were wrong. You fought back a sniffle before turning on your heel and running off.

"You know what, Kaoru, I can't talk to you right now." With that, Hikaru turned and walked away. He was late meeting up with you. His brows furrowed when you weren't at your usual meeting place. He looked all around the school for you. He finally found you in the hedge maze. You were on the ground, your knees pulled up to your chest and you were crying. "Y/N?"

You looked up. Hikaru looked uncomfortable and you weren't surprised. He wasn't really good at expressing his own emotions so he didn't know how to handle it when others expressed theirs so freely. Not even you. He sat down next to you, not caring that his slacks were getting dirty. Without a word, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

For a moment, you were content, but then you remembered what you'd heard. You pushed away from him and stood. You brushed off the yellow skirt of your school uniform. "Y/N? What's the matter?" You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. You heard Hikaru get up so you turned to him. "I think we should break up," you told him calmly, trying to keep the tears out of your voice.

Hikaru stood there dumbfounded for a moment. Then, in his typical fashion, he handled his erratic emotions. He started to yell. "What do you mean we should break up?! I thought we were happy! Aren't you happy?!" You held your hands up. "Hikaru, stop shouting. Of course I'm happy. It's just..." you trailed off, not knowing how to put your doubts into words.

"It's just what, Y/N?!" He was still yelling and you arched a brow at him. "It's just-just that I know I'm taking time away from Kaoru. I know how important your relationship with Kaoru is to you and I don't want to come in between that!" Hikaru's mouth dropped open. "You heard us." It wasn't a question. You nodded and he sighed.

"You're right. Kaoru is important to me. He's my twin. We've been together forever. But you're important to me too. Very important." You shook your head. "I don't doubt it, Hikaru. But Kaoru has always been there for you and will continue to be there for you for the rest of your lives. I can't guarantee that I will be. So, I think it's best that we break this off now. Maybe, when you and Kaoru don't need each other so much, we can try again."

You turned to walk away and Hikaru shouted, "If you walk away from me now, you can forget about us ever being together!" You froze for a second, but shook your head sadly before walking off without a word. The tears were rolling down your cheeks as you made your way back toward the front of the school.

You didn't see Hikaru watching you leave. You didn't see the fact that you had just broken up with him hit him like a freight train. You didn't see his anger start to crumble or his own eyes welling up with tears. You didn't see him sink down to his knees as sobs began to wrack his body. You didn't see the rocks digging into his hands and his began pounding on the ground with his fists, knowing that his first real relationship apart from his brother was over.    

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