Chapter 3 - The rain comes

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Minor Gore, again


The Rainforest smelled of peaches and fruit. The dragon's vision was blurry with the rain of the rainforest she could barely see what was a tail width in front of her she was heading towards the RainWing village. Trying to find anything to find others. She stopped in her tracks, thinking she heard something then rushed back to her house remembering something.

*               *               *

She went to her room and walked towards her bed. Taking up a worn scroll, it had a little piece of the scroll on it and said: " Magic scroll, write in it ".

She giggled at the note then wrote, Hi.

Hey, dragon I don't know! The scroll wrote back, as it glowed softly.

Well, If you want it to know, I'm Daisy. Yours? She replied admiring the glowing of the scroll

Ha! Why would I tell you? The scroll replied again.

Because It's common courtesy! Daisy felt infuriated. Why? Is it silly like. . . uhhh. . . the ink suddenly slashed across the page. A bright light crossed her eyes, then a whisper went through her mind it said, his name is Monty. . . Her vision slowly came back, she saw the scroll glowing alot.

Daisy? DAISY?! Monty wrote back hurriedly and looking worried.

I'm fine, She replied. I think. . . I hope so!

Daisy, you worried me for a second. he wrote

I should be the worried one. . . Ok, switching topics! Whats your name? Daisy wrote back, it being a bit slow. Tell me the truth!

Hm. . Call me. . .Ginger Monty replied softly laughing to himself

Ginger? Daisy replied. You sure that's your name?

That might not be my real name.

Oh, ok can I just call you. . . Monty?

Fine. . . he wrote back, as she felt accomplished.

Tell me more about you, Monty Daisy replied.

I am a dragon in a place where you probably know because of the state of the scroll! Monty wrote back

This is in very bad condition, Scorpion den? Oooo are you a SandWing hybrid? Daisy replied wonder filling her eyes.

You're either a very good detective or been to the scorpion den your self. Monty wrote back suspiciously.

I like to think Both. Daisy replied, a goofy grin going across her face.

Sure you do.

Hey! You're writing it down so I can see it!

So tell me more about your self, Scroll, Daisy.

I give up! But I'm living in the RainWing forest right now. Besides this, she started drawing herself. Falling from the rainforest village towards the NightWing village, as she started to color it with paint. 

*Insert unfinished drawing of a RainWing Forest with RainWings on top and NightWings on the bottom, with a Rain wing with teardrop scales light blue with white wings, and purple spots as well, with a Signed 'Daisy ' in the bottom left, with the dragon being colored *

Woah that's really good, How did you learn to draw like that? Monty Wrote under the picture.

We've been trying to do more painting in my family lately, Daisy replied. And getting more empty scrolls to do this. I always get scrolls by my bed, its weird.

What made you write 'Hi' in this 'scroll?

Oh, it had a note and it said, ' Magic scroll, write in it! ' So, kinda had to!

I gotta go, I guess I'll talk to you later? Monty wrote quickly.

Yeah, You have a great time! Daisy replied.

A few minutes later she saw the scroll glow softly again. She rushed over and opened to scroll to see red splattered on the pages.

*               *               *

Daisy started pacing, her mind wild, What do I do? Monty is in trouble! Do I try to find him? Or do I stay here, helpless? Something must have tipped her dad off because a tired looking NightWing walked in.

" You alright sweety? " The tired looking NightWing said softly.

" No, nothing is alright, dad " Daisy said the worried look printed on her face. " There is a scroll that appeared by my bed this morning and now the dragon on the other side is in trouble. "

She showed the open scroll with the red splotches, and her dad widened his eyes. 

" Then what are you doing here? Do you know where he is? " Her dad said with worry.

" No, only a hint of that he is in the scorpion den, remember when we visited when I was little? "

" Yes, Daisy we can't take the long way, we need to take the shortcut "

" The, shortcut? " She asked.

" Remember the cave that the dragonets of destiny found that were made by Stone' Mover? "

She thought about her history lessons with her dad, she knew as soon as her mom saw the teardrops by her green eyes and she hadn't come back. Then she nodded.

" Ok, let's go, I just hope we aren't too late, " Her dad said.

Daisy grabbed a black bag with a white crescent moon on it, she put some ink bottles in the bag along with some food and the worn scroll. She saw her father get a bag as well and packed more food. Then they set talon to the caves.

*               *               *

A RainWing guard stopped them.

" Storm' rider, " The guard said pointing to her father " You're not allowed to go. "

" Its an emergency! " Daisy growled softly. " You wouldn't want to mess with two angry dragons, would you? " Daisy showed her fangs and spit just a tiny bit of fire, burning out straight away.

" O-Of course " The RainWing guard studdered. " Y-you c-can go t-through, d-don't cause a-any t-trouble. "

They ran past, running on the ground so that they couldn't get lost as easily, Daisy in the back with her father in the front. They arrived at a cave, with it being by a waterfall not really easy to hear anyone else except for birds cawing over them and splashing ripples of water. Storm'rider pointed to the cave and waved to Daisy. And they disappeared into the Darkness of the Cave.

*               *               *

Daisy and her dad slowly walked to the cave. He blew fire every now and then to see the walls, twists, and turns. They emerged from the cave. Daisy suddenly had a vision come to mind two dragons who could help them. Her mind blazed with pain falling on her dad.

" Dad, I-I think I know dragons who could help who are going to Blaze's Stronghold right now. "

Storm' rider nodded " Go then, quickly my little Daisy. " 

She headed for the stronghold worrying and hoping nothing bad would happen. Trying to do big, long strokes over the sandy wasteland.

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