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**Reality X**

Jaxel flinched as a small wave of electricity sparks jumped from the live cables he was trying to repair, a burning sensation tickling the ends of his pale fingers.

"HOLY MOTH'R O' - FOCK! SHYT! FOCK!" Exclaimed the green eyed scientist, shaking his electrocuted fingers wildly to cool them down. 

"You okay, Jax?" Jaxel spun around to see his twin standing in the doorway of the basement, an eye-brow arched slightly.

"Yeah, 'cause havin' my fockin' fingers electrocuted isn't gonna cause a lick o" pain." The Irishman replied sarcastically, rolling his irises.

"Electrocuted?" (Y/N)'s eyes widened. "Are you-?" She began to gabble, obviously concerned for her older twin.

"I'm fine, (Y/N). Really." Jaxel cut across his sister, placing a hand apon her shoulder. 

"You're so stubborn, Jax." She sighed, but began hugging her brother. Jaxel froze for a split second, but returned the hug, his mind racing under the stress he beared.

**Our Reality**

He had fainted. Sean had fainted during a recording. The now pale-faced YouTuber ran his fingers through his mangled hair, which was now more yellow than green, due to it not being dyed for several weeks. 

"I...I-I... I thought I edited tha' out." Sean mumbled, his sea-blue irises dilating madly. 

(Y/N) gently placed both her hands apon Sean's shoulders, taking a breath. 

"Sean..." She began before pulling the weak Irishman into an unexpected hug. He knew he was blushing when he felt his cheeks heat up slightly, and he averted his blue eyes away from (Y/Y/N). 

The (H/C)-haired female pushed gently against Sean's head with her palms so that he was looking at her.

"Go get some rest." (Y/N) said firmly, as (E/C) meet blue, Sean silently nodded as his blush deepened. 

"Okay." The usually loud YouTuber whispered. 

**Reality X**

Jaxel was impatiently drumming his fingers against the cold surface of his work station, his emerald orbs fixed onto the grey wall in front of him. He sighed deeply, holding back the yawn trying to escape from him. 

"Tired, are we?"

The sudden break of the silence made Jaxel jump, falling backwards from his stool and onto the floor with a thump. He groaned with a wince as he got back to his feet, eyes darting around hazardously as he tried to detect the source of the echoey voice. 

"Turn around." The voice demanded coldly, and Jaxel did, his eyes landing on the source of the voice, a seeming male human shaped creature with charcoal-grey skin and inky-black hair. He wore a black t-shirt with a single red 'D' across the torso area and, surprising the green-eyed scientist, he also wore plain jeans, nothing fancy. 

However, what stood out most over this creatures inhuman appearance was his eyes that were shadowed by glasses. Fiery red irises that glowed in the dim light of the laboratory and the black sclera that surrounded them. Jaxel's eyes widened in shock. 

"Not expecting that, hmm?" The inhuman chuckled darkly at the mortal's shock. 

"Wha- who are ye?" Jaxel corrected quickly, his tone hesitant, but firm as he eyed the creature cautiously. The inhuman grinned before replying, displaying not teeth, but sharp fangs.

"The name's Darkiplier." The said, indicating at the large 'D' on his t-shirt. "Or Dark for short."

"And wha' do ye want wit' me, 'Dark'?" Jaxel asked, his mind beginning to race. 

"That scar above your left eye-brow. What happened?" It was more of a demand than a question. 

"I hit it. On my work desk." The brown-haired male answered honestly. Darkiplier was now sitting on top of the metal work desk. 

"And?" He hissed, bringing his face close to Jaxel's own. 

"And wha'?" Jaxel's confidence had began to come back to him. "That's wha' happened."

"After that."

"I went t' clean it."

"Then you fainted. Am I right?"

"Yes. I fain'ed before I coul-. Wait a moment, how do ye know all this?" Darkiplier chuckled again. 

"I see everything."

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