The Twins Lie For Two Weeks

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   I was sitting in the host club, drawing in my sketchbook on my couch as always. Tamaki was being all princely, Haruhi was being effortlessly charming, Honey was being cute, Mori was watching over Honey protectively, Kyoya was doing... Kyoya things, and Hikaru and Karou were wearing hats. What?

   I decided to check out what they were doing.

   I walked over behind them and overheard them asking the girls to play a, 'Which One is Hikaru Game' I smiled. This should be good.

   The girl thought for a moment before picking Karou. The twins looked at each other before looking back at the girl,

   "Incorrect!" They exclaimed in unison. Haruhi scoffed,

   "I still don't understand why you guys are so popular." The twins stood on either side of her,

   "Isn't it obvious?" Karou asked.

   "Having a pair of good looking homosexuals earns plenty of high points." Continued Hikaru,

   "And because we're twins, we get the added bonus of forbidden love." Said Karou. They came and stood on either side of me, speaking in my ear,

   "On top of all that, there's the scenario of having two people who have deep emotional ties loving you at the same time." Karou began. Hikaru put his hand under my chin, making me face him,

   "Isn't that the ultimate woman's fantasy?" Our noses were almost touching. I chuckled darkly,

   "Throw in a blindfold and a pair of handcuffs and we got ourselves a deal." I purred. I smirked as I watched Hikaru step back from shock. I laughed,

   "Relax sweetheart I'm only kidding..." I turned to Karou, "...for now at least." I watched his face grow red before he had to step back and bury his face in his hands as well. I laughed at the two,

   "You guys are adorable. You're little brotherly bond thing can get so convincing sometimes I forget just how sweet and innocent you actually are."

   Just then, Tamaki came screaming while holding a laptop,

   "I let you be in charge of the website on the condition to take it seriously!" He was yelling at the twins. They composed themselves and did that whole in sync thing,

   "We are taking it seriously"

   "We spent all night working on it."

   "And THIS is what you came up with?!" Tamaki screeched, "When did you take nude photos of Haruhi and Anna?!" Haruhi and I caught a glimpse of the computer screen.

   It was divided in two. On one side, Haruhi's face was put on a nude shirtless man's body, and on the other side, mine was put on a shirtless woman. It was positioned so you could only see the back and the face.

   Haruhi and I looked at the twins, shot each other a sidelong glance, and I burst out laughing. Haruhi didn't quite have the same reaction. She kinda froze up.

   I walked over to the twins and hooked their arms with mine,

   "Alright, maybe I stand corrected. But... you do realize what you just did, don't you?" I asked. They both responded with an identical questioning look. I looked forward, "You just gave any guy that happens upon your website, masturbation material." Their faces paled and in a second they rushed over to the computer, tapped a few buttons, and our pictures were replaced with roses.

   I smirked as they sighed with relief. I stood in front of them and grabbed their ties, forcing them closer to me,

   "Although it's crafty, I suggest you don't photo shop me onto things anymore, alright boys? Next time, just ask me." I purred. They looked at each other before blushing.

   I let go of their ties and Haruhi spoke up,

   "Would you two stop making composite photos of me without my permission? Just what do you take other people to be?" She asked. Hikaru and Karou looked at each other and smiled before looking back at Haruhi, then at me,

   "Isn't it obvious? Toys." They said in unison. I raised an eyebrow, but before I could comment on it, a low voice started chanting,

   "Toys toys toys." Someone in a cloak was peeking through a crack in a large, black door,

   "If you like toys, then you should join the Black Magic club." He suggested.

   "You must have noting to do with that man." Tamaki was behind me and Haruhi, making us jump, "If you do, you will most definitely become cursed." He said creepily. I raised an eyebrow before smiling and turning towards the man.

   I walked towards him and held out my hand. Tamaki started crying,

   "Noo! Not my little girl!" I only smiled brighter,

   "Hello! I'm Anna Volkov. I'm afraid I wouldn't have enough time to properly invest myself in your club, so I have to decline your offer." I said politely. He smiled as he took my hand and shook it,

   "Hello Anna. My name is Nekozawa. Though I'd like you to reconsider, I respect your choice." He replied as he retreated back into the door. I turned to Tamaki (who looked horrified) and put my hands on my hips,

   "Cursed huh? He seemed nice to me." I scoffed. Tamaki gasped and launched into a long tangent about how he stepped on the Benzledorf doll thing and walked into a Greek class because he was scared. He continued to blame the doll for 'strange' occurrences and Kyoya continued to shut him down with logic, it was kinda amusing actually.

   The twins went to sit together on a window ledge and called me over. I walked over to them,

   "Is there something you need?" I asked.

   "On our next day off,"

   "Can we go to your house?" They asked. I crossed my arms,

   "Why do you want to go to my house?" I replied.  They shrugged,

   "We're curious about it." I thought for a moment and shook my head,

   "No, sorry."


   "I have homework I need to finish. That day has to be used to work on it."

   "We have homework too! We can work on it together."

   "I have art homework. I have a feeling I won't get any of it done if you guys are there."

   "Alright, how about we make you a deal?"Hikaru began,

   "We play a game, and if we win, we can go to your house." Karou finished. I raised an eyebrow,

   "What game?" They looked at each other and smiled before putting on their hats and moving around,

   "The which one is Hikaru Game!" They yelled enthusiastically. I pointed to Karou and Hikaru respectively,

   "You're Karou, and you're Hikaru." I said confidently. They shook their heads,

   "You are incorrect!" They yelled. I paused for a moment before shaking my head,

"No I'm not. You may look similar, but you are different people. In that sense, how could I ever mix up my pups?" I tried walking away, but the fan girls stopped me,

   "But, without their hair parted, they look exactly the same! How can you know?" One asked. I smiled,

   "If I had to say, Hikaru's speech and actions are 10 precent more onery than Karou." I said matter of factly.

