Chapter Seven - Learning the Truth

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Luna opened her eyes to find herself in a dark, empty space. For some reason, she was back to her normal, depressed self, making her beyond confused. She just curled into a ball and cried silently to herself, secretly hoping she could stay here for forever.

"Do you know why you're here, Luna?" A voice asked, grabbing her attention. It was soft and calm, yet it sounded so familiar to her. "Do you know why I brought you here?"

"Who are you?" Luna asked, not moving her body from the curled position she was in. Suddenly a faint light appeared, and it soon changed into a ghost.

Luan's ghost.

"It's me, Luan, and I brought you here so I can help you."

Luna was shocked at the sight of Luan's ghost, but the voice is mostly what threw her off track. Never in her life had she heard Luan speak that calm and relaxed. "Help me with what?" Luna asked, still very confused.

"Your problem," Luan responded. "You don't understand the effects you're giving alternate timelines, my old timeline especially."

Luna shook her head, her confusion kept on rising with everything Luan said. With every answer she got, she had more questions. "What do you mean? I don't understand," Luna said.

Luan's ghost sighed and placed her hand against the darkness, revealing many clips of Luna's sad behavior, and then Luan's corrupted behavior from the previous timeline of hers. "Your behavior is causing this issue," Luan said, still showing the images of Luna's behavior. "You're messing with both timelines, you're causing them to collide with one another."

Luna just stared, unable to say a word.

"Your visions were the start of this. They had meaning, they weren't just nonsense." Luan sounded concerned, and her real voice was beginning to show. "You said you wanted me back. Well, this gave my corrupted self the option to try and control you due to your lack of strength and self control."

"I'm very confused, Luan," Luna replied, starting to get frustrated to the lack of understanding the situation. Luan's ghost sighed in annoyance, thinking of a way to make what she was saying simple.

"I was told I was taken back in time, but my spirit was taken to another timeline that would've ended up just like the previous one," Luan was trying to make it as simple as possible. "My spirit took over the Luan I possessed and I made my decision, but do you know what happened to that Luan's actual spirit?"

Luna shook her head. "No, I don't, what happened?"

"She was lost and angry, she didn't want to die so her spirit kept roaming the house, and as time went on, she became just like the corrupted me," Luan declared, locking her eyes on Luna. "Although once she found out you've been grieving me for the longest time, this gave her an advantage. She tried to take over your body, and she succeeded."

Luna couldn't believe this is what was happening, all because of her love for Luan. "How can I get my body back?" Luna asked. "I don't want this!"

"You need to let it go," Luan said in a stern, serious voice. "You need to understand my decision and be alright with my death. Accept the fact I'm dead, accept the fact that I'm not coming back."

"But I miss you, Luan!" Luna shouted, tears threatening to spill out. "I want to see you again!"

"You will when the time is right, but for now, you need to let it go." Luna has never heard Luan sound so serious in her life. "The fate of you, your siblings, and the other timelines rest in your hands, do you understand?"

Luna didn't want to understand, she wanted to say she didn't just so she could be with Luan for a longer period of time, but she knew that would not be the best decision. She knew what Luan was saying, and she knew she had to accept her death even though she didn't want to.

"Yes, I understand," Luna sighed.

"Good to know."

Luan's ghost slowly disappeared, leaving Luna alone in the dark. Luan's word's repeated in her head again and again, and she didn't bother to notice the darkness around her was turning into light. When she did notice, she took a deep breath and prepared herself.

"Alright, Luna, you can do this."

(A/N) I know, this chapter was a bit complicated and hard to understand, and honestly, it's my least favorite out of them all. I was actually having a bit of trouble typing it as simple as I could, but I think I managed to make it simple. x3

Anyway, if you enjoyed, please vote and comment, and I'll see you guys in the ending chapter! ^_^

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