Chapter 3: Helping the Vulcan

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The whole plan went down the hell hole.

The rogue supernova did not get smaller and avoid Romulus, instead, it engulfed Romulus and became a hole. A damn wormhole. Scotty Prime grabbed onto a handle, Bones Prime had a strong grip on a handle to the side built in for any possible passenger that Spock Prime could have come across, and a large ship called the Narada was sucked in first. The white flickering flames of the portal dragged in the JellyFish flinging it out into open space.

And the Narada was waiting for them.

"And here I thought we were going to die." Bones Prime said.

"Er, is that Romulus?" Scotty Prime said, his eyes widened.

Bones Prime and Spock Prime all froze the intact planet in the perimeter screen.

"Fascinating." Spock Prime said.

"We just went through a wormhole." Bones Prime said. "I wonder what kind of universe this is."

A tractor beam grabbed onto the Jellyfish bringing it toward the Narada. It looked darker than it had been before. There was scars on the side of the Narada, decades old, if possible. Scars that had not been there three minutes ago. It was a strange sight to see. It looked more creeper than it had before. Spock Prime showed no emotion as the ship was dragged into the Narada but what he did surprised Bones Prime. Spock Prime was holding onto a pendent, tightly. It was in the shape of the holo-emitter. One that Bones Prime had seen ninety-four years ago.

It was the same holo-emitter.

"This ship looks more depressin' than any sorry ship I seen," Scotty Prime said, as the inside of the Jellyfish contrasted against the darkness. "And sad."

"We must surrender our selves to the one who has captured us and allow me to face the consequences of my actions."

"Your actions was right, and justified," Bones Prime said. "Don't blame yourself for this. It was a fluke. A big, bad fluke."

"All those Romulans . . ." Scotty Prime said. "All of them. Gone. Burned to the crisp. God knows what this Romulan must feel."

The ship came to a landing pad where it came down to with the landing gear coming into place.

"Ambassador Spock, come out and face me!" Came a Romulan with tattoo's holding a weapon that was long and spear like with spikes at the sides.

There were plenty of other Romulans holding advanced versions of phasers. Spock Prime pressed a button that allowed the platform to come down. Bones Prime took out a hypospray muttering, "This is a wild idea, but it's going to work on you pointy eared hobgoblin!" then applied to Spock Prime's neck. Spock Prime raised an eyebrow both at once puzzled as did Scotty Prime. Bones Prime tossed the hypospray into small compartment labeled 'trash destruction'. Spock Prime felt otherwise fine getting up after putting the Jellyfish into idle mode accepting what his fate may be.

Bones Prime and Scotty Prime waited for the slow Vulcan at the entrance.

Spock Prime's blood felt . . . strangely different.

He couldn't name it but it felt unusual.

"Leonard. . ." Spock Prime said. "Did you hypo me with tri-ox?"

Bones Prime had a quizzical look on his wrinkled face.

"Since when did I hypospray you?" Bones Prime asked.

Spock Prime raised both eyebrows.

"Leonard." Spock Prime said.

"You imagined it," Bones Prime said. "Don't know what you are talking about, Ambassador."

Bones Prime was the first to get off, slowly, using his cane. Scotty Prime was the second. Spock Prime was the third. The first Scotty Prime noticed were dangling menacing wires coming out of machinery above the Jellyfish. Spock Prime lowered his eyebrows shaking his head. There was a threatening dark atmosphere about the massive room. This was a different Romulan ship to the one Spock Prime had been in decades ago for a mission to retrieve a cloaking device. True, he did fall for the captain of the ship and she fell for him: but they had duties to their respective governments.

It simply was not meant to be.

"I will destroy Vulcan as you did to mine! As I am Nero." Nero said.

Bones Prime shook his head.

"Well, Nero, Spock is not Vulcan." Bones Prime said.

"I am a Vulcan." Spock Prime said.

"Sarek informed me, prior to coming aboard the Enterprise, about Spock's heritage," Bones Prime said. "He is actually a Changeling. Capable of shifting into whatever drops into his open wound." Bone Prime gestured over to Spock Prime. "I was at first in disbelief, much as you are, regarding his heritage."

"I am a Vulcan." Spock Prime said.

"I do not believe this." Nero said.

"And he was raised to be a Vulcan/Human hybrid," Bones Prime said. "Amanda Grayson and Sarek treated Spock as one of their own. You see, they had cuts, resulting from a plant they were tending to and then they found a blob of matter resting on their doorstep in a baby carriage." Spock Prime raised an eyebrow. "I mentioned this to both Mr Scott and the captain regarding the discovery."

"And I was in disbelief at first!" Scotty Prime said. "Nae until I saw proof."

Spock Prime lowered his eyebrow.

"If Spock knew what he really was, well, you get the picture," Bones Prime said. "He would have tested out the word of a Vulcan to see if they were right."

"We must get a DNA test." Nero said.

"Do that and anything his blood is in will explode." Bones Prime said.

"I will take the risk." Nero said.

"I was there tae see the vile explode all over the place!" Scotty Prime said. "I was there because my hands were burned from a explosion in the engines. The captain was concerned and so was Mr Spock. Doctor McCoy assured them he was fine when he was treating his burned arms with Nurse Chapel's help."

Bones Prime nodded.

"One time Spock had a injury and a KLINGON'S blood landed in!" Spock Prime was emotionless. "He was a Klingon for a good thirty-two hours while we awaited the DNA sample from both Amanda and Sarek. I had Spock out on the biobed thanks to a hypospray. Can't exactly walk around being a Klingon. So I had to make another injury, drip the blood in, and Spock was back, so ever since we have had to cover his injuries until he could be healed in exchange for his blood not to be tainted. His blood is extremely volatile, be warned, it could evaporate or explode on you!"

Nero was rather unpleased.

"Would you want to give the DNA test, doctor?" Nero asked.

"Why yes," Bones Prime said. "Because you don't treat blood with care. Give me a needle and I will give you a explosion."

"Here." The second Romulan said, handing Bones Prime a needle with a empty inside.

"Doctor McCoy," Spock Prime said. "You do not need to do this."

"The hell I do." Bones Prime said. "Now stand still," Bones Prime seemed reluctant to say what he did not want to say. "Changeling."

"Do nae say we didn't warn you." Scotty Prime said, stepping back.

Bones Prime injected the needle into Spock Prime's arm. The flowing pink blood came flowing out into the contents of the needle like a rising ocean. Spock Prime raised an eyebrow at the contents coming out sharing a glance to the older man who seemed to be intent. Spock Prime was pretty sure his blood was green not pink. Spock Prime lowered his eyebrow considering the hypospray that the doctor had applied to his neck. It seemed clearly obvious that Bones Prime had expected Nero's reaction. Bones Prime then took out the needle stepping back from the Vulcan. And then it suddenly exploded in Bones Prime's hands sending the contents splattering all over the place and burning his right hand.

Nero shielded his eyes.

"Damn you, changeling." Nero muttered.

When Spock had seen the contents explode, he saw a glint in the doctors eyes and a faint smile coming to. His plan was working. That smile had faded after the explosion to reveal a frown and a look of 'damn it, I applied a different dose' as though the injuries were supposed to be more severe. His left hand was free of any burns. It occurred to Spock Prime that Bones Prime had applied some form of phaser formula chemicals to his blood stream.

"I will find the changeling home planet and you will pay dearly for the loss of my home planet," Nero said. "And you will be placed on a planet you do not belong. I want you to taste the loss of your own species when the time comes."

"I grieve with thee." Spock Prime said.

"Stop talking like a Vulcan, changeling." Nero said.

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