Temporary Hosting

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   I arrived at the dance in a blue floor-length gown that hugged my figure until it hung off my hips. It had a low back and a sweetheart neckline. My hair was in a messy bun and to top it all off, I was wearing a gold locket around my neck. Courtesy of Aunt Mi.

   The dance was extravagant, to say the least. I expect nothing less from those boys. They always find a way to make everything glamorous.

   I found the boys on a balcony, overlooking the event and quickly joined them. Honey was the first to notice me,

   "Anna-Chan! You look really pretty!" He exclaimed as he ran to me and hugged my waist. Mori gave me a curt nod as he followed Honey like a shadow.

   I laughed and bent over to give Honey a proper hug,

   "Thank you, Honey. You look really nice as well." I replied.

   Haruhi wasn't far behind,

   "Hey, Anna." She greeted me with a small wave. I smiled and gave her a hug,

   "Hi, Haruhi! How's that foot?" I asked, taking note of the fact that she had no crutches. She smiled,

   "It can walk on it, but I have to do so 'carefully'. Whatever that means." She replied I nodded, and we went to go say hi to the rest of the boys.

   Not surprisingly, Tamaki found Haruhi and I quickly and gave us both a crushing hug under each arm. I gasped for air,

   "Ack! Tamaki... let go... can't... breath!" I squeaked. He released us for a moment only to begin gushing over how "cute" we were,

   "Oh my little girls are so adorable-" I tuned out and shot Haruhi a glance,

   "Um, Ow? " She looked tired,

   "You get used to it."  I sighed before smiling and snapping in Tamaki's face, effectively interrupting him,

     "That's so sweet of you, thank you, Tamaki! You look nice as well." I replied, "Remind me again why it's so important I be here and know how to waltz." He simply smiled,

   "That's a secret! You'll find out soon enough. " He replied. Before I could ask him to clarify, someone grabbed my hand and began twirling me.

   Before i could process what happened, I was on the dancefloor, dancing with Karou,

   "Oh hi Pup. Where is your brother?" I asked. He tilted his head to the side,

   "Pup? Why Pup?" He spun me around and dipped me,

   "Because you're obedient. Just like your brother. You two are my little pups." That earned me a blushed face from Karou. He looked away,

   "Anna no..." he whined. I laughed,

   "Oh come on Karou. Teasing you two is fun. Join me in teasing Hikaru next time." He laughed a bit and then spun me.

    The next thing I knew I wasn't dancing with Karou anymore. I was dancing with Hikaru,

   "Hello, Anna. You look stunning tonight." He smiled charmingly. I smiled back,

   "Thanks, Hikaru. You don't look half bad yourself. " I replied. He pouted,

    "Not half bad? That's all?" He asked.

   "What? You want me to be more passionate about it? Fine." I leaned in close to his ear, "My my Hikaru. You look delicious. I wonder if you taste as good as you look?" I leaned back to get a look at his face.

   He was looking at anything but me and his face was a deep pink colour. I couldn't help but laugh,

   "Was that too vulgar for you Pup? C'mon, don't be mad at me." I pleaded as I made him look at me.

   He shook his head a little, almost as if he was in shock,

   "I'm,  ahem, I'm definitely not mad. Just... surprised." He replied, looking away once again.

   I noticed a girl nervously standing not far from us, looking at Hikaru anxiously. I assumed she wanted to ask him to dance,

   "Alright Pup. I gotta bounce. In approximately three seconds you are going to turn hostile and charming towards a young girl that wants to dance with you, understand?",

   "Wait, what?"

   "Wonderful. One, two, three. Have fun!" I pushed him towards the girl and ran in the other direction,  giggling.

   After I got to the edge of the room, I looked back at Hikaru.  I couldn't see him so I started stepping backward to get a better vantage point, but I tripped.

   In an instant, I was in someone's arms. I quickly realised it was Kyoya. I giggled,

   "Hi." He shook his head as he sighed and stood me up,

   "You are an accident waiting to happen, aren't you?" He asked. I giggled again,

   "Looks like I 'fell' for you huh?" Kyoya rolled his eyes at my joke,

   "Hilarious. Let's go, all members of the host club are required to be present for Tamaki's speech." I raised an eyebrow but followed him anyway.

