Kyoya Got More Than He Bargained For

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   We were at the beach. Yes. Beach. The twins had conspired to get Haruhi in a cute bathing suit, but Tamaki effectively shut that down. He invited a few regulars for the host club to join us and spend the night at the private beach and Otori beach house.

   This meant that Haruhi had to wear cargo shorts and a t-shirt so they didn't suspect that she was a girl. Haruhi didn't seem to mind too much so neither did I.

   Everyone was doing host club activities except for Honey and Haruhi- they were shellfish hunting. I decided to join them.

   After a while, we had a bunch of buckets filled up with crabs and such and Tamaki came over. He picked up a crab and showed it to Haruhi,

   "Isn't this crab crab-tivating?" Haruhi just groaned and smiled at him while I laughed.

   Then, a chorus of screams erupted from the girls. I realised that two centipedes had crawled onto the crab and everyone was freaking out. I scoffed and gently picked one insect up,

   "Hi little guy." I cooed as I walked towards the rocks, "What are you doing on our supper?" I put him down and watched him wriggle in between two rocks and out of sight. Haruhi grabbed the other and lobbed it over the ridge.

   Karou and Hikaru put their elbows on our shoulders,

   "Geez, aren't you scared of anything?" They asked in unison. Haruhi shrugged and I shook my head,

   "Not of little bugs." I replied.

   That is how The Find Haruhi's Weakness Game started. We spent the rest of the day going through a fake cave thing the twins made, sitting in a dark truck that Honey set up, and looking at harpoons courtesy of Mori. The Harpoon was cool.

   At the end of the day, Haruhi and I were sitting on a rock, looking at the ocean when three girls yelled at us from atop the cliff,

   "Haruhi! Anna! Come up here! The breeze is wonderful!" One called. We got up to join them, but just as we got up there, two boys- seemingly drunk ones, got up there as well,

   "Well look at what we have here." One slurred as he grabbed one of the girls. The other followed his lead and grabbed the other two.

   A fury welled up inside of me and I jabbed the first guy in the neck, making him release the girl,

   "Run! Haruhi, you too! Go get help!" I yelled as the first guy grabbed my arms and pinned them behind my back. I began speaking in English, too angry to focus on speaking Japanese,

   "You better let go of me right now you insolent little prick or I'm gonna-" he interrupted me in his own English,

   "Ooh, little girly talks big. Or you're gonna what, little girly?" He slurred. I sneered,

   "Or I'm going to break every last bone in your body one by one, slowly and painfully, until you're screaming for mercy!" I snapped. The two laughed and my arm was twisted painfully. He could have broken my arm with one wrong move.

   "How about you go for a swim to cool off girly." The one said, pushing my towards the cliff. We fought until I lost my balance and he pushed me over the cliff. My name being called was the last thing I heard before I was surrounded in cold, inky, blackness and everything went dark.

   I woke up on sand. Karou was giving me mouth to mouth and Hikaru was pressing on my chest. I coughed up some water and laughed weakly,

   "If you wanted to kiss me, you could have just asked." I smiled softly. Tears welled up in his eyes as both Karou and Hikaru tackled me in a hug. I chuckled and hugged them back,

   "Relax guys, I'm alright. Of course I would be better if it weren't for-" I sat up straight,  suddenly alert and seething, "Those boys! Where are they? I need to knock them out!" Hikaru laughed half heartedly,

   "That's already been taken care of." I narrowed my eyes,

   "Are they alive?" I asked, seriously. The twins exchanged a nervous glance and nodded,

   "Do they have any broken bones?" They shook their heads,

   "Have they at least been cut deep enough to scar?" Another nervous glance followed by more head shaking.

   "Then they have not been taken care of. If you'll excuse me, I have some bones to break. Where are they?" I declared, attempting to get up. The twins pushed me back down, preventing my possibly bloodthirsty march in whatever direction the boys were. Kyoya cleared his throat,

   "We have taken their IDs and they have been escorted off the premises. They are long gone." He explained. I growled, but stopped struggling regardless.

