Showing Skin

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   The next few days were pretty quiet and relatively normal. Until the weekend rolled around.

   I was out for a walk when out of nowhere, a bag was placed over my head, obstructing my vision. I felt two people grab my arms and begin pulling me.

   Without thinking, I broke my left hand free and punched the person on my right in the gut. He
let go with a grunt.

   I took the bag off my head and pounced at the person on my left. I realised, a second too late, that I had pounced on Karou. The force of my jump knocked us both to the ground and I ended up on top of Karou.

   I looked down at him,

   "Why did you try to kidnap me?!" I exclaimed angrily. He tried to shrug, but I was holding down his arms so he couldn't,

   "Host club activity. All members of the club must attend." I sighed and got off him,

   "You could have just asked, you know." I told him as I offered a hand to help him up.

   "We thought it would be more fun this way." Hikaru groaned while rubbing his stomach, "Ow. You got me good." I shrugged dramatically,

   "Well you put a bag over my head! Did you expect me to just go down without a fight? Come on. Let's go do that thing you tried to kidnap me for." I laughed and opened the door to the limo that the twins had previously tried to throw me into.

   Inside was the rest of the host club,

   "...Oh. I guess you saw that then?" The only response I got was a round of laughter from the club. Particularly Haruhi. I smiled and got in the vehicle,

   "I'll take that as a yes."

   Haruhi was able to calm down as the twins got in as well,

   "I can't believe you managed to pull that off. You were blindfolded and up against two guys. How did you manage that? Have you taken any martial arts courses?" Haruhi asked. I shook my head,

   "I had no idea what I was doing and I doubt I'll ever be able to pull off anything like that again. Pure luck." I replied. Kyoya looked up from his book,

   "Interesting." He mumbled.

   After about thirty minutes of driving, my curiosity finally got the best of me,

   "So... where exactly are we going?" I asked. Kyoya looked up,

   "As you know, the Otori family specialises in medical treatment and research. We are going to a mental rehabilitation center owned by my family. A water park to be exact. I called in a favour and we have the place to ourselves for today." He explained.

   I nodded before realising something,

   "Oh, but I don't have my swimsuit." Hikaru smirked evilly,

   "We have that covered." He replied.

   Before I could ask what he was planning, Tamaki interrupted me,

   "Oh look, we're here!" Sure enough, we were entering a dome-like building that looked like a rainforest inside.

   A large water park sat in the middle of it, complete with a wave pool and relaxing areas. I let out a small gasp. Haruhi didn't seem as excited as the rest of the club,

   "Wow. This place is huge. I mean, I should be studying, but whatever I guess. Could be worse." She shrugged. I gave her a reassuring smile,

   "Come on Haruhi. I'll tell you what, you loosen up and have a little fun today, and we can meet up and study tomorrow. Deal?" She smiled,

   "Okay, deal."

   We got out of the limo and were immediately swept up by Hikaru and Karou. They ushered us into a changing room and closed the door. I heard it lock with a soft click,

   "You can come out," Hikaru began,

   "After you've changed!" Finished Karou.

   It was at this point I realised the room was filled with bathing suits. All extremely high quality and designed by Mrs. Hitachiin no doubt.

   We sighed and chose a suit. I chose a white two piece. The bottoms were high waisted and the top twisted around itself to make a halter top bikini top. Haruhi chose a pink one piece.

   I banged on the door, "Alright you two, we've changed!" I called.

   The door opened and we stepped out.

   Tamaki caught one look at us and immediately began turning pink. He held out  pair of shorts and a sweatshirt to both of us,

   "Here, put these on. Girls shouldn't show so much skin until they're married." Haruhi shrugged and put them on, but I crossed my arms and smirked at him,

   "Absolutely not." I pushed his arm back towards him. He looked at the clothes for a moment before thrusting them back into my arms,

   "But young ladies shouldn't show so much skin!" He exclaimed. I groaned and got really close to him. I leaned in a whispered,

   "You got two choices, either I go swimming in this..." I placed a hand on his bare chest, "Or I show a little more skin..." I basically purred the last sentence. 

