Relapse (Hikaru Hitachiin x suicidal fem!Ootori reader)

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(MENTIONS OF SELF-HARM FROM THE VERY BEGINNING! Again, if you feel like I've romanticized or misrepresented in ANY way, please let me know!)

It had been so long since you'd hurt yourself. So long since you'd felt the need. Your older brother's friends had helped quite a bit. They were there for you when you needed them, ready to lift you up and encourage you. Well, most of them anyway. Then, there was Hikaru.

In truth, Hikaru really liked you. You were so different from your brother, Kyoya, and Hikaru was intrigued by that. However, the Hitachiin didn't know how to express his feelings properly. After all, for most of his life, the only person Hikaru had been able to rely on was his twin. So, when you came along and Hikaru started feeling for you, he didn't know what to do. That resulted in constant teasing on his part. It was the only way he knew how to show affection. Unfortunately for him, you didn't respond well at all.

Kyoya stormed into the Music Room #3, his hands balled into fists. "Hikaru!" he bellowed, making everyone in the room jump. Hikaru glanced at Kyoya with wide, amber eyes. "Kyoya-senpai?" Kyoya grabbed Hikaru by the arm and pulled him into the adjacent room. If the Host Club had been open for business, he probably wouldn't have, but Kyoya was furious.

"Uh...Kyoya-senpai? You wanna fill me in here? What did I do?" Kyoya's breathing was ragged as he shot Hikaru a death glare. "What did you do? You have teased Y/N relentlessly for months. That is what you did." Hikaru was surprised to see how emotional Kyoya was. He was usually so composed. "So? I tease everyone. I don't see what the big deal is," Hikaru said with a shrug.

An aura of rage and evil seemed to surround Kyoya. "The big deal is that no one you've teased before has a past like my sister. None of them have a history of hurting themselves the way she does." Hikaru stared at Kyoya for a moment, trying to process what the older boy was telling him. He had no idea that you struggled so much. "Are you saying she...?" Kyoya nodded.

"Yes. I'm the only one who knows. I had to convince our father that she was ill today so she could stay home." Hikaru felt something similar to guilt creeping up in his chest. He hadn't meant for that to happen. "So, she's at home?" Kyoya nodded. Without another word, Hikaru pushed past him and hurried from the room. In his usual impulsive style, Hikaru decided then and there to go to your house. He didn't care about school at that moment.

His driver pulled up to your house a few minutes later and Hikaru was greeted by your older sister. "Are you hear to see Y/N?" Hikaru nodded. He didn't trust his voice not to crack. Your sister smiled at lead him to your room. "Y/N?" she called out while she knocked. "Someone here to see you." Your voice was muffled but Hikaru heard you call out, "Tell them to go away." Your sister rolled her eyes. "Ignore her. Go on in."

Hikaru slowly opened the door and peered inside. You were on your bed, facing away from the door and Hikaru could hear you sniffling. He quickly stepped inside, closing the door quietly behind him. "Y/N?" You stiffened. "Go away, Hikaru." He didn't listen. Instead, he walked closer. You turned to look at him and he could see the tear stains on your cheeks. Hikaru's gaze traveled from your face down to your arm. You were wearing long sleeves but he could still see the tops of the bandages.

"Y/N..." he breathed. Sitting down next to you, Hikaru wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to his side. "I am so sorry," he whispered. That alone made you look at him in surprise. Hikaru never apologized for anything. "I am so sorry I did this to you." You pulled away. "You didn't. I did. I'm worthless. No one would miss me. No one wants me around."

"I want you around! I swear I didn't mean to hurt you with the things I said. You aren't worthless." You sniffled again. "Then why did you say those things?" He mumbled something that you didn't quite hear. "What?" He cleared his throat and repeated, "Because I didn't know how to tell you I like you. I didn't want you to reject me so I rejected you before you could."

You didn't say anything, but you returned to your place at his side. Finally, you spoke again, "I wouldn't have rejected you Hikaru. I like you too. Or I did before you started teasing me so much." Hikaru's frown deepened. "Oh. Is there anything I can do make it up to you? Anything at all?"You smiled softly. "I'll think about it. For now, you need to go to school." Hikaru shook his head firmly. "No. I'm not leaving you alone. Not when I was the one who caused this." He laid back on the bed with a cheeky grin. "So, get used to my presence." You chuckled through your tears and cuddled into him.    

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