Tamaki x daughter! reader

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My little Mermaid

"Daddy! Daddy! Look at all the bubbles!" I giggled happily

My daddy looked down at me as he crouched beside the bath, "Yes my princess. So many bubbles! I could nearly lose sight of you if it wasn't for that bright blonde hair of yours"

I smiled and splashed him a little, "You too Daddy. We have same hair!"

It was true. Me and daddy had he same hair but I had mummy's eyes. (E/c) eyes. But...mummy isn't here anymore. Daddy said mummy was in the sky.

"Princess. Time to get out now" Daddy said picking up my duck towel. It was a towel you could put over you like a coat and there was a hood and everything. So cool!

I shake my head.

"No! Not yet Daddy!" I splashed around more, putting bubbles in my hair laughing.

He sighed and shook his head, "(y/n) Haruka Suoh you will get out now"

I pouted and turned my head away from him, "Not yet!"

He splashed me a little and smiled at him, "You sure do love the water don't you?"

I nod my head and clapped my hands.

"Heh...you're my little Mermaid."

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