Chapter Six - Lisa's Attempt

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Lisa walked up to Luna's bedroom door and sighed, she knew this wasn't the best decision but she had to do it eventually. "Let's just get this overwith," she said as she opened the door. She saw Luna sitting on her bed, giggling to herself.

The shocking thing was, they were Luan's giggles and not Luna's.

She gulped and slowly stepped inside, but Luna didn't see her. Luna kept on giggling to herself, although the thing that shocked Lisa was when she spotted a knife in her hand.

"Luna? What are you doing with that thing?" Lisa asked with concern.

Luna just looked over at Lisa and didn't say a word, she just stared at her. Lisa noticed Luna's glare was a bit off, and then she realized Luna's glare was exactly like Luan's.

"Get out," Luna commanded, still looking at Lisa evilly. "Get out of here before I make you, Lisa."

Lisa knew that Luna completely lost herself, and that Luna wasn't herself anymore. She's gone insane all because of Luan's decision to end her own life, and there was really no way to help her now. The only way to help her was to give her what she wanted.

Luna tossed the knife and it landed directly above Lisa's head, barely missing her. "Go away," Luna repeated in a much harsher voice.

Lisa just stood there in shock, unable to move her body. Luna stood up and started walking towards Lisa slowly until she was right in front of her. Then she grabbed Lisa by the collar of the shirt and tossed her out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"I have to tell everyone about this," Lisa said, standing up. "This is beyond insanity."

Once Lisa was out of the room, Luna grabbed the knife from the door and sat back down on her bed. Luna knew she lost control in most of her actions and emotions, although she still didn't understand why. She still had those strange visions, although they happened a lot more than usual.

She felt somewhat disconnected from her body, and this entire situation just felt like a long, painful dream that she would soon wake up from once she became happy.

Her body was twitching like crazy, and it wouldn't stop no matter how much she calmed down. "Why is this happening to me?" She asked herself. "I just want things to be normal again, I just want to wake up from this never ending nightmare."

Her door suddenly burst open and all her siblings were standing there, and they didn't seem happy. "You are crazy, Luna! You're attacking Lisa now, too?! With a knife?!"

Luna just sat there with her head down, not wanting to talk about it. "You aren't cool anymore, Luna," Lynn declared. "You're becoming a sadistic freak!"

Luna just lifted up her head, once again loosing control of her body. "Then why don't you do something about it?" Luna could feel her hate and rage grow, so much it became visible. It started as a small, black spot on her chest that started to grow across her body, making her into something that wasn't human.

Everyone stared at Luna as she became a being of hatred and rage.

The darkness spread across her whole body, and her face turned into an unnatural, almost child like smile. It looked like the starter face your character first gets on ROBLOX, but her eyes and mouth were a bright red, so bright that it could be seen a mile away.

She held the knife out, smiling evilly. She quickly dashed toward Lynn, but she dodged the attack and ran out the door and down the hallway.

"Lynn! Get back here!" Lori shouted, although Lynn was already gone. Lori just turned around and saw Luna in her face, laughing. "Do you even know who I am?" Luna asked her, holding up the knife. "I'm something that is so crazy that the real world can't handle me as a single person alone."

Lori was cowering in fear as Luna stepped closer to her, but Lynn suddenly ran into the room with her baseball in her hands, and swung it at Luna's head.

Luna fell down on the ground unconscious, her body still twitching like there was no tomorrow. "Alright, knocked that psychopath out, time to go!" Lynn said, but Lori stopped her.

"No, we aren't leaving, none of you are! Luna is our sister, we're going to stay here!" Lori commanded.

"Are you kidding me?! That girl is a psychopath!" Lynn responded. "I'm not staying here!"

"You guys have to, I feel like Luna will be better, I just know it."

Everyone sighed as Lori knelt down by Luna and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Please be alright, Luna, I know you can fight this."

(A/N) I couldn't find any other way to describe Luna's face, so sorry about that. xD

I also feel bad for Luna, I mean, she's gone through so much in the past year that she's loosing herself to her own insanity.

Anyway, if you enjoyed, please vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next chapter! ^_^

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