Blushing Boys

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The next day I sprung out of bed and smiled because I didn't have to wear that horrid yellow uniform.

I threw on a pair of short overalls, a light purple blouse, a pair of thigh-high socks, and a pair of light purple high tops. I did a once over in the mirror before smiling to myself and hurriedly packing my school supplies.

After breakfast, I got in the black car again.

"Good morning! " I greeted cheerfully, " Wait... what is your name? I never got to ask yesterday." I said, cocking my head to the side. He laughed wholeheartedly,

"Good morning Anna. I am Paul." He replied as I buckled myself in. I smiled,

" Well Paul, thank you for driving me to school." I thanked him. He smiled in return,

" Just doing my job."

~Time skip~

I looked over at Kyoya who was standing in the corner, surveying the host club caters to the girls and basically just do their thing. I was sitting on a couch, my back propped up on the arm and my legs taking up a seat of their own with my sketchbook in hand. I was sketching Kyoya, but I couldn't see his eyes because the glint in his glasses almost made them appear opaque from my angle.

This fact was bothering me so I called him over,

" Kyoya, could you come here for a moment?" I called. He looked up from his black book and sighed as he made his way over.

He walked behind the couch and stood behind me,

" Yes?" He replied. I craned my neck to look at his face, but quickly decided that this wouldn't do, so I grabbed his tie and pulled his face down to mine. For some- unknown reason, he wasn't expecting this and his arms shot out and a hand was firmly planted on either side of me to steady him.

He gasped, but I paid no attention as I removed his glasses and studied as much of his eyes as I could before he was able to regain his posture and pulled back, grabbing his glasses in the process,

" Just what do you think you're doing? " he asked sternly. My eyes were locked on my sketchbook as I quickly drew in his eyes,

" Eyes. I couldn't see them with your glasses in the way. I needed a better look." I replied matter-of-factly. He raised an eyebrow and dusted himself off,

" You could have just asked." He replied irritably. Note to self: Kyoya doesn't take well to surprises. I shrugged,

" S' more fun that way." I looked up from my book and grinned mischievously at him. His face was stern. I pretended to pout, " Oh come on Kyoya-Senpai. You're not mad at me are you?" I asked, pretending to tear up.

He sighed and pushed up his glasses,

"I prefer if you'd refrain from repeating that action in the future, " he replied. I smiled,

" Hmm, alright. But only because you asked so nicely." I told him as I finished the final touches on his portrait and signed it, "What do you think?" I asked, showing it to him.

Just then, Tamaki appeared out of nowhere, "Wow Anna, that looks just like Kyoya." He said it so suddenly and so loudly I jumped. Right. Off. The. Couch,
" Holy vibrator in jail!" I was so startled, my original Russian shone through. I landed on the floor, ass first.

After a second, the shock wore off and I began laughing. Tamaki helped me up and fussed over me,

" Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Anna. Are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you!" He exclaimed. I waved it off,

" Don't worry about it. I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting that." I replied, dusting myself off.

"Wait... was that, Russian?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows together,

" Oh. I guess it was." I replied, going over what I had said in my head.

"Wow! I didn't know you could speak Russian, Anna!" He exclaimed. I smiled,

" Yep. I'm multilingual. I can speak Russian, English, and Japanese." I beamed, "I guess I go back to my first language if my brain doesn't have time to process it. Hmm. Good to know. "

"What did you say?" He asked. My eyes widened, but I waved off his question,

" Uh, nothing."

Just then, two girls walked up to us and tapped on Tamaki's shoulder,

" Tamaki-Senpai?" One asked. Before they could say anything more, Tamaki spun around and began apologizing and flirting with them. I resisted the urge to laugh at how easy the girls seemed to swoon here and sat back down instead.

Tamaki went to sit at his station with the girls and Kyoya had returned to surveying the host club. I decided to begin sketching ideas for cosplay outfits.

After an hour, I had finished designing two sets of costumes and decided to go check on Haruhi.

She was sitting on a couch, drinking tea and talking to two girls. I walked over to her and tapped on her shoulder, getting her attention. She turned her head to look at me, and when she saw me a big smile spread across her face,

" Hey, Anna. What's up?" She asked. I smiled back and moved to inspect her ankle, which was propped up on a chair,

" How's your ankle doing? Do you need me to get anything for you?" I replied, looking at her face. She shook her head,

" No, thanks though. My ankle is fine too." She answered. I smiled, then noticed the girls across the table were looking at us,

" Oh, I'm sorry girls. I interrupted your time with Haruhi. Well it's best to not keep beautiful ladies waiting, isn't it? I'll be off." I winked at them before shooting a final smile at Haruhi and walking back to my couch.

I flopped on it and went to pick up my sketchbook only to find it was missing.

I swear I had a mini heart attack. My eyes widened as I frantically searched around the couch to find nothing.

My head whipped around the room, eyes scanning for the culprit who stole my book.

