The Elegant Type (Kyoya Ootori x fem!Suoh reader)

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"Tamaki, I don't want to go," you complained as your older brother took your arm and practically dragged you to Music Room #3. He was the president of the Host Club. At first, he didn't ask you to go, but now, for some reason he was insisting that you join him. He'd been at it for weeks and apparently today he decided you didn't have a choice. "Come along, dear sister! It'll be fun!" You shook your head fondly at his enthusiasm.

The two of you may have been siblings, but you were very different. Tamaki was more outgoing and dramatic than you were. You were far more quiet until you got to know people. However, you were both very charming in your own way. You didn't even look very much alike, the only similarity being the color of your eyes. Both of you had violet eyes. Most of the time, people didn't realize you were siblings unless you told them or they heard your last name.

You let Tamaki pull you into the music room, knowing he wasn't going to let you escape again. The two of you burst into the room and Tamaki stopped so suddenly you ran into him. You quickly took a step back and help you head high, ignoring your embarrassment as the other boys in the room stared. "Men, I'd like you to meet my sister, Y/N. She's going to be our first hostess!" You looked at him in shock and confusion. "A what?"

Tamaki turned to look at you sheepishly. "I knew you wouldn't come if I told you, but we believe having a hostess will help the host club and I just knew you'd be perfect!" Your eyes narrowed and in a warning tone, you said, "Tamaki..." He blanched and scurried over to a nearby corner to sulk. Someone cleared their throat, causing you to turn your attention to the group of boys in front of you. You knew three of them from your class. "Hello Haruhi. Hitachiins," you greeted.

"Miss Suoh," Kyoya Ootori's voice caught your attention. You'd never met the grey eyed 2nd-year, but everyone knew who the youngest Ootori son was. "Kyoya-Senpai. This was your idea?" Kyoya shook his head. "It was not. This was all your brother. My job in this is to determine your hostess type." He went on to explain all the types of hosts that already existed in the host club. You held your hands in front of you, trying to keep your temper under control. "What if I don't want to be a hostess?"

Tamaki let out a sigh, causing you to look over at him. He gazed at you with his signature puppy eyed pout and, as always, you melted. "Alright." The entire club cheered, except Haruhi who felt your pain and Kyoya who kept his emotions under wraps. No one noticed his smile when you agreed. Maybe Tamaki's plan would work after all.

Kyoya had made the mistake of staring at you across the courtyard too long once and Tamaki had noticed. Since then, the blonde had been trying everything to get you to spend more time with Kyoya. So far, everything he'd tried had failed. Then, he got the brilliant idea of adding you to the Host Club dynamic as the first hostess. You'd have no choice but to spend time with the Shadow King then.

Kyoya watched as you moved around the room, taking in how you carried yourself both in an effort to determine what type of host you were and because he just enjoyed looking at you. You moved with an elegance and grace most of the time. Then you would occasionally trip over nothing, recovering beautiful with a slight giggle. Tamaki met Kyoya's gaze and gave him a sly smile. "Miss Suoh, could you join me for a moment?" Kyoya called to you, ignoring his friend. You slowly made your way to Kyoya. You didn't want to be too close.

You'd done a good job hiding your crush from him, but having to see him every day was going to make it far more difficult. "Yes, Kyoya-Senpai?" You did your best to smile at him, praying he couldn't see how nervous you were. "I need to go over a few things about how the Host Club works since I am certain your brother has forgotten to do so." You chuckled softly. Of course he had.

You listened intently to Kyoya as you tried to ignore the rapid beating of your heart. Kyoya was the same as he spoke to you. It honestly confused him. It wasn't like him to be so nervous around anyone, no matter how lovely. He was the cool type after all, the Shadow King. When you Kyoya finished, you smiled at him before turning to walk away. "Y/N? I want to see you in action today. Perhaps then, I will be able to determine what type you are." Your brows furrowed. You weren't expecting to have to host that day, but you nodded anyway.

"Welcome, ladies!" you heard Tamaki beginning to greet clients. Kyoya lead you over to one of the couches, where girls gave you looks of confusion. "We have decided to add a hostess to our club! Y/N can be requested by you ladies or by any young men who wish to. Why don't you princesses sit and chat with her for a bit?" Tamaki was oozing charm as he spoke. In an instant, you were surrounded by young ladies, most of them asking questions about what it was like living with Tamaki.

You took a deep breath and began answering their question with ease. Kyoya noted that charm seemed to run in your family, although you were a bit more subtle that Tamaki. He decided not to take any customers that day, just so he could observe you. He thought you were doing well. The ladies seemed to like you.

Then, your first male customer of the day came in and Kyoya could feel a foreign emotion. Worry or jealousy? Maybe both. What if one of your customers ended up falling for you and you for them? His fear was put to rest when he looked up again to find your eyes on him. You winked before turning back to the young man beside you. Kyoya smiled to himself as he heard Tamaki say, "I told you it would work. She likes you. The two of you are perfect for each other. " Tamaki walked away, leaving Kyoya staring at you again.

When the Host Club closed for the day, you were exhausted. You hadn't realized just how draining it could be talking to all those young men and women. "You did wonderfully, Y/N. Just as we thought you would." You quirked a brow at him. "We? I thought you said this was all my brother's idea?" You smirked when Kyoya flinched slightly. He wasn't used to being caught in a lie. "It was his idea. I simply went along with it." You flashed him a smile and leaned up to kiss his cheek. You were blushing when you pulled back and so was he. "Thank you, Kyoya." He smiled a genuine smile. "No. Thank you, Y/N." He began to walk away. Then, he stopped and turned back to you, saying, "Oh and, by the way, you are the Elegant Type." You pondered for a moment. The Elegant Type? 

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