Impress Him (Mori x fem!reader)

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You sighed as you approached the door to the Host Club. You'd been there a couple times before, but it wasn't really your thing. This time you were a woman on a mission. When you opened the door, you were showered the usual rose petals. "Welcome, Miss Y/L/N," Kyoya greeted you with a calculated smile. "Hello, Ootori. I know the club is closing soon, but I need to talk to Tamaki and the twins when they have a minute," you said shyly twirling a piece of your (h/c) tresses around your finger. Kyoya cocked an eyebrow, but nodded. "Of course. Why don't you go wait in that room over there?" He gestured toward a door on the opposite side of the room.

"Thank you," you replied and made your way over. You tried to make your way to the door as quickly as possible without being noticed. You had come to the Host Club that day for one reason and one reason only. They were the only ones that could help you. Once you made it inside, you sat down on the couch biting your lip. It was a nervous habit you'd picked up over the years and you were definitely nervous. You didn't have time to think about it too long before the door opened again and Tamaki stepped in, the twins following suit.

"Hello, Princess. Kyoya said you wanted to talk to us," Tamaki said, his natural curiosity taking over. "I-uh-I need your help," you practically whispered. Tamaki's face lit up. "Help? You need our help?" He began jumping up and down and the twins put their arms around your shoulders. "So what is it," Hikaru began. "That you need help with?" Kaoru finished. You took a deep breath and answered, "I need you to help me impress someone...a guy." The twins both gave you a Cheshire Cat grin. "And who does our princess wish to impress?" they asked.

You shook your head, refusing to answer. "That's exactly why I asked you to help, because you don't know who it is." A voice from behind you made you jump. "Who is what?" Kyoya and Haruhi had joined you. "Y/N wants us to help her impress her crush. I promise that when we are finished, you will impress any man you want!" Tamaki declared, once again getting carried away. "What she needs first," Kaoru said and the Hikaru added, "Is something besides that yellow monstrosity to wear." Tamaki looked you up and down. "You're right! Hitachiins!" he exclaimed with a snap of his fingers. "Yes, Boss!" they cheered and before you knew it, you were being dragged into a changing room.

The twins held up several different outfits in front of you before deciding on one and shoving you behind a curtain to change. "Guys, I'm not so sure changing my clothes will work," you said hesitantly. "Just change, Y/N." You sighed and changed into the casual spaghetti strap (f/c) dress. You opened the curtain and suddenly, the twins and Tamaki were all pulling you into their arms saying, "She's so cute!" You struggled against them. "Come on guys. You said you'd help me."

A little while later, after the Hitachiins had forced you to sit still for them to do your hair and makeup, Tamaki was trying to teach you flirting techniques. After your fifth awkward attempt you muttered, "This is never going to work." Tamaki took your shoulders. "It will work! You just have to believe it will work. Just pretend I'm your crush!" he said with a smile. You rolled your eyes knowing just how far off he was from your crush. "Tamaki-Senpai, I really don't think that's the best way to impress someone," Haruhi came to your rescue.

You sighed at opened the door. "Thanks for trying guys, but I really don't think this is going to work." You turned to leave and bumped right into Mori. "Oh! H-hi Mori-Senpai," you stuttered. He looked down at you, his eyes dancing over your figure and newly painted face. You felt the heat rise to your face and you pushed passed Mori and ran from the room. "So Y/N," Kaoru said. "Likes Mori-Senpai?" Hikaru asked. Haruhi smiled to herself and said, "I told you that changing her appearance wouldn't work."

Tamaki sighed. "My precious daughter is right! Trying to impress Mori-Senpai is beyond our area of expertise," he admitted with a smile directed at Mori. Mori simply stood there, saying nothing. You liked him? Normally he wouldn't be phased by it, but honestly, he liked you too. He liked the way your (h/c) hair swayed when you moved, the way your (e/c) orbs twinkled when you laughed, and everything else about you. "Why don't you go after her, Takashi?" Honey's voice cut through Mori's thoughts. Mori glanced down at the older boy.

Honey had a gentle smile on his face. He wanted his cousin to be happy and he knew that you could do that for him. Mori returned the smile and turned to follow you. He ran through the rather large pink building, hoping that you hadn't left yet. The sound of soft sniffling caught his attention. He followed the sound until he found you. You were sitting on the edge of the fountain, dipping your handkerchief in the clear blue water. He watched as you used the wet cloth to wipe the make-up from your face.

"I don't know why I bothered," Mori heard you whisper to yourself, "It's not like he would even consider me as anything other than a friend. He has pretty girls falling all over him." He neared you quietly. "I was never going to impress him." Mori decided that he couldn't stay quiet any longer. He sat close to you, cupped your chin in his hand and tilted your head up to look at him. "You already impressed me," he said softly, not wanting to break the tranquility of the courtyard.

"Mori..."you couldn't seem to find any other words. "Call me Takashi. Y/N, youimpressed me from the day we met." He pressed a soft kiss to your foreheadand helped you up. "You don't need to change." You smiled up at himand wrapped your arms around his waist. "Thank you, M-Takashi." He returned your smile and led you back to the music room, hand-in-hand.

(a/n: This was really long. Sorry, not sorry.) 

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