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I huffed out a sigh and leaned back in my chair after finishing my album cover for the single I was about to release as I started to think about what Blake said some more, I had already told him I'd do it but I wasn't sure how motivated I was to make an album.

I single was light work but an album? It would take some time, and I'd probably have to meet up with him depending on if he wants to rent out a studio or not.

Was I ready to see him again?..

It's not like we had some crazy friendship break up or anything but, it's just been awhile I don't know if I'd be able to contain my excitement to see him again or if it'd be a little weird or awkward or something if I was excited to see him.

After all it's been a few years, I originally grew up in New York up until I was 14 and then I moved to Georgia (I think that's where yumi is from) for a few years which is when I met Blake, I eventually moved down to Houston Texas when I turned 17 and me and Blake had become sort of online friends instead.

Which means I haven't seen him in person in a hot minute.

Im not sure what I feel about this situation but there's no time to dwell on it since, of course, I've just got a notification on my computer from the man.

'Can I have your number for better contact?'

I smiled a little at the text and typed out my number, shortly after I got a message on my phone


Yo it's Blake, you still live in Houston? 👀

Nope I moved to Austin, cooler stuff over here

Really??? Wyd this Friday

I guess nothing why

I moved in with my friends like a year ago and we're having a movie night if you wanna come over too

The ones you used to make music with??

Yeah, softwilly, Isaacwhy, Larry and tanner

Ohh yeah I remember them, sure I can, ain't no way you actually in Austin too

Here's the addy bruh
******** dr

Wtf 30 mins away how have I never run into you dude


I saved his address on my maps and stared in awe at my phone at how close he lived, how did I literally never see him, to be fair I probably wouldn't have really recognized him even if I did.

I found my self a little excited but also nervous to see Blake again, though more so nervous that I had to meet the others.. I had talked to them a few times back then on discord and stuff when we would all play roblox or something.

But I wasn't very close to any of them, I do remember I got along the most with Larry and grunk, I wondered if they even remember me since we didn't hangout much.

I checked the time and realized I should be getting ready right now to leave, though I wasn't quite the online creator or anything I did used to post some roblox videos occasionally and some call of duty commentary stuff wayyyy back which had popped off then.

Though it got me a good amount of traction due to being friends with Blake but also, my good friend jay.

Also known as jschlatt.

He only knew me because I was a call of duty creator but later on he reached out for me to make him some background music for his videos that weren't copyrighted.

Since then we've become pretty good friends and realized we get along pretty well, as of now I was supposed to stop by to hangout with him since he said he had nothing to do today.


I got out of my car and approached the house, stuffing my keys into my pocket before knocking on his door, it was taking too long for him to answer so I started to bang on it "jay! Open the door dude!"

The door then unlocked and swung open, his eyebags were dark as he yawned and ran a hand through his messy hair "I fell asleep, totally forgot you were coming over man.."

I sighed and patted his shoulder as I invited myself in "thanks buddy.. I was excited to hang out with you too."

He rolled his eyes and shut the door behind me, [REDACTED] ran up to me meowing like crazy and I picked him up while scratching his head gently "I'm gonna steal this dude from you"

"I have guns, just a reminder" he mumbled as he walked past me and sat down on his couch with a sigh, he pulled out his phone and opened up DoorDash as I walked over and sat beside him with the other in my lap.

Jay handed me his phone with the doordash app open and leaned back more against the back of the couch "choose something, I'm too tired and hungry I'll eat anything"

I nodded and started to scroll through the food places silently

"Anything new goin on?.." he asked with a yawn as his gaze watched me scroll on his phone

"Well.." I mumbled trying to hide the smile that was slowly curving on the corners of my lips

His eyebrows raised a little and a mischievous smile crossed his face "a guy huh? What's his name?"

I rolled my eyes "I hate that you know me.. but his names Blake-"

"Does he happen to be a creator? Just a question.."

"Uh.. yeah? Why?.." I gave him a confused glance before picking a pizza place on the DoorDash app and getting some hot wings, handing the phone back as now he started to scroll through the pizza place

"What's his online name?.." he asked suspiciously as if he knows the guy

"I think it was... yumi?.. its seriously not like that though, we're friends Jay" I confirmed so he wouldn't get the wrong idea since it seemed he already was

"Hey I do know the guy.. pretty good friends with him actually, he's kinda stupid and slow if I'm honest.. how do you know him?" He asked shooting me a glance before clicking a few things on his screen and setting down his phone putting his full attention on me

"Well me and him used to be friends when we were way younger and kinda slowly got lost in our own careers and drifted apart, but he reached out to me like.. a few days ago again to collab on some new music" I said giving a shrug as I saw Jambo scurry across the living room with the zoomies

Jay nodded and scratched at the underside of his chin thinking for a moment "I know you've known him longer and you say it's not like that, but just in case I'd say don't try with that stuff with him.. as far as I know the guy he isn't super into relationships after his last one.."

"Wait.. he dated a girl?.. I didnt think he ever would" I replied with a small laugh though I was curious, he used to be one of those guys who'd get into talking stages with girls but he never wanted a relationship with them so it didn't make sense to me

He nodded "me either but he was with this girl a few years back, they dated for about a year- maybe like 10 months and I guess she cheated and that shit like totally ruined his view on that stuff.. me and him had a whole deep ass conversation about it"

I thought in silence for a moment about jay's words as I watched the cats play fight on the carpet "hm.. I guess I'll keep that in mind then.. but I'm not after that with him, I just want my best friend back"

"That's what they all say.." he mumbled with a yawn and I grabbed a couch pillow smacking him in the head with it

"Ow!- what the fuck! I'm just saying dude!-"

"Shut up I told you it's not like that you Freakazoid!" I yelled back at him as he raised his hands up in defense

Though his words stuck to the back of my brain, I wasn't sure how to feel about that new information.



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