   I stepped back and watched Tamaki's face explode into a dark pink colour. He used his hands to coved his face and mumbled to himself from under them.

   I laughed at his reaction and grabbed Haruhi's hand,

   "Come on! Let's go have some fun!" I exclaimed. We ran towards the pool that Honey and Mori were in and at the last second, Haruhi let go and I jumped in. I did a cannonball into the pool and resurfaced beside Honey.

   After a while of  playing in the pool, I realised I wasn't wearing sunscreen. I used my arms to hoist myself out of the pool and sat on the edge wringing out my hair,

   "Hey, does anyone have some sunscreen I can borrow? I don't want to burn." I called. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to see Mori holding a bottle of sunscreen out to me. I smiled brightly and took it,

   "Thanks Mori!" He nodded and walked away. I got up, walked over to a beach lounge beside Hikaru, and sat down.

   Hikaru smiled at me and went back to scrolling through his phone. I smiled back and put sunscreen on my, legs, arms, shoulders, chest, stomach, and face, but when I got to my back, I found I couldn't reach,

   "Hey Pup?" I asked. He chuckled a bit while blushing at the name and put his phone down,

   "Yeah?" He asked. I held out the bottle of sunscreen to him,

   "A little help please? I can't quite reach." His face grew more red as he took the bottle. I turned around and let him do my back.

   A little ways away, Tamaki noticed us and ran over as quickly as he could,

   "What do you think you're doing to my little girl!?!" He yelled, startling Hikaru. I giggled,

   "I just got Hikaru to put sunscreen on my back. Why?" I asked as I turned around to face him and Hikaru. A faint pink began to outline his cheeks as he stood between Hikaru and I,

   "W-well, because... uh-" Suddenly Karou was standing behind me,

   "Could you be jealous,  boss?" He asked. Hikaru caught on and stood to join him,

   "Of course not... or could he?" He joined in. Now both the brothers were standing behind me with their hands on my shoulders. Tamaki grew even more flustered and grabbed me in a tight hold away from the twins,

   "Of course not! I just don't want to let you troublemakers take advantage of my little girl! You are not allowed to touch her exposed skin!" I laughed,

   "So they aren't allowed to touch your skin, but you are? See you have your hands wrapped around my stomach and if your hand was juuuust a bit higher..." I trailed off letting him realise the position he was almost in.

   With a jolt, he let go of me and his face grew even MORE flustered,

    "Ahem, I um, uh, I-" I laughed and sat back down,

   "You know, for hosts, you guys are pretty awkward around girls. I mean, you act like you don't get fought over all the time. It's really weird."  I stated. Karou scoffed,

   "Sure, we get fought over all the time, and it's not unusual to have someone confess their love to us, but we're not awkward around girls. You are just really good at pushing all the right buttons." I chuckled,

   "That's not the only thing I'm really good at pushing."  Karou pointed at me and exclaimed,

   "See? That. That right there. You always know how to say the right things at the right time. You, believe or not, are a really good host." The Hitachiin brothers nodded in unison and Tamaki nodded in agreement.

    I basically saw the gears working in Tamaki's head before he said anything, Tamaki, no!

   "That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea. We could make you a permanent host. I guarantee everyone would love it." He seemed to be thinking out loud. I scoffed,

   "Yeah, as much fun as that sounds, I think I'll stick to costume design. Besides, it's more fun to just see you guys get all flustered. It's adorable."

   Before anyone could respond, a giant wave came in the wave pool that Honey was in and swept him down into another pool. Everyone began panicking and we ran after him, only to be stopped my alligators of all things,

   "Alligators?!?" Exclaimed Haruhi. Kyoya wrote something in his book and explained calmly,

   "Yes, I suppose having them out like this would be a safety hazard. I'll make sure to change that." We rolled our eyes at his uninterested reaction and began walking down another path.

