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**Our Reality**

"Hey, Mark."

"(Y/N)? But this is Jack's number."

"This is Jack's phone. He's asleep."

"I thought Jack didn't sleep?"

"Ha ha," the (H/C)-haired YouTuber said sarcastically, "But be serious. You wanted to check on him, didn't you?"

"Of course!" The Korean-German-American said, and (Y/N) could hear the indignity in his tone. She giggled, then continued. 

"Did you see his video, then?"

"HE POSTED A VIDEO?!" Mark bellowed, causing (Y/N) to hold her phone at arm's length. 

"Yes. And how did you know he was ill?"

"He was going to record with me, 'till he had to back out 'cause of his health."

"Yeah, it's strange, isn't? After all these years withou' a problem, he just suddenly starts puking and collapsing everywhere." 

"Collapsing? That must be why he hung up on me this morning." 

"You called him this mornin'?"

"Well. It was morning for you and Jack. And yes, like I said, we were going to record together." (Y/N) had began to pace the length of the kitchen, while she listened to the 'King of the Squirrels/FNaF'. 

"Okay." The (E/C) or bed female looked down at her watch. "Isn't it around the time you upload?"

"Ah, shit." Mark cursed at the other end of the phone line. "Well, it was nice talking to you, (N/N)."

"You too, Markimoo. See ya." With that, the (H/C)ette hung up the call and returned Sean's phone to where it originally sat. She entered the hallway and approached the front door. Pausing at the door, she sighed and looked back at Sean's room. 

"Get well soon, Sean." She whispered as she opened the door. 

**Reality X**

Jaxel and Darkiplier talked for hours into the night, Jaxel discussing his problems and queries as the demon merely listened, soaking up as much information as he could about the scientist and anyone related to him, whether it be friends, family or enemies. He, on occasion, hummed quietly, but didn't interrupt Jaxel until,

"(Y/N). (Y/N). Just where do I begin with (Y/N)?"

"(Y/N)?" The inhuman asked, his interest peaking again. 

"She's my twin." Jaxel said, "I don't know what I'd do without her." He sighed before continuing. 

"She gives me so much, yet sometimes..."

"Yes?" Darkiplier smirked, cocking a brow at the rambling male. 

"Sometimes I feel as if she fears me." Jaxel finished lamely. 

"Fears you?" The grey-skinned demon asked, his mind racing with possibilities. "Pfft. No offense, but you're pretty pathetic." 

Jaxel's eyes darkened. 

"None taken." He growled under his breath before continuing as if nothing had happened. 

After, Jaxel had finished his rambling, Darkiplier looked at him, revealing his sharp teeth with a sinister grin. 

"I think..." The demon spoke unnervingly softly, his voice was chiller. "...I just might be able to help you with that..."

**Our Reality**

When Sean awoke, he felt refreshed, but still a bit weak. He sung his legs over the side of the bed and turned his view to the clock on the beside table, which read: 9:07AM. 

"Holy shit." The Irishman mouthed to himself, his eyes widening at the thought of him being asleep for over twelve hours straight. 

"I must've been tired." He thought as he let out a yawn. 

Once in the bathroom, he ran his fingers through his hair, mentally noting to go and get it re-dyed. 

**Reality X**

Jaxel sat in the shadows of his lab, waiting in the dim gloom.


The green-eyed scientist smirked. She had arrived. 


Darkiplier floated above the scene, invisible, his murderous excitement rising rapidly.

"This is going to be good." He thought, a sinister grin plastered upon his face as he chuckled darkly. 


"(Y/N)..." Jaxel said slowly, pacing out of the shadows with his hands behind his back. 

"Y-yeah." Stuttered his twin, "Mother was lookin' for you."

"Was she now?" Jaxel asked quietly, stepping closer to his sister. The (H/C)-haired female stepped back. 

"Sis. Answer this." The scientist's green eyes were now beginning to turn to red, "Do you fear me?"

(Y/N) hesitated, stepping back only to find the wall behind her. "O-of course not, Jax. You're my brother."

Jaxel placed his right hand apon his sister's collarbone, pressing it firmly against the wall, so that (Y/N) couldn't move. His irises now completely red, Jaxel revealed the knife that he had been concealing behind his back. (Y/N) would've screamed, but she couldn't. 

Holding the knife directly at (Y/N)'s frontal lobe, Jaxel brought his right hand up to her throat, pressing his fingers into her voice box. He slipped the knife back into his pocket. 

"Jax." The female whispered, the colour draining from her cheeks.

She struggled against the firm grip of her insane brother, but continued to fail, owing to the fact he was much stronger than her. Her face wet with salty tears as Jaxel, whose selecas were now completely black, was pressing his pale hands into (Y/N)'s neck mercilessly. He, then, once again, pulled out the knife, bringing it close to her face. He grinned, allowing (Y/N) to see no longer human teeth, but fangs.

"Jax..." She pleaded weakly, her breath caught in her throat, "Please, J-Jax... Stop." But he didn't. Instead, Jaxel brought the knife back slightly, but (Y/N) knew this wasn't a change of heart. Before she even knew what she was doing, she brought her fist up, pushing the hand that held the knife upwards. Jaxel gasped in pain as the blade sliced into his left cornea. (Y/N) quickly pushed the knife further into Jaxel's left eye before shoving him away entirely and dashing towards the door.

Jaxel quickly recovered from the shock and yanked the knife from his socket which brought his left eye out with it, causing crimson blood to leak from his tear ducts. (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes widened in horror as her brother advanced onto her. Now they were almost nose to nose and (Y/N) could feel bile rising in her dry throat while the stench of blood filled her nostrils. Jaxel grinned again, licking his fangs with his demon-like tongue and chuckling. 

