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We'll see you next time

Tamaki, Kyoya, the twins, Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai, Haruhi and even Kasanoda and Nekozawa came to see me off. I'm pretty surprised at he dark cat prince as it's still daylight.

"I can't believe my princess is leaving.." Tamaki said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I smiled at him and gently nudged his shoulder, "I have parents got promoted and their new jobs require us to move....if I could stay in would."

He nods his head in understanding before stepping away. Kyoya came forward.

He closed his black book and looked at me before taking my hand and bowing his head to kiss it. "Good luck (y/n)" he said letting my hand go.

"Thank you Kyoya. Look after these guys" I say motioning to the club. He nods, a smirk hitting his face before he too stood back.

The twins. Ahh the twins. Both of them wrapped their arms me and I just couldn't help but hug the doppelgangers back.

"Well miss you.." Hikaru...
"Yeah. A lot." Kaoru...

I sigh and hugged them tighter, "I'll miss you guys too.."

The let go and suddenly I was glomps my Honey-senpai. "Come back soon (y/n)-chan" he said starting to cry.

I knelt down and hugged him, "Don't cry Honey-senpai....I'll come back for sure." I reassured before standing up. I felt a hand being placed on my head and someone ruffled my (h/c).


He smiled at me and we exchanged nods before he held Honey-senpai and backed away.

Nekozawa and Kasanoda both looked at me and smiled. It also seemed like beelzeneff was smiling too....Black Magic for sure.

Haruhi then stepped forward and exchanged a quick hug.

"Keep up with studying Haruhi." I say smiling.

She laughs and shook her head, "With these guys....impossible"

I laughed and looked behind me as the bus pulled up. I was meeting my parents at the airport.

"Right.....time to go" I sigh looking back at the others.

They all smiled at me.

"We'll see you next time."

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