Shock collar

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(If anyone recognizes what I based part of the writing on I give you props! Just so everyone know I am not the best at tittles and I'm messing with the spacing of things, let me know how it goes! Oh and lastly they do do fuck. okay you can continue on now ^~^)
Illia's POV
I woke up the next day next to Anti. We hadn't done anything in the bedroom yesterday but keeping the dreams in the back of my head I'm sure Anti would eventually. I sat in thought for a while contemplating a great deal of things most of them having to do with Anti
No ones POV
Anti woke up feeling Illia turn over, he didn't think she was sleeping anymore. He stared at her back for a while before rapping his arms around her, Illia jumped a little.

"Good mornin' gorgeous~ how'd ya sleep?"he pulled her closer to him nuzzling her back.

Illia sighed and tried to shift out of Anti's grip. Illia had small chills running up and down her back when Anti nuzzled her.

"Well I guess I slept fine. Could you please stop nuzzling my back, it feels weird."

"Good weird or bad weird?" Anti left his head buried in Illia's back.

"Uummmm... Well.. I.." Illia thought about her choosing of words not wanting to upset Anti but not wanting to encourage h m to do anything either.

Anti chuckled and got up taking Illia with him facing her towards him letting her legs rap around his waist. Anti walked them into the kitchen setting Illia down on one of the bar stools and moved over to the fridge. Illia tried to see what he was getting.

"What are you making?"

Anti ignored her, he pulled a long cartoon out of the fridge and then grabbed a pan from the cupboard.

"Alrighty then." Anti flipped the pan in the air catching after its third rotation and smiled at Illia.

"How's about some breakfast?"
After breakfast
Illia's POV

I finished up my eggs waiting for Anti. He had said he was getting something a few minutes ago, feeling curious and bored I got up and looked into the hallway, not here. I walked to the living room and stepped in, he wasn't there either. I stood there thinking about where he was and what he could be doing and was about to turn around and check the bedroom when suddenly I felt a strap go over the front of my neck and around being fastened in the back.

"Ah Jesus fucking christ! What the heck!" I was jerked back and heard a click, spinning around when I was released I looked at Anti looming over me holding a remote with two buttons and a dial on it. I tried to get the collar off but was an able to open the latch I pointed to the collar looking at Anti agitatedly.

"What is this shit. Why did you put a fucking collar on me? I'm not a dog!"

"Sure and I'm not taking it off of ya." He crossed his arms holding the remote in a sure-handed grip.

"Take it off." I seethed threw my teeth.

"Or what?"

"I said take it off!" I lunged at him. He pressed a button and I whimpered and fell to the floor dazed for the moment.


"Oh silly, theres no need to lunge at me." Anti stood over me looking down his died green hair flopped down in front of his face.

"That was amazing!" I sat upright.

"What. Hey what are you doing?!" I latched onto his leg.

"Please shock me again Anti.~ Pplleeeeeeaaaasssee I'll do anything~" I rapped my arms and legs tighter looking up at Anti with my big hazel eyes. The sensation I had felt when I was shocked was remarkable and I wanted to feel it again. Anti looked down at me for a minute confused before understanding and mischief sparked into his eyes.

"Do you really want to be shocked again, I get ta do what I want to ya." I nodded a ton.

"Alright then, get up." I bounded up and followed after Anti.

We walked into the bedroom and he pointed to the bed I sat down by the pillows, Anti grinned and pressed the button I felt the shock and whimpered in pleasure. Anti sat in front of me and pushed me into the pillows pressing the button making me whimper more, he leaned in close and moved his knee toward me rubbing up against my pelvic area coaxing some shakes and moans out of me by doing so.

"A-aahh An-anti m-moar~"

"Hhhmmmm lets see, how bad've ya been Illia?" Anti wasn't just going to give it to me, he was going to make me beg.

"I've been very bad, very very bad. I need to be punished. Aannnngg~" I leaned towards Anti when he shocked me this time, he must have turned up the shockage to make it stronger. He whispered into my ear trailing a hand down my spine.

"Call me master okay Illia." He began to rub with his knee again.

"Al-rig-ght master.~ ple-ease punish me." I leaned into his upper chest rubbing my head along his collar bone. He shocked me again twice in a row making me shake and moan and whimper all over. "Nnghh" i leaned back drooling Anti swept in and kissed me sweeping his tongue across my teeth and all around we fought for dominance but Anti bit my lips making me give in and he pushed in further. My head hit the backboard and Anti pushed me farther keeping our mouths intertwined as he shocked me in quick succession leaving my mid section vulnerable and he took his opportunity.

Anti's free hand swept across my stomach gradually leading up to my bra he pulled back and tugged off my shirt and bra my skin feeling the cool air. I leaned in and took Anti's shirt off revealing a six pack and muscles racing across his chest and arms trailing a hand over him as I went along, feeling another shock I let my arms fall down to the bed again and I looked into Anti's dark eyes lustfully. He looked down at me before shoving me down and racing a hand across my abdomen and up to my breasts while kissing me I moaned and rapped my arms around his back. Anti stopped and pulled back.

"Can we just get ta the fookin' part?" He was panting and was looking quite heated at the moment. I nodded. Anti grinned leaning back in pulling off my jeans while licking my neck, I was moaning again but before I knew it Anti pulled back slightly his pants gone.


"Yes master."I was pushed down into the pillows forcefully then I whimpered loudly when he thrust in not letting me adjust he quickly pulled in and out, my breathing hitched and I moaned a lot hearing him breathing heavily and loaning a but as well. Anti tried to say something but was interrupted by our shared moans and heavy panting He had cummed in me. He pulled out and laid down next to me dragging the covers over us ensnaring us both underneath, I looked into Anti's eyes as he looked into mine briefly and then Anti pulled me in hugging me and I hugged him back my head resting on his neck where as his rested rested on top of my head like a crown our legs were tangled together as we both slowed in breathing and calmed down. Anti repositioned us so we could look each other in the eyes, I got closer and kissed his nose then deciding to rest my forehead against his Anti hugged me tighter.

"I love ya Illia." Anti's eyes bore into mine.

"I love you to Anti." I looked at him our eyes locked for a while. Before I snuggled into his chest sighing hugging him in a snug embrace.

"Can we stay like this for a while." I talked into his chest sleepily.

"Okay my teddy bear.~" Anti hugged me tighter like one would hug a teddy bear. I laughed before falling into a deep sleep.

Antisepticeye's POV

I stared at Illia sleeping in my chest she had almost immediately fallen asleep in my chest breathing softly as I lay and felt her smooth skin against mine. I had started having dreams about this girl a long while ago and soon finding myself falling in love with her even if at first I wasn't sure she was real but when I saw her on the street that morning I was giddy like a child would be over a new toy. Even if she didn't like me back I was going to keep her but spending these past few days with her has only shown me how much I love this girl and that she might love me back, even if I am like a monster in some aspects. My eyelids grew heavier and I shut them falling asleep but continuing to think of her all the while.

(Omg I have been working on this non stop for the past 3 days! This one chapter has been all I've written on Wattpad. I love this story so much! It's all I ever think about and I love how it's going so far! Feel free to check out my other books and give me suggestion for what to in my story's, I need that! Thank you all and I love you!
*looks at word count* oh my god 1623 words? I am insano in my braino!)

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