   The twins relaxed and helped me to my feet. A shirt was placed around my shoulders. Tamaki stood in front of me and said nothing,

   "Hi!" I smiled. This didn't seem to be what he wanted. He grabbed my shoulders,

   "What were you thinking?! You almost died!" He yelled. I raised my eyebrow,

   "That's a funny way of saying hello." I replied.

   "Why did you think you stood a chance against two boys?!" He yelled. I huffed,

   "I didn't." He looked shocked,

   "Then why did you attempt to take them on?"

   "What was the host club motto? The host club exists to make girls smile. See, I figured those girls wouldn't do much smiling if they were getting raped! I took them on to keep those girls safe!" I replied, raising my voice now.

   "You are a GIRL you tried to take on two BOYS! You are not a martial arts master and you stood no chance!" He was yelling again. I glared at him,

   "I have done NOTHING to deserve you yelling at me! Yes I am a girl, but I was there! I will not apologise for it either! The fact that I am a girl means nothing in a life or death situation, Tamaki!" I yelled. I set my jaw and held my head high- I was not backing down.

   He let go of me,

   "Fine. Have it your way. But I refuse to speak with you until admit you are wrong." With that he stormed off to the beach house.

        ~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~

   I walked out into the dining room in a white dress that was sheer below the thigh. One of Aunt Mi's maids must have repacked my bag.

   On the table was a bunch of freshly cooked crabs; the ones we had caught earlier. They looked pretty good. I sat down beside Tamaki and we began eating.

   I broke the crab leg in half and ate the meat on the inside. Tamaki cringed. I thought nothing of it and ate another and another and another, until I had eaten a pile of crab legs,

   "Haven't you had enough?" Tamaki asked. I smirked,

   "I thought you weren't talking to me?" I replied as I broke another. His face turned stony and he stood up abruptly,

   "I see. You still refuse to admit you're wrong. In that case, I'm going to bed. Kyoya please show me to my room." He stormed out of the room with Kyoya closely in tow.

   I sighed and looked down at my plate,

    "Are you guys mad at me too?" I felt almost pathetic as my eyes began stinging with tears. I pushed them back, refusing to cry,

   "So that's what's going on in there." Hikaru said. Karou shook his head,

   "No, we're not mad. I do wish you would reconsider your actions earlier though. " he replied. I looked up at them,

   "Why?" I asked.

   "Anna-Chan,  what you did was dangerous, we were worried about you." Honey explained,

   "Yeah, you almost died today Anna. You were unconscious for almost 10 minutes. We were starting to lose hope. What would we do without you?" Haruhi chimed in.

   I managed a smile, 

   "Okay, I understand. I'm sorry for making you worry about me." I told them as I took a sip of the glass of water in front of me. Or at least I thought it was water.

   The liquid was disgusting and made me sick to my stomach. I gagged and ran out of the room to look for a bathroom. The closest one was in a random room.

   I finished throwing up and cleaned up after myself. What the hell was that stuff? I walked out of the bathroom and realised the empty room I had ran into wasn't so empty. 

   A man was sitting in a chair at the end of the room, shirtless, drying his hair with a towel,

   "Oh, I apologise. I thought this room was empty." I apologised. The man spoke,

    "Nope." I recognised that voice,

   "Kyoya?" I tilted my head and looked at his bare torso, "Hot." He raised an eyebrow. I shrugged with a smirk on my face,

   "Anyway, I'm sorry. It seems I've gotten everyone worried." He took a drink of water,

   "Yes, well it was difficult to stop Hikaru and Karou from beating those two punks half to death." He began walking towards me,

   "Also there was the trouble of sending those girls bouquets to apologise for ruining a weekend they took off to relax." I nodded,

    "I'll pay you for the flowers." I replied.  He put his hand on a light switch beside me,

   "The bouquets cost 50 000 per person so that comes to 600 000." He turned off the light.

   I cocked my head to the side,

   "Why did you turn off the lights?" I asked.

