Chapter Two - At the Mall

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For the rest of the day, school seemed to go by slower than normal for both (Y/n) and Luna. (Y/n) was thinking of how amazing she felt when Luna asked to be her girlfriend, and Luna was thinking about what they could do after school.

When the bell finally rang, (Y/n) grabbed her stuff and ran out of the classroom as fast as she could, a big smile on her face. She stopped once she reached her locker and waited for Luna, to arrive at her locker.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Luna said as she turned the corner and walked toward her locker. "Hey, Luna!" (Y/n) responded, chuckling a bit.

"I was thinking maybe that since school is out, we can go to the mall or something? I texted Lori and she's fine with me hanging out with you," Luna said.

"That sounds awesome! I'll have my mom take me and I'll meet you there, is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, it's fine," Luna said, heading toward the school exit. "See you there!"


(Y/n) was sitting on a bench by the doorway, waiting for Luna. She sighed and pulled out her phone, checking the time, realizing she was only waiting for five minutes. She looked up when she saw Vanilla pull up, but she waited until Luna hopped out of the van to put her phone up.

When the van drove off, Luna quickly ran up to (Y/n) and smiled. "So, what do you want to do?" Luna asked as they walked into the mall together.

"You know that one show that I watch, Steven Universe?" (Y/n) asked. "Well I heard one of the shops here has some really cool SU products being sold, and I've been dying to check them out!"

Luna chuckled. "Okay, let's go check them out," she responded, following (Y/n) as she quickly ran toward the store. She knew (Y/n) had a good taste in cartoons and music, and she really liked that about her. She always found (Y/n)'s interest in the show so fascinating, and she would always listen when (Y/n) talked to her about the different episodes and her own theories about the show.

(Y/n) stopped in front of one of the stores and waited for Luna, then she went inside. (Y/n) laughed as she looked around, then gasped when she saw a Steven Universe plush. She squealed and ran up to it, grabbing it tightly. "No doubt I'm getting this," she said, placing it in the small handheld basket Luna grabbed for her.

(Y/n) got almost every single item she could afford, and she even bought a few things for Luna. "Here, love," (Y/n) said, handing Luna a small Garnet plush and a figure of Steven holding his ukulele. "Aw, thanks so much, (Y/n)!" Luna said, hugging both the items that (Y/n) gave to her.

"Okay, now where do you want to go, Luna?" (Y/n) asked, looking at Luna and smiling. Luna looked around, and she pointed in the direction of the arcade. "Let's go to the arcade! I heard they got a new game that lets you play a guitar!"

The two ran over to the arcade together, giggling to themselves. "Whoa," (Y/n) said, looking around. She sees the guitar game Luna mentioned and taps Luna's shoulder, showing it to her. Luna ran up to it, smiling as she immediately put in the change needed in order to play.

"You go ahead and do that, I'm gonna go get us some food, I'll be back," (Y/n) said. Luna nodded in response as she started playing the game, which caused (Y/n) to smile.

(Y/n) left the arcade and went to look for a place to grab food. She spotted a small (favorite restaurant) and quickly ran up to it. Her eyes darted around the menu and she already knew what she wanted to order. "Two (put your own order here), please," (Y/n) said with a smile on her face.

When she was given her food, she paid the cashier and ran back up to the arcade, where she found Luna finishing up the game she had started. "Hey, Luna!" (Y/n) said, walking up to Luna. "I got two (your order), one for each of us!" She said, showing her the bag of food.

"Awesome, bro!" Luna said, walking up to the bench just outside the arcade. She sat down and started eating, and (Y/n) did the same. As they were eating, (Y/n) was ranting to Luna about Steven Universe being on hiatus, and like always, Luna listened to her.

When they were done eating, they both kept on talking to each other until they had to go home.

"Best day ever," (Y/n) said to herself as she was walking toward her mom's car. "Too bad it had to end."

(A/N) Hey, look at that, I kinda crossed Loud House with Steven Universe! Sorry, couldn't help myself, I just am still trying to keep myself from going crazy during this hiatus! XD

Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one! xP

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