   Eventually it started to rain and we had to take shelter in a nearby gazebo.

   "Mori seems pretty torn up about this, doesn't he?" Asked Haruhi.

   "Well of course," began Hikaru,

   "They are cousins." Karou finished.

   They began rambling on and I went to go sit beside Kyoya,

   "Well this trip could have gone better, huh?" I began. He smiled a bit,

   "On the contrary, I've learned quite a bit. I have a lot of changes we have to make to his place before we can open it to the public." He replied. I laughed a bit,

   "You're a very left brain kind of person, Kyoya. Didn't you come here to have even a little bit of fun? Or relax just a bit?"

   "If I wanted to relax, I wouldn't have brought Tamaki and our Hitachiin brothers. However, I guess I can't deny the fact that I did have a little fun." He admitted. I smiled brightly,

   "Good. You never let yourself loosen up, you know? You always work so hard and I can't figure out why." I mumbled. He looked as though he was about to respond, but his phone interrupted him.

   He picked it up and cleared his throat. It wasn't until now I noticed the twins and Tamaki fighting. They were calling him an in-law or something?  I shook it off and looked to Haruhi, only to find that she wasn't there and neither was Mori. The rain had stopped as well. I got up and went over to where they had been standing moments before.

   Wet footsteps led off into the bushes. Kyoya got off the phone and said something about a police squad. I wasn't paying attention as I let a single word escape my lips,

   "Fuck." With that I took off running in the direction of the footprints. The boys behind me caught on to what I was doing and followed behind me, yelling.

   I approached a circle of men in black SWAT suits and in the middle I heard Haruhi yell. I wasted no time and picked up a large branch. I stood behind on of the guys and wound up like it was a baseball bat,

   "You DO NOT hurt my friends!" I yelled as I hit the man in the back of his head, knocking him out cold. I ran to the middle of the circle and stood in front of Haruhi- who, strangely,  was being carried my Mori. I got in a defensive stance.  

   "Don't you DARE take another fucking step." I hissed through my teeth. They looked at each other and raised their guns. I bared my teeth, but before it could escalate any further, a high pitched, "Move!" Could be heard. I recognised the voice to be Honey.

   He swung in like Tarzan and kicked one guy in the head, dropping him to the ground. Mori put Haruhi on the ground and the SWAT guys started dropped like flies.

   Just as they were all down, the rest of the host club showed up. Karou and Hikaru instantly went to poke at the downed men. I wasted no time and enveloped Haruhi a hug,

   "You almost got hurt! What were you thinking! I passed a giant snake on my way here for god's sake!" She laughed and hugged me back,

   "Sorry?" She tried. I smiled and immediately got squished back into her. Tamaki had swept us both in a bone crushing hug,

   "Oh my daughters! Daddy was so worried." I rolled my eyes and let him hug me. When he let go, Hikaru spoke up,

   "Looks like the work of Honey senpai." He said. Haruhi shook her head,

   "Not all of them," she pointed to the guy I knocked out with a branch, "Anna got that one."

   They all looked at me skeptically,

   "Are you sure you've never taken any martial arts at all?" Karou asked. I put my hands up in defence,

    "I swear I haven't. They were pointing guns at my friends so I hit one with a branch. It was just adrenaline and anger. How did Honey take out the rest of them?" I asked defensively.

   They started explaining how Honey is actually extremely dangerous and skilled at martial arts and the guards got up and started apologising. Overall, that portion of the day was pretty weird.

   Afterwards, we were packing up,

   "We should go to the beach next." Suggested Karou. Tamaki shook his head,

   "No! Haruhi wouldn't like that." He exclaimed. Haruhi shrugged and smiled,

    "The beach doesn't sound so bad. It may not be fun in this artificial jungle, but the beach sounds nice." She replied.  I smiled,

   "Looks like we're going to the beach!"

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