Normally, (Y/N) would have relaxed at the sign of her twin laughing but not this time for this laugh was cold and slightly bitter. It caused her to freeze in terror as the fear of her brother rose inside of her.

"Oh (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)." Jaxel whispered in mock sympathy, holding her chin with his long, thin clawed fingers, enjoying every moment of the pure fear reflecting from his sister's (E/C) orbs. (Y/N)'s (H/C) bangs slid across her tear-stained face, however she didn't dare fix it. She didn't have to. 

Jaxel brought a pale thumb up and across (Y/N)'s face and smoothed her (Y/N)'s bangs back into place. He snorted, trying to hold back the insane laughter that he later let lose. (Y/N) whimpered and Jaxel heard it. 

"Shh..." He whispered, "It'll all be over soon, my sister." (Y/N) stayed silent; she knew begging would be pointless. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the pure pain her twin was about to diagnose her with. She shuddered as Jaxel stroked her chin before plunging the knife into (Y/N)'s neck. 

"I still love you, Jax..." (Y/N) whispered as she lost consciousness for the last time. Jaxel watched in insane pleasure as his sister's life slid away and her eyelids drooped over her glassy (E/C) orbs.

**Our Reality**

The (E/C)-eyed YouTuber screamed as her nightmare awoke her, her breath caught in her lungs as tears flew down her face. 

"J-Jack..." She sobbed, hugging her knees tightly to her chest. "No."

**Reality X**

As the red glint in Jaxel's remaining eye began to fade, so did the insane smile on his face as an expression of horror replaced it.

"No." He whispered, sinking down to his knees, the blood-covered knife falling from his left hand's grasp with a clatter.

"NOOO!" Jaxel howled, allowing his tears of sorrow to fall; transparent droplets slid down the right side of Jaxel's deathly-pale face while blood and something thick and black oozed down the other. He gently lifted her limp torso and wrapped his arms around his sister's corpse, letting the crimson liquid leaking from his sister's wounds dye his ripped lab coat red.

Jaxel stayed there, listening to the torrential rain that fell outside and weeping into his sister's shoulder, not caring about the scarlett stains that were beginning to appear on his pale fingers.

"Nice work, McGoughlin." Darkiplier whispered into the scientist's ear, appearing beside him, "Pity about the end though." 

Jaxel continued to sob. 

"Pur-lease." The inhuman drawled. "You can't seriously regret this." 

"YOU DID THIS!" Jaxel screamed, anger rising through him. 

Darkiplier chuckled.

"No." He hissed, leaning into Jaxel's face. "You did this." He pressed a clawed finger  into the chest of the green-eyed male for emphasis. 

"I never should've listened to you." Jaxel spat. 

"And yet you did." The demon grinned. "What a fool." 

Darkiplier chuckled again, gazing down at the sobbing mess of a scientist in front of him. 

"What a shame." He whispered, "You would've been perfect..."

**Our Reality**

"(Y/N)!" The YouTuber's scream echoed through the halls of his apartment, his blue eyes snapping open as beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. Sean's breathing was jagged as he struggled for air, his heart racing so fast it was as if his pulse had stopped. 

Gasping, the green-haired male sat up, shuffling his backside onto his pillow and leaning his back against the wall, which was cool to touch. 

As his breathing eased, Sean's overstimulated brain began piecing the pieces of the situation together. He had suffered from an Asama attack.


(Y/N)'s fingers fumbled over the keypad as she speed dialed the phone number of her YouTuber companion. She held the phone to her ear, hearing the ringing at the other side. 

"Hey, (Y/N)." Sean's voice was weary and thick with sleep when he answered the phone.

"Jack. Thank God." The (E/C)-eyed female said quickly, relief flooding through veins. 

"Wha' is it?" Sean yawned. 

"I..." The (E/C)-coloured YouTuber stuttered, "I-I had a nightmare." She admitted quietly, but loud enough for Sean to hear. 

"What happened?" The green-haired male was now alot more alert. 

"It was... it was so..." She searched for the right word.

"Disturbing?" Sean suggested helpfully. 

"Yeah. Y-you... you killed me," A still silence fell between the two.

"B-but," (Y/N) broke the awkward silence. "You were not you at the same time." 

"And my eyes were red, yes?" Sean asked, already knowing what the answer would be. 

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"'Cause I was woken up by the same nightmare."


"YOU HAD AN ASHMA ATTACK?!" The black haired YouTuber's voice screamed thought the phone, causing Sean to wince. 

"Really, Mark? You're more dramatic than (Y/N)." Sean sighed, rubbing his earlobe. 

"Sorry, sorry." Mark said, "You had an ashma attack?!" He whisper-yelled down the phone, and the blue-eyed male chuckled. 

"I think so. I'll talk to the doctor when I can." 

"You better." Mark replied, his scowl could be heard within his tone. 

"I will, I will." Sean said quickly, "Alright. I've gotta go, but I'll talk to you later. Bye Mark." 

The green haired male hung up on the American before he could protest. 


"GODDAMN IT!" Mark exclaimed to himself as the line went dead. 

**Reality X**

Jaxel stared at the towering device that stood half hidden in the shadows of his lab. It had been sitting in the corner collecting dust since he had found the place, and probably long before that as well. Several days had past slowly since the death of his sister and, besides to bury her body, the green eyed scientist had not left the lab since. 

His attention was magnetised to the large contraption, pupils scanning every detail of it, from the placement of bolts to each individual colours of the buttons. Jaxel had no idea what it was, but it sparked his interest. 

After all, this was the only thing standing in the lab when he first stumbled apon it.

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