Chapter Five - Lola and Lana's Attempt

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Luna was lying on her bed, taking deep breaths and trying to calm down from the laughing. Her chest was burning, her throat was sore, and her body ached.

She laughed nonstop for a half hour before stopping completely and she was worrying everyone because of it.

She was just trying to calm down now, and the last thing she wanted was someone else to come inside and try to talk to her. She wasn't even sure if she could talk right now with the way her throat and chest felt, but her siblings probably wouldn't care and someone would soon come in and try to talk to her.

The door suddenly opened up, revealing Lola and Lana standing in the doorway, looking at Luna. She just stared at the two and rolled over on her side facing away from the twins.

"Luna?" Lana asked with concern. "Are you okay?"

Luna didn't respond, she just continued to stare at her wall. She knew if she were to speak it would only hurt her throat and chest more.

"Luna! Answer us!" Lola shouted as they both marched up to the bed.

She just continued to face away from the twins, hoping that they would go away, but they didn't. They just stood there, hoping that Luna would eventually respond to them, but she didn't.

"Don't make me jump on you!" Lola threatened, getting ready to pounce. Luna just closed her eyes and took a deep breath, but that only enraged Lola more. "That's it!"

Suddenly Lola jumped on top of Luna and attacked her, and this caused Lana to jump on the bed as well, but she was holding Lola back. "Answer me! WHY ARE YOU JUST LYING AROUND?!?"

Luna closed her eyes tightly, when another strange vision flashed in her mind.

It was Luan being attacked by Lola, and she jerked her arm, sending Lola flying into the wall. Then Luan went up to Lola and stabbed her in the head, killing her.

After the vision, Luna opened her eyes and grabbed Lola's arm, trying to fight her back. The pain Luna felt was unbearable, but she still managed to defend herself. Although the arm that held Lola suddenly jerked, sending her across the room.

Luna quickly sat up and placed her hands over her mouth, unable to believe she just did that. She wasn't planning on hurting Lola, it was almost like she wasn't in complete control of her body, it was more like something was controlling her at that moment.

"Lola!" Lana screamed, running up to her. "Are you alright?!"

"I'm so sorry," Luna said. "I really didn't mean to do it, I swear!"

Her throat burned when she spoke, but she had no choice but to speak. She didn't understand why she threw Lola across the room, or how it even happened, but she knew that everyone was going to hate her even more now.

"I couldn't control myself! I had no idea!"

Lana helped Lola stand up, then she walked out of Luna's room, closing the door behind her. Luna just sat there on the bed with her head in her hands, asking herself why she did that.

"What is going on with me?" She asked herself sadly. "What's with this laughter? My behavior? Those visions?" She had so many questions, but no answers to them.

She looked down at herself and the world seemed to change for very short amount of time. For a brief moment, the work around her turned red, her hands were bloody, and she held a knife.

She quickly closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to remove it from her mind. She didn't feel like herself anymore, she felt someone completely different, a completely different species at that.

Whenever she had those visions of Luan, she felt like she's seen them before, but the one she had just a moment ago, felt different.

She not only felt like she was there, but she could feel the blood that was on her and she could hear the screams of her sisters. She could feel the tension of the situation and her body twitching crazily.

But beyond all the screams, she heard a voice. She knew the voice very well, it was Luan's, but she sounded like she was speaking to someone in the distance, repeating the same thing, over and over again.

"Help her."

(A/N) Well, that's interesting!

I'm somewhat addicted to Bubble Witch 3 Saga, as well as ROBLOX for some reason. I'm also watching AlbertsStuff on YouTube a lot, he's freaking hilarious. xD

Anyway, if you enjoyed, please vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next chapter! ^_^

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