   Karou stared laughing as he put a hand over his mouth,

   "I'm sorry, Hikaru." He said. Hikaru got all defensive,

   "Well I just express myself honestly and I don't mask anything. So Karou is more spiteful." Now it was Karou's turn to get defensive,

   "Now don't go spinning this. I always go along with your ridiculous games."

   "I suggest them, but you are the one who gets into them. If you don't like them, then stop. What are you, stupid?"

   "You are just too stupid to see it. Even before when you were calling her a toy, you were still so quick to make a pass at her. You really are in love with Anna, aren't you Hikaru?" Hikaru looked shocked for a moment and I swear a bit of blush appeared on his cheeks,

   "Hey, you've got it all wrong, stupid Karou! For one thing, why would I fall in love with that little tanuki." I raised an eyebrow. Was that an insult? I pulled out my phone and typed up tanuki in the search bar.

    Results came to a Japanese raccoon dog with over sized balls.

   I almost laughed, but the twins were yelling now.

   "Sex pixie!"


   "You're mother wears too much makeup! We're through!" They yelled at each other in unison.

   The twins stormed off in opposite directions, leaving everyone speechless.

~~~~~~~You know what this dealio means~~~~~~

   The next day I was sitting in my homeroom seat when Hikaru walked in. His hair was bright pink. Not long after Karou walked in with blue hair. I felt a pang in my heart. I couldn't help but blame myself.

   "Hello Anna." They say in unison. I smile before noticing them glare at each other.


   "Oh, hey guys. You died your hair. Pink and Blue, it's different." I gave them a halfhearted smile. Hikaru smiled back and an took a seat to my left. Karou started talking,

   "Yeah! Blue really suits me don't you think? I had a nightmare last night. My hair was died pink, an awful and ghastly colour." He laughed and went to sit down.


   Just as he sat, the chair was pulled out from underneath him. Hikaru started laughing.


   Next thing I knew, Hikaru was on the ground as well and the boys started throwing things at each other.

  This was my fault. I need to fix this.


   Later at lunch, the boys fought over what lunch they were going to order. I sat at a table with my lunch from home.

   Hikaru sat beside me with a tray of extravagant looking food,

   "Hey, what do you have?" He asked. I shrugged,

   "Leftover stir fry."

   "Do you want to trade? I ordered something different than Karou and ended up with everything I hate." I shrugged and passed him my lunch as he slid the tray in front of me. I looked at it uncertainly for a moment before taking a bite.

   It was amazing. I couldn't have described it if I had tried.

   Karou sat on the other side of me,

   "Is it any good? Here, have some of mine." He grabbed my chin and brought the spoon up to my mouth.

   Just as I was to take a bite, Hikaru leaned over and ate the food on the spoon,

   "Back off." He mumbled.

   They started throwing things at each other and fighting again.



   A few weeks later, they were still fighting. We were standing in the closed room, watching the twins throw stuff at each other.

   All of a sudden, Karou pulled out a wooden doll from the black magic room.

   "I'm going to write your name on the back of this!" He yelled.


   My eyes widened. Oh no. I need to stop this. I need to stop this now.

   I looked around me, Haruhi was standing beside me, looking as worried as I was.

   I grabbed her,

   "Sorry." I whispered, "Hey Pup!" I yelled. Both twins stopped to look at me for a moment and I took the opportunity to dip Haruhi and kiss her.

   I stood her back up and everyone was looking at me and everyone was silent. I gave her an apologetic smile before turning to the twins,

   "Do I have your attention now? Good. You boys need to stop!" I stepped up so I was between the host club and the twins. "This has gone way too far! And I'm sorry! I'm sorry I said anything." Tears started to overflow my eyes and I hung my head, "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I want to fix it, but I don't know how. Please... just stop fighting." I turned my back to the twins to look at the host club as two pairs of arms engulfed me in a hug.

   I looked up at the worried faces and sent them a wink. Their worry was replaced with smiles and raised eyebrows.

   I sobbed,

   "I'm sorry Pups. I didn't... I didn't want to..." I wrapped my arms around the twins, making them hug me tighter.

   "I think this game has gone far enough Hikaru." Karou said. Hikaru nodded. I paused for a moment,

   "Wait a second." All traces of sadness in my voice were gone and I let go of the twins, "Game?" The twins stepped back with big smirks,

   "We were bored." They replied in unison. I paused, completely speechless. After a few moments I spoke,

   "You called me a tanuki." I finally said, pointing at Hikaru with an offended look on my face. He was shocked for a moment before looking at this brother.

   Another silent moment passed and they burst out laughing,

   "We pretended to fight for two weeks and that's what you have to say?" They choked out. I laughed with them and attempted a shrug,

   "Well what did you want me to say? For that matter, what were you trying to accomplish with this game? No one would keep up an act successfully for that long without a goal in mind." A thought came to my head and I stopped laughing, "Wait... right before this started, I refused to invite you to my house. Did you do this to get an invitation to my house?" A large smile spread across both of the twin's faces.

   I burst out laughing. Haruhi stepped up,

   "So you fought, for two weeks I might add, just so you could go to Anna's house?" She asked incredulously.

   Their smiles grew bigger,

   "Yep!" I was finally able to stop laughing,

   "Well, I think you guys deserve it. I finished my project a while ago; in fact, you guys could have come over last week, but you were still fighting. We can make a time if you still want to." Tamaki gasped,

   "Wonderful! The host club will go to Anna's house, and then later, Haruhi's." Haruhi wasted no time,


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