Proper introductions

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Illia's POV
I looked at him. He was of moderate size and looked pretty buff. His face was well sculpted but not extremely so and when I looked into his eyes I saw green and black, instead of a white backdrop with color and a pupil (I forget the proper science terms) he had a black backdrop and green for the color and pupils. I realized I was staring and looked away hastily.
"um... Good morning?.......Uh how long was I knocked out for?"
He walked closer to me.
"A day or so."
He sat down next to me. I tensed up slightly.Trying to recall his name I realized I didn't know it. So I stuck out my hand in a sort of greeting.
"My names Illia. What's yours?"
He looked from me to my outstretched hand and back again a few times before laughing, it was low and beastly and he forcefully pulled me into him for a hug.
"My names Anti, now how's 'bout you and me go to the living room Illia?"
Although surprised by the hug I was pleased that it had gone well.
"Okay, hold on"
Anti released me from the hug but put an arm under my legs and the other behind my back.
"what are you-!?"
Anti picked me up holding me bride style and put his lips against mine forcing my mouth open and letting his tongue slip in. Not wanting to fall I rapped my arms around his neck accidentally pushing our mouths closer together and after a few more seconds he pulled away. He smirked when he saw my cheeks turn warm red and my eyes look to the floor.
Chuckling Anti walked into a hallway and then turned left to show what I would guess to be the living room. It had a TV and a couch and some bookshelves and what ever else you might find in a living room. The room looked familiar and I realized it was the same room Anti had mostly messed with me in the dreams and Anti walked closer to the couch backed closely to the wall sitting down letting me sit down but still he kept and arm rapped around my shouldered .
"So Illia what would ya like ta do?~"
He looked down at me and my eyes got locked onto his.
"I don't really care."
I shrugged and looked away.
No ones POV,
Anti looked at Illia smirking.
"Oh really?~ well what if I did this?"
Anti quickly pushed Illia back and kissed Illia forcing her mouth open as Anti also moved a hand into her shirt. Anti pulled away to see Illia's reaction, she looked surprised and was blushing a good bit.
This caused Anti to grin, he grabbed Illia's wrists pinning her hands above her head and he began to lick Illia's neck getting an instant reaction in shivers. Illia tried to hold back a moan but couldn't letting it slip out as quietly as possible but Anti still heard it. Anti pulled back smirking looking at Illia seeing her blushing madly and looking elsewhere.
"Was that'a moan Illia?~"
Ilia bit her lip and continued to look away encouraging Anti. Anti leaned back down and stopped only a hairs breadth away from Illia's neck.
"I want ta hear ya moan again~"
Anti licked Illia's neck more viciously now pinning her down further into the couch, Illia moaned a little louder and more frequently.
"A-Anti p-please st-stop."
Illia yelled out as Anti dug his sharp teeth into her sensitive neck, Illia's blood oozed out giving Anti a sweet prize to enjoy. He licked it clean and it sealed up leaving the bite mark in place. Illia had her eyes closed trying to slow her breathing but opened her eyes when Anti gently kissed her on the cheek. One question was penetrating Illia's thoughts.
"Why what?" Anti simply asked.
"Why do you do these things to me?"
"Because your mine." Anti said possessively and dominantly as he pulled Illia closer with the hand behind her back.
"Your mine and mine alone." Anti sat Illia up keeping one hand behind her back and the other sifted into her hair. Their eyes were locked but Illia's eyes were submissive and scared whereas Anti's were possessive and filled with dominance.

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