I'm Always Here (Kyoya x self harm!reader)

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(a/n: Mentions of self-harm! If you read this and feel I've romanticized it in ANY way, please let me know! This was a difficult subject matter and I do not want anyone to feel as if I'm making light of a very serious subject.)

You pulled your sleeves down as you entered the classroom. You found your seat next to Kyoya Ootori and sat down. Kyoya looked at you curiously. He could tell something was wrong, but he had no time to ask. Kyoya didn't care for many people, but you were one of the few. You weren't like the other entitled students at Ouran. You were quiet and down to earth. You put on a happy face, but Kyoya could see something else brewing underneath the surface.

Class ended and you hurriedly grabbed your books to leave, but Kyoya was too quick. His hand wrapped around your wrist and you flinched slightly. He quirked a brow and quietly lead you out of the room. You followed silently behind, knowing there was no arguing with Kyoya. He took you to an empty classroom, closing and locking the door behind him.

You refused to meet his gaze, but he spoke anyway. "Y/N, I know something is wrong. What is it?" You shook your head. You didn't want to tell him. Kyoya gently took your hand and lifted it. He carefully pulled up your sleeve, revealing the horizontal scars, some old, some newer. Kyoya's eyes widened in both fear and shock. "Why?" was all he said.

"I don't know. I just...I don't know. It helps me forget," you replied in a shaky voice. "Forget what?" Kyoya asked. His voice was laced with concern. "Everything I'm feeling. All the doubt and insecurity. The fact that I am alone. It helps...if only for a little while." While you spoke, Kyoya said nothing. He had no idea what you could possibly be feeling. He had no experience with it.

"Y/N, you are not alone. You have me and the Host Club. We are not professional therapists, but you could not find a better group of friends. Just tell us. Tell me how to help you," he said with a passion you never heard from the Shadow King. "I don't know. I don't want a therapist." Kyoya sighed, but nodded. "Just tell me what you need from me," he said again. You shook your head as the tears began spilling over.

Kyoya handed you a handkerchief and took your phone from you."I can't force you to go to therapy, but you need help, Y/N. Here's my phone number. If you feel alone again, will you call? I am not saying I can help you get over your insecurities, but I can offer some comfort." You nodded and grabbed your phone from him. Kyoya gave you a rare smile and got up to leave the room. "Kyoya?" He turned slightly to look at you. "Thank you." Kyoya nodded once and replied, "I'm always here for you. Remember that." When he left, you felt a little better, but you knew you had a long way to go.


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