Chapter 4: Seconds

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. . . 2258. . .

. . . Vulcan. . .

Spock Prime wondered where the plan Bones Prime had thought up. When did he decide to bring a hypo being chemically dangerous and potentially lethal if put in the right environment? He was the first to be beamed down to the planet surface. Scotty Prime landed with a thud on his side, and the Scotsman laughed instead of making a complaint.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Four seconds.

Five seconds.

Ten seconds.

Thirty-two seconds.

Three minutes and thirty-three seconds passed.

"I can nae believe it worked!" Scotty Prime said.

"Bones should be here soon." Spock Prime said.

"Ay, he is likely badgerin' them for their sick bay." Scotty Prime said.

Then the figure of Bones Prime appeared in a haze of gold. Though Bones Prime lacked his walking cane. He seemed to be unwell. His face had gone pale and his eye seemed to be the indicators of something terribly wrong. Bones Prime's legs started to go. Spock Prime, unlike his slow pace, was there immediately by the doctor's side catching him in his arms. Spock Prime raised his free hand up to see there being red blood.

"You are a Vulcan, Spock," Bone Prime said. "I didn't tell them."

Scotty Prime and Spock Prime equally shared a horrified expression.

"Hold on, Leonard." Spock Prime said.

And the group made their way to the city of ShiKahr.

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