The Prince's Sister (brother!Tamaki x reader x Mori)

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(a/n: has all members of the Host Club, but the two main pairings are listed in the title)

You opened the door to Music Room #3, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering nonstop. You had recently transferred to Ouran Academy from a boarding school in France at your father's insistence. "I'm sorry, but the Host Club is not yet open for business," a boy with raven hair and glasses told you. "Actually, I'm looking for my brother," you replied. "Who's your brother," a small blonde boy asked.

Out of nowhere, a high pitched cackle reverberated throughout the room. "I swear you boys are so stupid sometimes. Can't you tell?" A platform rose up from the floor. "3rd -year student, Y/N Suoh. She has (h/c) and violet eyes. Recently transferred from a boarding school in France. She has a passion for the arts and was the top of her class in France." You gave the brunette girl a small smile. "Hello, Renge." The girl jumped down from her platform and gave you a hug.

The twins looked you over. "So this girl," one began. "Is the boss' sister?" the other finished. You turned to face them. "I am. I start classes here on Monday. Tamaki doesn't know yet. Where is he?" you asked. "Tama-chan and Takashi had to go get Haru-chan. They should be back soon. How do you know Renge-chan?" You looked down at the small boy holding a pink bunny. "Renge and I attended the same school in France. You must be Honey. Kyoya told me about all of you." The twins looked at the Shadow King. "You know her?"

"We have been in contact, but I admit I've never met the woman before today," Kyoya said without looking up from his computer. The twins exchanged a look before shrugging. Before another word was said, the door to the Host Club opened again. Tamaki stopped walking at stared at you for a moment. Suddenly, he had you in his arms spinning you around in circles. "Y/N! Ma soeur!" You were beginning to feel sick. "Tamaki! Put me down!" He stopped spinning and did as you asked. "Must you always be so dramatic?"

Tamaki's face fell and retreated to a corner of the room while you turned your attention to the two people that had entered the room with him. The smaller one gave you a little smile. "I don't think I've heard anyone besides Kyoya-senpai talk to Tamaki-senpai like that." The taller male simply stared at you. Kyoya told you that Mori was quiet but what you didn't know was that Mori simply couldn't find the words to even say hello.

All he could do was stare at your face. While Ouran had more than its fair share of beautiful young women, they had nothing on you. "Hello. It's nice to meet you both. I'm Y/N." Haruhi greeted you, but Mori still said nothing. Honey looked up at his cousin, confused. While it was true that Mori was the strong, silent type, he wasn't usually rude. Honey elbowed Mori. The taller boy finally managed to grunt out, "Hello." You smiled up at him.


You had been at Ouran for several months now. You visited the Host Club every afternoon to wait for your brother to finish his princely act. You usually sat with Kyoya talking about the club's finances. That day, however Honey insisted that you sit with him and Mori to eat cake. "We have strawberry, Y/N/N-chan!" You cursed to yourself. You loved strawberry cake. "Fine. Thank you, Honey." You missed the light pink staining Mori's cheeks, but you didn't miss the fangirls glaring at you.

You leaned over and whispered to Honey, "Why are they glaring at me? Did I do something wrong?" Honey swallowed the bite of cake and whispered back, "No. It's just...Takashi really likes you. I've never seen him like this before." You looked at him surprised before turning your attention to Mori. Your violet eyes met his onyx ones. After a moment, Mori excused himself and left the room.

Over the past few months, Mori had gotten to know you. Not only were you physically attractive, but you had a personality to match. You could be as adorable as Honey or as serious as Mori himself. You could cheer Tamaki up or bring him down from the clouds. You were as mischievous as the twins and had become good friends with Haruhi. You could even sass Kyoya without any fear. When it was just the two of you and Honey, Mori could easily talk to you but when everyone else was around, he got tongue-tied. He really liked you and he didn't want to embarrass himself or you.

"Mori!" he heard someone call, but he didn't stop walking. "Takashi! Wait!" This time he stopped, almost causing you to run into him. "Why did you leave? You upset your guests and Kyoya," you chided him gently. He simply looked down at you. "Mori, are you alright?" Instead of answering, he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. He ended the kiss before you could respond. "So, Honey was telling the truth. You like me?" He nodded, but before he could say anything, you pulled him down to meet your lips again. "I like you too."

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