   "You could pay with your body if you'd like." He grabbed my hand and threw me onto the bed as he crawled on top of me.

   The thing about what he did though, not only did he not refrain my arms, he didn't refrain my legs either. So I began stuttering a bunch of excuses to get his guard down and brought my leg up in between his legs, just hard enough for him to slip for a moment.

   When he did, I took advantage and flipped us over, making sure to pin his limbs down. I let out a laugh,

   "That, my dear Kyoya, was for making me kiss a girl!" He looked at me in disbelief as I lowered my face closer to his. He shivered, but said nothing as I blew warm air on his neck then pressed my lips to the nape of it, "You see, I don't usually do the whole submissive thing. I prefer to top and you're looking wonderful, so helpless underneath me. You are... infatuating." I purred. He let out a ragged breath. I smirked,

   "Oh, do you like that idea? Would you like me to dominate you?"

    I lowered my face to the point where our lips were almost touching, before letting go and getting off him, "Ha, sike. The point is, I'm not just some helpless girl. I appreciate you trying to teach me a lesson by showing me just how easy it would be for someone to take advantage of me, bla bla bla, and I do apologise. I apologise for making you worry, but I don't apologise for acting in the moment."

   He sat up and looked almost disappointed for a moment. His face was flushed slightly. He looked at me for a moment before shaking his head and getting up to put on his shirt and glasses,

   "I see. You are very thick headed. I will try to consider your argument. Tamaki on the other hand, won't be as easy to convince." As if on cue, a knock came from the door and it opened,

   "Kyoya, I need to borrow some lotion. This sunburn is worse than I thought..." He paused when he saw me sitting on the bed, Kyoya with a shirt only half done up, and the lights off. He grew angry,

   "Just what do you think you're-!" He got cut off by Kyoya handing him the lotion and exiting the room, closing the door behind him softly.

   Tamaki turned his attention to me,

   "What were you doing with the lights off?" He asked loudly. I shook my head,

   "We weren't about to fuck, if that's what you think." He seethed,

   "Am I really supposed to belive that?! You know what, nevermind. It's been a long day, you must need to get some rest. I'll let you go to your room." He began walking away, defeated.

   I panicked and grabbed his sleve,

   "Tamaki, wait! I'm sor-" Just then, a large crack of thunder sounded. I jumped, all logic forgotten as I crawled under the bed, blinded by fear. Tamaki began speaking softly,

   "Are you afraid of thunder Anna? Come on out, you can trust me." I did nothing but crawl into a smaller ball,

   "It's okay, this is how I always get through it." I whimpered. He continued trying to coax me out from under the bed to the point where I jumped at him instead of back under the bed.

   Now , Tamaki was sitting on his legs on the floor, while I clung to him, sobbing. In a effort to comfort me, he hummed in my ear and pet my hair. Although it was helping, I still shook in fear.

   He drapped a blanket over me and put a pair of headphones on my head with calming music. After a while, I was able to feel comfortable and fell asleep, still clung to him.

   I woke up the next morning in my bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, last night's memory played fuzzily in my mind. I yawned as I realised Tamaki comforted me the night before.

   I got dressed quickly and exited the room in search of Tamaki- I had an apology to deliver.

   I found him drinking tea at the dining table, he seemed to be reading a newspaper. I walked up to him and tapped on his shoulder, getting his attention.

   He looked up at me and gave me a big smile,

   "Good morning Anna." He greeted. I smiled back,

   "Good morning. Listen, I just wanted to thank you for last night. It would have been alot worse by myself. And... I wanted to say I'm sorry, for yesterday. I didn't mean to make you worried." I admitted. Tamaki shook his head,

   "No, I should be the one who is sorry." He replied. I looked at him, suprised , as he continued, "I realise now that you are strong, regardless of your gender. You've refused to call on us even though we were so close, handled every storm by yourself. I understand now, and I'm sorry." He finished. I smiled widely before giving him a hug,

   "Thank you."

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