They finally landed on the culprit- or should I say culprits who took it. Karou and Hikaru were standing on the other side of the room, nose deep in my sketchbook. A dry fury started to well up inside me.

I pushed it down and walk over to the boys who didn't notice my approach, they were too busy whispering to each other about my designs.

I got to where they were standing and stood in front of them with my arms crossed and my eyes narrowed.
They both glanced up at me in unison and I grabbed their ties, forcing them to bend down to my height.

Their eyes widened in surprise and they exchanged each other a nervous glance,

"Hello, boys." I growled, "What the fuck do you think you two are doing, huh?" I heard them gulp,

"We were just-" They began, but I cut them off,

"Stealing my sketchbook?" I laughed darkly, "Oh boys, if I catch you doing this again? There will be a punishment. And you will not like it. Or maybe you will, who knows. Do it again and you will find out." I flashed them a devilish grin and released their ties.

They said nothing as they exchanged a glance and handed me back the sketchbook. I smiled triumphantly,

"Aw look at you two," I cooed, "So obedient. You guys remind me of puppies." I turned my back to them, "I wonder what other commands you guys will follow, hm?" With that, I walked away from the boys and sat on my couch, leaving the two in awe at what I just said,

"Was... Was that a threat or was she flirting with us?" They asked as I began sketching in a new page.

~Time Skip cause I can~

"But I physically can't dance. Why do I have to go to this stupid ball?" Haruhi asked Tamaki. He put a hand on his chin,

"Hmm, you must attend regardless. Since you won't be able to dance, Anna must take your place and learn the waltz by the night of the ball." He proclaimed. I made a confused gesture with my hands,

"But why?" I asked, "Why does Haruhi need to go if she doesn't want to?" Tamaki gasped as if the question was surprising in any way,

"Because, it is the duty of a host, of a host of course." He replied. I raised an eyebrow and Kyoya spoke up,

"If Haruhi attends, we will be able to cut her debt down by a quarter of what she owes us." Haruhi's eyes widened in shock before she gave in,

"Well, as long as I only have to show up..." she muttered. Tamaki shook his head,

"Not so fast. Anna needs to learn how to waltz as well." He said. I smirked,

"Personally, I prefer the sideways tango, but I guess I can do that." I winked. Tamaki and Kyoya looked confused, but Haruhi was raising an eyebrow because I had already explained what that expression meant,

"Sideways tango?" Tamaki repeated. I furrowed my eyebrows,

"Is that not something they say in Japanese?" I mumbled, "Or are they just naive?" Tamaki cleared his throat,

"Anyway, we won't need to do that at the ball. Perhaps you could teach us that exotic dance after you learn to waltz." He replied. I laughed at his cluelessness,

"I don't know, personally I think you and Haruhi would be a better match for that particular dance." I shot Haruhi a wink and she blushed in response,

"Anna!" She tried to sound angry, but it didn't work, "Just go learn the waltz, you weirdo." She crossed her arms. I stuck out my tongue,

"I already know how to waltz. What makes you think I don't? Why are you so hellbent on me dancing at the ball?" I asked Tamaki. He was about to answer when he was interrupted,

"I'm pretty sure he just wants to see you all dressed up." Two familiar voices said in unison.

"Of course I want to see my little girl all dressed up!" He replied almost as if the accusation was like a slap in the face. I smirked mischievously,

"Still intent on me calling you Daddy, huh? Well, in that case, dressing up is all fine and pure, but dressing down is where the real fun begins don't you think boys?" I said, looking back at Karou and Hikaru.

Kyoya started choking on his tea and Haruhi began laughing. I laughed as well and helped Kyoya by patting his back.

He looked at me incredulously with a bit of pink staining his cheeks. I smirked at him,

"What? Was it something I said?" I asked. I looked back at Tamaki and the twins. They were both speechless and completely red in the face. That made me laugh again,

   "You guys look like tomatoes!" Now it was Kyoya's turn to hold me up.

    The boys shared a look as I laughed.

   When I was able to sit up again, the twins spoke up, "It seems you'd make a good host." They thought out loud.

   I tilted my head to the side, "What? You want me to shoot a bunch of sexual innuendos at girls? I don't know, I think you guys are more fun." I replied.

   Tamaki shook his head, "No, you'd be hosting to guys and you'd have to be a lot sweeter about it, but I think you could easily be a host." He stated. I scoffed,

   "What, you want me to drop some goody two shoe line like you do?" I asked, then got into "Tamaki mode" as I approached him. I looked up at him through my eyelashes, "Everyday, the hole in my heart gets bigger. It's an unbearable pain in my chest that burns me every time you pass." I reached a hand out and touched my fingertips to his cheek, "Help me. You're the only one who can heal me. Let me gaze into your eyes for an eternity."

   I took back my hand and scoffed again, "As if anyone's going to fall for that. Cringe. Oh my god." I began laughing quietly. Tamaki's face was red again,

   "I- um on second thought,  maybe that's too dangerous." He mumbled. I shook my head, amused,

   "Some hosts you are. Can't even control your blush."

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