Suddenly Shy (Ritsu Kasanoda x fem!Suoh reader)

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Kasanoda walked into the Music Room #3 with his head hung low. "Bossanova!" Tamaki cried when he saw the frightening-looking redhead. Kasanoda looked up at the blond prince of the Host Club. "Hello, Suoh-Senpai." Tamaki instantly took notice of the young man's melancholic demeanor. "What's wrong, Casanova?" Honey asked, making Kasanoda glance down at the small boy.

"C-Can you guys teach me how to talk to a girl?" he asked quickly. The hosts all blinked rapidly in confusion, but a smile soon crept onto Tamaki's face. "A girl?! Our Bossanova has his eyes on a beautiful princess!" He was so loud, everyone in the room heard him, causing Kasanoda's face to turn a bright red almost matching his hair. Some of the other girls in the room sighed sadly. Since he'd joined the gardening club and showed his softer side, people weren't really afraid of him anymore.

"Tell me about this girl," Tamaki ordered as he sat down and crossed his legs. Kasanoda glanced up at the ceiling as he thought. "Well, she's pretty, really pretty. She's funny and sweet. She's in the gardening club with me. Other than talking to her about that, I don't know what to say!" The redhead looked back at Tamaki, his eyes pleading with him. "Please, Suoh-Senpai."

Tamaki placed his fingers at his chin and thought. "Tamaki, isn't your sister in the gardening club?" Kyoya asked nonchalantly. He knew Tamaki would use the idea as his own. Tamaki snapped his fingers. "That's it! Bossanova, my sister is in the gardening club too! She has lots of friends! Maybe she could help you talk to this girl you like." Kasanoda shrugged. Who better to get ideas about a girl than from another girl. "It's settled! Hikaru! Kaoru! Go find my sister and bring her here!"

The twins left and returned a few minutes later, dragging you behind them. "Let me go!" Kasanoda froze hearing your voice and, when the doors opened, he thought his face was on fire. "That's your sister?" he asked and Tamaki smiled. "Yes. Isn't she lovely?" Kasanoda cleared his throat. "Y-Yeah. Lovely."

"What is this all about, Tamaki?" you asked before your gaze settled on Kasanoda. "Oh, hello, Ritsu!" you greeted with a smile. "H-Hi, Y/N. I just remembered. I, uh, I have something so do. Gotta go. Thanks for your help!" Kasanoda nearly ran from the room, missing the look of hurt on your face. Of course. Just his luck that he would have a crush on Tamaki's sister! And that you would be the person Tamaki would call to share in Kasanoda's embarrassment. Groaning, Kasanoda leaned against a wall and slid down to the floor.

Meanwhile, in the Music Room #3, you were sitting there in confusion. "What was that all about?" Tamaki frowned. "I'm not sure. Kasanoda asked for our help in to get to know a girl in the gardening club and we thought, since you probably know this girl, that you could help. It's strange that he ran out like that." You hummed sadly. You hadn't expected Kasanoda to have a crush on another girl. You thought he liked you.

"Strange indeed. I wonder why he turned shy suddenly and began stuttering the way he did when you came in," Kyoya mused, his lips turned up into a smirk. "Yeah. And why-"Hikaru began, throwing an arm around your shoulders before Kaoru finished, "Was he blushing so hard? It's not like the girl he likes was in this room." Another arm around your shoulders while you just stood there. You knew what they were doing and you were trying to let it sink in.

Were they saying that Kasanoda liked you? "Maybe she was. You never know. Right, Takashi?" Honey asked innocently, but he was looking at you. "Yeah." You smiled at them all, praying they were right and you were the girl Kasanoda liked. "What are you all talking about?" You broke loose of the twins' hold. Kissing your brother's cheek, you ran from the room. Hopefully, you'd be able to find Kasanoda before he left.

"Seriously, what are you all talking about?" Tamaki asked again. He brought his hand up to his head as he thought about it. The other hosts could almost see the pieces of the puzzle coming together in his mind. "," Haruhi muttered. "I've got it!" Tamaki cried with a snap, then his expression fell. "Wait...Y/N is the one?" The others nodded and Tamaki sighed. "Oh. Well, I suppose. If she's happy. That's okay," he said softly before retreating to his little corner.

Outside, you raced as fast as your legs could carry you. You had to find him. Luckily, it didn't take long. You saw his mop of red hair. "Ritsu!" you cried, making him look over from his spot on the ground. "Y-Y/N?" He quickly stood up and put his hands in his pockets. He was trying to appear aloof. "Ritsu! There. You. Are," you panted. Once more, you cursed the tight yellow monstrosity that was the school uniform.

Kasanoda put his hand on your back, urging you to breathe normally. Once you'd calmed down, you asked, "Why did you run off? Do you really need to get away from me that badly?" He stopped his movement and backed away. "What? No, that's not it at all?!" You almost flinched from the volume of his voice. "Then what was it? I thought you wanted my help."

"I thought I did. 'Til I learned that you were Suoh's sister. Then I didn't. How could my crush help me talk to my crush?!" It only took him a second to realize what he said. His eyes widened and he stared at you. To his surprise, you were smiling. "Ritsu, why didn't you tell me?" He shrugged and muttered something. You cocked your head to side and he took a deep breath.

"Because I didn't think you'd like me back. You're so pretty and I'm so...scary looking." You took his hand in yours. "Ritsu, I do like you. I have for a long time. You may look scary, but you aren't. You are kind and caring, gentle even sometimes." Kasanoda blushed and gave you a soft smile.

"Now, what do you say we go grab something to eat? Maybe get to know one another?" you offered, knowing he'd be too shy to ask for the first date.He looked in your eyes, searching for some tell that this was a joke. He found nothing except sincerity. "Y-Yeah. I'd like that." You leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Great. Let me grab my bag. I'll meet you in the parking garage." You turned and walked back inside, leaving Kasanoda there with his fingers pressed to his cheek.     

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