Chapter 1 (The Switch)

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(The Switch book was a Danti and Septiplier fanfic about Angels and Demons. Anti got kicked out of Heaven because he wasn't a disrespectful and rude angel. And Mark was a disgrace to all demons since he helped others and saved people.
It was by far my worst rated book with 61 views, 8 likes, 30 comments, and 3 parts as of the 13th of March, 2019.)

Anti's POV

It's the dead of night. The crescent moon casting a limited amount of light on the various buildings and parks far, far below me. Kicking the air in front of me for no apparent reason I watch the utopian city from the tall structure. This structures purpose being to practice the art of flight.

Not like flying is much of an art. It's hard for humans obviously, but when you have wings however it's no where near as hard. What is hard though is the ground miles, and miles below my feet. Bbuuutttt there's no way I'm going to fall and die. Mainly cause I'm not stupid enough to let something like that happen.

Although the idea is tempting, since I'm bored as hell right now! Wait a second... that's it! I close my eyes a smug smile etching onto my face.* Wings unfold from behind my back and extend outwards a gust of wind created when I push off the ground and fly upwards into the night sky. Hanging in the air for a moment my wings close pressing up against my back as my body falls towards the ground faster than any aircraft could ever go. Air rushes past me ruffling up my hair as I continue to fall, and fall, and fall, and fall until I reach the portal I conjured up moments before. Dropping through the portal I close it, my wings outstretching once more. Righting myself I look at the city below me. It has some major differences to the literally angelic city I know, but that seems like a small tid bit of information compared to the blood red crescent moon in the sky. It's a nice contrast to the pure white moon I was looking at minutes ago.

Diving to the ground I land in a back alley my wings slowly closing behind me. Smelling the air around me I sigh taking in the differences from the 'perfect' city I know. Leaning against the wall behind me I spend several minutes prolonging going back home, as I finally decide to go back preparing to take off a hand grabs my arm. Startled I look over at who's grabbed my arm. A tall demon with a toothy smile stares at me.

"Hello angel" his voice sends chills down my spines, which I ignore.

"Hello" I say yanking my arm from their grip and stepping away from them accidentally bumping into someone.

Spinning around I look up to see another not-as-tall-as-his-companion-tall-but-still-quiet-tall demon their hair a darker brown than the other demons.

"What's a precious thing like you doing here in a place like this?" The demon in front of me asks staring down at me.

"None of your business" I reply sharply stepping away ending up in between the two male demons.

"Now that's not very nice of you to say angel" the demon elbows me from behind making me lean forward.

"Not angel like at all" the demon in front of me nudges me backwards.

"Cut out the shovin' will ya?" I snap regaining my footing in between them.

The demon in front of me pushes me into the other demon glaring at me, the other demon looping his arms around mine. Struggling against his hold the other demon steps forward.

"Now who said you could talk back to a demon like that?" The lesser height of the two demons leaning down in front of his face.

             I scowl at him, lunging my head forward so it collides with his with a loud thunk. Crying out he staggers back as I just shake my head to clear the pain away.

"You little--" he knees me in the stomach causing me to lurch forward, the wind escaping my lungs in a harsh cough. Smirking at my reaction he full on kicks me in the stomach. I hold back a groan of pain not wanting to give this man such satisfaction as to hear my cries.

The tallest demon holds onto me keeping me standing as the not-as-tall demon continues to beat me.

That is until a voice sounds from the end of the alley.

*the kind of smile you see that one anime character do when they're like "yeah, I know I'm a badass" or "like you could pull that off baka"

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