   He led me back to the balcony overlooking the ball. Below us were regal looking stairs. We got into position standing as if we were royalty, overlooking our subjects.  I realized, that in a sense, the host club was the kings of the school.

   Almost on cue, the room fell silent as everyone turned their attention to hear what Tamaki had to say,

   "Good evening ladies and gentlemen." He began, "Everyone in the host club wants you to have a wonderful time tonight, so you may walk up to a host and request a dance at any time. Any of the hosts standing up here will be ready to share a dance at your request." My smile faltered as I took note of the fact that I was one of the people standing up there.

   Oh my god. That little shit is gonna make me dance with customers, isn't he? That was why he was so insistent on me knowing how to dance. Grr. I'm going to get him back for this.

   After Tamaki's little speech, you could say I was a little pissed. On the inside of course. I walked up behind him and tapped on his shoulder.

    He turned around gracefully with a big smile on his face,

    "Would you like a dance, Princess?" He had turned around with a closed-eyed smile, so he probably thought I was just another fangirl asking for a dance. I balled my hands into fists and dug my nails into my palms,

   "This, was your 'surprise'!?" I growled. His eyes widened in surprise before he gave me one of his big 'I genuinely think this is a good idea even though everyone else disagrees' smiles,

    "Well of course! Now you can be fawned over like a host for tonight. I'm sure lot's of boys will want to share a dance with you, Anna. It will be fun!" He beamed. I sighed, anger dissipated,

   "You are either the most naive high schooler I've ever met, or you are the best actor known to man. Why should I do this?" I asked,

   "Since Haruhi can't host tonight, you promised you'd take her place as a host tonight." I shook my head,

   "No. I said I'd show up, and I said I could do the waltz. There was no warning that I'd have to dance with whoever wanted to." He pouted,

   "But Anna, if you don't host tonight, we can't give Haruhi the cut on her debt." I paused at the statement. An internal struggle took place inside of me before I growled again,

   "Fine. I'm only doing this for Haruhi. How many clients do I need to get." I mumbled.

   Tamaki squealed and crushed me in a hug,

   "Yay! My little girl is such a good person~ you need ten clients~" He sang. I rolled my eyes,

    "Yeah yeah. I'm the best. Now if you'll excuse me, I need some punch."

   Hosting wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was pretty straightforward: bat your eyes, say some sweet words, dance with the guy, repeat. I had my quota filled within half an hour.

   I sat beside Haruhi, who was eating some 'fancy tuna',

   "You are lucky I like you Haruhi. Jeez, hosting takes a lot out of you." She laughed a little bit,

   "You get used to that. Thank you, by the way, it means a lot to me. You're a really good friend." She smiled at me and we hugged,

   "Damn right. I'm glad I'm helping you even a little, Haruhi. I'm not really in a position to be complaining, you've had it worse than I have. I can't even imagine having to do this every day. How do you have time to do anything?" She shrugged,

   "I have no idea I swear."

   After Tamaki and Haruhi pulled off their master plan, we all stood outside as the lucky couple danced.

   "Tonight, the lucky girl crowned queen, and the winner of the kiss from a host is Kanako!" Everyone clapped and it was all happy and good until Kyoya decided to step in,

   "Unfortunately, plans have changed. Tamaki will no longer be issuing the kiss. Due to recent circumstances, our temporary host for tonight, Anna Volkov, will be rewarding the lucky lady with a kiss." My face paled for a moment,

   "Kyoya! No!" I hissed. He gave me a sly smile,

   "30% off Haruhi's debt." I grit my teeth. He knew damn well I would do it for Haruhi.

  I poked his chest with my finger,

   "You watch your back Kyoya. I will get you back for this." I growled. He only chuckled. I turned around to face everyone with a winning smile on my face.

  I began making my way down to blank.

   "Do you think that this is Anna-Chan's first kiss?" Asked Honey. Tamaki gasped and ran to stop me just as I was about to kiss Kanako's cheek, but pushed me into her instead.

    Our lips met for a moment and we pulled away as soon as possible.

   I laughed it off and smiled while Tamaki cried. Overall, it wasn't a bad night.

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