Chapter One - Confessions

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Luna sighed as she held the letter in her hand and slowly walked up to the locker. She looked around and then slid the letter into the cracks of the locker and quickly ran off, a big smile on her face.

(Y/n) walked up to her locker and set her guitar against her backpack, and unlocked it. She gasped a small bit when she saw a letter on the floor with her name and hearts written on it. She quickly picked it up and opened it, reading the letter carefully.

Dear (Y/n),

Your smile brightens up my day, and you always seem to do things your way. The way your (e/c) eyes shine is beautiful like the sound of a chime. You're always rocking everything you do, and I just wanted to say that I love you.

Luna Loud.

A big smile crossed (Y/n)'s face as she started to blush. She chuckled to herself and placed the note inside of her backpack before closing her locker. She put her backpack around her shoulder and picked up her guitar, smiling more than she ever has before as she walked toward the school's exit.

Luna smiled, too, feeling happy that she finally managed to write to (Y/n). "Maybe this won't be so bad," she said to herself as she headed toward her locker to grab her stuff.

Once Luna got her stuff she walked outside of the building and waited for Lori to pick her up. She was relieved over the fact that she finally managed to confess, even if it was only with a letter. The moment that (Y/n) smiled, Luna knew that she had done a good job.

Once Vanzilla pulled up, Luna quickly got inside and sat down next to Luan and Lynn. "You look happy, Luna," Lori said. "Did you manage to write your letter to (Y/n)?"

"You bet I did, bro!" Luna responded happily. "And I think it went down pretty well, I'm sure that (Y/n) liked it."

"That's cool," Luan responded, not taking her eyes off her notepad.

Luna sighed in response. "I really hope she feels the same way about me," she said to herself. "I hope she doesn't think I'm disgusting for liking her."


(Y/n) happily walked down the school hallway, thinking about the letter Luna left her yesterday. She had always had a secret crush on Luna, and to know Luna likes her back makes her feel like a little kid getting everything they wanted on their birthday.

She stopped in front of her locker and looked at Luna, who was only a feet away from her. She smiled and waved at Luna, grabbing her attention. "Hey, Luna!" She said, smiling.

"Oh, hey, (Y/n)," Luna responded, watching (Y/n) as she walked toward her.

"I saw your letter yesterday," (Y/n) replied. "I have to be honest, I kinda feel the same way. I mean, I just need told you cause I thought you were too cool for me and that you'd judge me for liking you."

Luna gasped, shocked that (Y/n) felt the same way about her. "Wait, you actually like me back?" She asked, unable to keep herself from smiling.

"Yeah!" (Y/n) shouted. "I mean, this is actually a little awkward to be talking to you about this, I never thought I would actually confess to you."

Luna chuckled as she started to blush. She had to agree this was an awkward situation, but it was mostly for the fact that they were in school. "So, this is kinda a strange question, but would you like to be my girlfriend?" Luna asked, blushing even more.

"Of course!" (Y/n) responded, smiling.

Luna smiled a tiny bit as she looked to the side. "Okay, then," she said as the school bell rang. "I guess I'll see you after school then."

"Yeah," (Y/n) said, opening her locker and grabbing her books for the next class. "See you after school, love."

(A/N) Look at that, Author~Chan is writing an x reader, something I've wanted to do for a while now! Sorry it's a shorter than usual chapter (being almost 700 words) but I think it's still good despite that.

After this I'm planning on writing a Steven Universe x Reader (maybe I'll work on it the same time as I'm working on this, I'm not sure yet) so be ready for that, too! xD

Anyway, if you enjoyed, please vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next chapter! xP

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