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I took a moment before answering his message and saved my beat, closing out the tab and opening a separate tab for Spotify playing a random song by 9lives.

I then switched back to my discord tab and fully read over the message..

'Hey it's Blake, been a long time right? I was wondering if you wanted to call soon? I'd like to catch up with you, I miss my old friend'

I was a little frozen in shock that he even reached out but I quickly typed back a response

'I'm free to call right now if you're down? I miss you too old pal'

He had responded making fun of the way I called him 'old pal' and said it reminded him of an old man before saying he'd call me in a few.

I was a little nervous but also excited, I really missed him now that I thought about it, we used to be best friends before he got all famous and stuff and we kinda slowly drifted apart into our own lives and careers.

Though he lifted off way more than I did.

After a few minutes I leaned over to my mini fridge and pulled out a caprisun

Of course right when I was doing that I heard the ring of a discord call, I almost hit my head on my desk as I sat back up straight and set it down, I clicked accept and it was quiet for a few seconds before his camera popped on and he smiled a little

"Yo yo yo what it do babyyyy" his voice rang out causing me to laugh and turn on my camera as well with a smile

"Blake! My dude, how you been man?"

After my camera turned on he simply stared for a moment before clearing his throat and looking off to the side clasping his hands together like a businessman deep in thought.

"I've been great, how you been playa" he laughed a little though his question was genuine

I stabbed my caprisun with the straw and took a sip "I'm doin pretty awesome sauce, I've been working a whole lot yet still broke.. I was actually working on a new single before you called- HEY wait a second didn't you release an album?"

He thought for a moment before nodding "you talkin about lost?"

"Yeah man, I haven't listened to much of it I don't think but I know I've heard dance and that one's hella good, you've gotten far dude" I smiled while staring at my monitor, he looked way different than the old skinny white boy with bleached hair that I knew before.

He was a little bigger now and his hair was brown, back to natural I guess, he also seemed to have stopped wearing his earrings and his style is just as bad as it was, maybe worse. But hey, that's Blake.

His voice was definitely a little deeper though "ahh whatever man, I thinks it's pretty good yeah but you haven't heard the whole album, you definitely gotta listen to it.. I think you'll catch on to a lil inspo I took from a special someone even"

He seemed to get a little bashful at my compliment on his song, like his idol just complimented the work he made "I'll definitely check it dude"

"I see you've used the nickname galagirl for your music, you were so addicted to that game.. you'd never play a single thing else i used to have to bribe you to play fucking street fighter with me" he laughed running a hand through his messy hair

"Yeah I know.. we have to do something like that again eventually, I've noticed your hair is back to it's roots and you stopped wearing earrings.." I smiled raising my brows a bit and took another sip of my caprisun

"Yeah yeah I know, my eboy phase is gone okay.. but you've got some like.. piercings and stuff you know and you dyed your hair, it's nothin too crazy but it fits you, you look less like a nerd"

I threw a hand up over my heart and gasped in fake offense which caused him to laugh and shrug looking around rapidly "what! You had braces and looked so basic!"

I started to laugh too as I remembered how I used to look, I definitely had a glow up since then and thank god those braces are gone.

"Yeah I see we've kinda switched styles now huh"

Now was his turn to act offended as his jaw dropped, he quickly shut it and rolled his eyes "okay I see the game were playing man."

I just started to laugh and soon he did too, after a little while the laughter slowly died down before a question rose in my mind

"So.. why'd you reach out, actually?"

He took a breath in and thought for a moment before getting in a more serious position "well... I kinda wanted to ask if you would Collab with me on my next album?.. it'll be small like, maybe four songs max but you're the one who truly got me into music and you're a huge inspiration so I'd love to work with you on something"

I thought for a moment, I had a song out on my Spotify still from a few years ago when I released a song, I produced a beat and yumi rapped over it.. it was kinda ass but it was the first song he had technically ever made or participated in and he only did it because I wanted him to.

Though now I guess I'm his inspiration for his career which is a heart melting thing to me.

"Well.." I sighed


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