Part 8

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(I can't think of a god damn tittle. Suggest one if you have one)

Dark's POV

Rubbing the goop out of my eyes with one hand and keep hold of the gorgeous green bean next to me with the other. Not like he'd move any way, he sure is a cuddle bug. Making a move to get up Anti pulls me back down.

"Stay" he mumbles his voice gravely and deep.

"But Anti-" I begin, but am cut off.

"No" he interrupts eyes still closed in a fight for sleep.

"I'll make you coffee" I drag out the word coffee hearing Anti go silent.

"Fine" he groans simply turning so he's face first in the pillow. "I'm goin' back ta sleep"

I chuckle ruffling up his lime green hair "you do that cutie".

Closing the door behind me gently I walk down the hall and into the kitchen getting the coffee maker ready with coffee beans, as soon as I start the coffee machine a knock sounds from the door. Taking my time with reaching the door I look through the glass eye hole and see familiar cotton candy pink hair. Rolling my eyes I open the door.

"What do you want Wilford?" I ask as soon as the door is open.

"Can a friend not just drop by another friend's place?" He retorts with a dramatic raise of his arms and eyebrows.

"...You're just bored aren't you" I state.

"I have a while to wait till i have to go to something" Wilford gives one of his signature smirks.

"Fine. You can come in" I say stepping back from the door.

"Why tha-" Wilford says halfway through bowing.

I cut him off "but you have to be quiet".

"Why?" He asks walking into the kitchen and sitting at the table.

"Because my boyfriend is sleeping" I answer taking a sip of my coffee.

"Oh. My. God" Wilford stares at me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"My older brothers got a boyfriend!" He exclaims much louder than I would like him to be.

"Shut up. you're gonna wake him" I glare at him from my spot against the counter.

"Well eeexcuuuse me. It's not everyday one of my older brothers gets a bf" He scoffs.

"Wilford I'm your only older brother" I correct him.

Suddenly I hear footsteps shuffling towards the kitchen "Hey Dark what's with all the c-" I see Anti for only a split second before he dashes off and slams the door to our room. Wilford, not being quick enough, turned his head just after Anti left, seeing no one there he turns back to me.

"What was that about?" Wilford asks gesturing to the spot Anti approximately was with his thumb.

"I don't know. Stay here" I instruct speed walking towards mine and Anti's bedroom. Knocking on the door Anti pokes his head out, grabs me by the hand, and pulls me into the room shutting and locking the door once I'm inside. Looking at Anti I see his eyes are filled with an ungodly amount of tears.

"Woah, woah, woah Anti what's wrong?" I ask looking at him with concern filling my eyes. Anti's tears start to slip out of his eyes and down his cheeks as he buries his head into my chest gripping onto my shirt tightly.

"How did he find me? Why now? I thought he was gone" Anti started to sob into my shirt letting lose a overflow of short questions and thoughts. Bringing us over to the edge of the bed I sit down Anti sitting down with me still sobbing.

I've never seen Anti this upset.

Attempting to calm him down I rub circles into his back, as a result his sobs lessen... slightly. "Anti who are you talking about?" I ask seriously but also gently.

The name spills out from Anti's lips as he continues to cry heavily into my chest. The name makes me inhale sharply.

"Anti I can tell you one thing for sure. The man currently out there in the kitchen, is not him. The man in the kitchens name is Wilford Warfstache, he's my younger brother" I tell him while rubbing circles into his back.

"B-but he looks like him" Anti stutters out looking up at me tears streaming down his face.

"Yes, they do look very similar. The man you speak of is... something that lives deep inside of Wilford. Something Wilford is neither proud of nor wants to let out" I pause holding Anti tightly "Anti, Wilford has told me there are blank spots in his memory from roughly 8 to 5 years ago and horrible nightmares he has almost nightly... Would you happen to know why?" I ask curious for both Wilford and Anti's sake.

Anti let's out a distressed sigh that gets choked out by his tears. "5 years ago is when I escaped, 8 is when he kidnapped me"

Thinking of all the ways I can say sorry in my head I hug Anti resorting to showing him affection, he hugs me back gripping onto the back of my shirt tightly. After a few minutes of hugging and calming down time I decide to suggest doing something that would scare Anti.

"Anti... would you be okay going out and meeting Wilford?" I ask calmly. I see Anti's eyes go wide before looking to the floor and rubbing the back of his neck like he sometimes does when he's nervous.

"Is... is it safe?" He asks meekly. I nod. Anti sighs. "Okay" He says.

Giving him an encouraging smile I stand up pulling him up with me, unlocking and walking out of the door we walk a few paces down the hallway, before we walk into sight of the kitchen I stop putting my hands on Anti's shoulders "wait here" I whisper. Anti nods staying put as I walk into the kitchen. Wilford turns his attention away from a picture on the wall and looks over at me.

"Hey look who's back!" Wilford says grinning.

I frown as I walk over and sit down making eye contact with Wilford. "Wilford, do you remember telling me about the gaps in your memory?" I ask seriously.

"Uuhh yeah, course I do" he responds his grin taking on a slight bit of 'why the fuck are we talking about this'.

"And remember telling me about the nightmares you've been having" I ask looking at him for confirmation.

"Yes I do- Dark why are we talking about this now? I hardly think it's the time for such discussions" he laughs.

Pushing my chair back I walk over to the kitchen door way and reach out for Anti's hand. Taking a big breath Anti grabs onto my hand with as much courage as he possibly can and strolls us into the kitchen.

Wilford's laugh abruptly ends, his grin disintegrating as he looks Anti over. Growing nervous from the looks Wilford is giving him Anti hides himself behind me and wraps his arms around my waist most of him still visible.

"Wilford... meet Anti... my boyfriend... Anti... meet Wilford... my brother" I say pointing at the both of them as I properly introduce them to one another.

"Oh my god..." Wilford covers his mouth with his hands looking on the verge of tears. "It's you"

(Cliffhanger. Dun dun dun dun! Heheheh I'm only cutting it off here because I feel I need to post something, I've already been working on this for 2-3 nights. So... here ya go!)

(Aaaaaand there we go! This was the last chapter posted in that book. And the as of February 19th, 2019 the book had 1k views, 71 likes, and 324 comments. As of posting this chapter the original book is deleted)

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