Cautiously Optimistic(Kyoya Ootori x fem!reader)

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If anyone at Lobelia knew what you were doing, they'd shun you as a traitor. For whatever reason, they girls at your school hated the students at Ouran Academy, especially those few boys that made up the Ouran Host Club. You, however, were different. You always had been. You loved your school, especially because you didn't have the horrendous uniform the girls of Ouran did. You had plenty of school spirit, sure. But there was one thing about your school you couldn't stand. The Zuka Club.

You hated the way they always looked down on others. It was as if they thought they were better than everyone else. And, to make matters worse, the entire school practically threw themselves at their feet. It made you sick. So, when the Host Club inadvertently ruined one of the Zuka Club's productions, you couldn't help but silently cheer. Then, when the Host Club was leaving, you smiled as they passed by. The last boy stopped and stared at you for a moment and you instantly recognized him.

Kyoya Ootori. His father and yours had once been friends, but you hadn't seen Kyoya in years. From that day, you would sneak over to Ouran Academy after school. You changed out of your Lobelia uniform and enter the Host Club.

Kyoya had recognized you as well, but hadn't said anything until your third trip to the Host Club. "Y/N, what brings you here?" he asked and you smiled. "I suppose a chance to catch up with an old friend. It's been a long time, Kyoya." He smirked. "Yes, it has. You attend Lobelia Academy, don't you?" You nodded. "Unfortunately." Kyoya's brow rose. "Why unfortunately? Do you not like it there?" You gave a little shrug. "It's alright. It's unfortunate because I share half my classes with the Zuka Club."

Kyoya held back a shudder at the mention of the notorious club. "I see. Well, then perhaps you would care to join me this afternoon? I have no appointments." You grinned and nodded in agreement. After that, you returned to the Host Club every day to sit and talk with Kyoya. You thought you felt something growing between you, but Kyoya never gave any indication that he felt the same. It kinda hurt, but you weren't one to back down. So, you decided to press it, just to see if there was in fact something there.

"Hello, Kyoya!" you greeted with a bright smile one afternoon. He hardly glanced up from his little notebook. You sighed at sat down across from him and waited. After a moment, Kyoya put down the notebook and gave you a tight-lipped smile. "Good afternoon, Y/N. Tea?" You nodded, but as he was about to pour, one of the other hosts called him over. "Excuse me for a moment." He got up from his seat and walked across the large room. You sighed and picked up the teapot when something caught your eye. The notebook.

Biting your lip, you glanced back at Kyoya to find him gone. Your gaze traveled back to the forbidden book. Should you? Kyoya would kill you. Or worse. Still, you couldn't help yourself. Taking another quick peeked to make sure Kyoya wasn't around, you carefully picked up the book and opened it.

She's back again. Y/N. I can't tell if she truly enjoys my company, or if she's bored and has nothing better to do.

Y/N came back again today. If I didn't know better, I'd say I was beginning to feel something for her. It's too early to tell what, but there is something between us.

Y/N and I talked more today. I really want to get closer to her, but I'm cautious. She could be trying to get close to me for my family's money.

You felt your blood boiling at the last comment. Did he really think so little of you? "Did you find something interesting?" Kyoya's voice came from behind you. You probably would have jumped if you hadn't been so angry. You slammed the book closed and stood. Kyoya's frightening aura was nothing compared to your anger at that moment. You had to fight the urge to slap him. "How dare you," you accused softly, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. As you felt the desire to hit him grow stronger, you pushed passed him and fled from the room.

Who the heck did he think he was? You knew he had an ego, but that was insane. You spent time with Kyoya because you liked him. You cared about him. Not because you wanted anything to do with his family's money. "Y/N, wait!" You stopped when you heard his voice. "Leave me alone, Kyoya. I know what you really think about me, so why don't you just leave me alone!" You started to walk again, only for him to reach out and gently grab your arm.

"If that's not what you're after, then what is it you want from me, Y/N?" You whirled around to face him, your eyes filling with hot, angry tears. "I want to be your friend, Kyoya! I thought I wanted to be more than that, but if you think I'm only after you for money, then I'm not sure I even want to be a friend to you anymore!"

Your hands were shaking with rage. "I'll have you know, Mr. Ootori, that I don't have any need for your money! My family is doing very well on their own! My father has one of the most successful computer software businesses in the country! For a man who supposedly does his homework, you sure did a lousy job when it came to me!"

Kyoya let go of your arm. "Forgive me for being cautious, Y/N. In my experience, everyone is after something from someone else." You rolled your eyes. "The only thing I want from you is your affection, in whatever form you can give it." Kyoya's shoulders stiffened slightly. He wasn't used to giving affection or receiving it. "And maybe a little optimism!" you continued, making him chuckle slightly. "For you? I believe I can try a little cautious optimism."

You smiled at him before wrapping your arms around his waist and hugged him. He stood stock still for a second before wrapping around arm around your waist and cradling your head with his other hand. You could tell he wasn't used to this, so you gave a little reassuring squeeze. Yes, it was a little awkward, but you couldn't help but love the feeling of being in his arms. You bit back a squeal of delight when he pressed a hesitant kiss to your forehead.    

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