Chapter 4 - Meeting The Red Dragon

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Caspian and Storm saw the sun set and decided to set up camp on a rock ledge, although something was saying in his head, keep going Caspian, you still have a lot of energy and possibly go for days. But another part of his mind was also thinking, stay for Storm's sake.

He fell asleep and dreamed of the SandWing dragon talking to him, he was in distress;

Whats wrong? Caspian asked

EVERYTHING IS WRONG! the SandWing yelled In the dream, he waved only one arm and his right arm wasn't visible.

Is it about your arm?

Yes! They just ripped it right off, like it was easy, but it's not! As he was saying this he was tearing up mad tears.

You could try to get an animus to help. Caspian said softly, trying to calm him down.

There is, two dragons who are an animus' but they don't want to help! Caspian looked at the SandWing with awe.

Two? And they didn't help you?

Yes, they said ' Oh, it'll heal. ' But no, things don't just heal like this, it would take only magic for it to happen, or a very lucky miracle.

Well, there has been a rumor that Prince Quilo was an animus, so whats stopping other prince's or princesses' from being animusies?

I don't know, didn't you say you had a sister?

Yes, yes I did, why?

Is her name Daisy?

No, I think that's a RainWing's name. And not an IceWing's. . . 

He now felt talons pushing him.

Oh no someone is trying to wake me, it's probably Storm. I'll see you tomorrow night? Caspian said, sad to leave the dragon.

Ok, have fun, don't get hurt. He said sadly, and it fading as he woke up.

Caspian woke up, to see a red furious dragon, she saw him open his eyes and backed up sitting down, lashing her tail.

" And where did you come from? " Caspian asked, noticing the wings were tucked in and pure white, with fading to red on the wing 'flesh'? He still wasn't sure of the autonomy of Wings or dragons yet. Membrane?

" Well, where'd you think I came from? " She snarled and pointed to her odd wings then the sky.

" And I'm guessing you and the rest of the SkyWings are gonna attack us. " Capsian said, while shaking Storm's shoulders to wake her up.

" I- what would make you think I'm a SkyWing? " The dragon confusingly asked and her scales turned from a violent red to a confused purple and orange swirls.

" Um, because you looked like one? "

" And You don't know RainWings can change colors? "

" No? " 

" HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING UNDER A ICY ROCK?! " The dragon screeched. 

" I'm up! " Storm yelped getting in the IceWing stance that was very hard to do. But she looked around only to see Caspian and the dragon before hiding behind Caspian. " Who is that? "

" This is. . . " He started pointing at the purple and orange dragon.

" Daisy. . . " She mumbled as her scales turned into calm blues with a clear teardrop scale by each of her eyes. Her wing membranes still fading to white. With some purple in her scales, scattered around. And her pale green eyes, not bright, with a soft white layer over them.

" Daisy? Daisy, why have you woken us up in the middle of the night? " He pointed to the sky to a half moon and two new moons barely visible from the dark clouds of the night.

" Because I need your help. " She said.

" Why? What for? " Storm asked curiously.

" A Friend needs your help, I think something really bad happened "

" Why do you think we would help? " Caspian said.

" 'Cause you know who it is, " Daisy said suspiciously.

Capsian and Storm looked at one another. Know who it is?

" Yes, " Daisy seemed to reply. " Caspian does, I'm sorry but Storm doesn't. . . I think, at least "

The dragon took out a worn scroll and looked like it was ripped in many places. she rolled it out, looking like there was a conversation being played out. then there were red spots on the outside and severely on the left side. Daisy seemed to point to it and look at Caspian expecting him to say something.

 " Um. how do you know where he is? " Storm asked.

Daisy pointed at a symbol and explained " I went once to the scorpion den when I was very young, and I saw a scroll shop there that had the symbol all on their stuff. "

Caspian and Storm looked confused.

" You two definitely lived under an icy rock all your lives, " Daisy said some red entering her scales. " You don't know anything, do you? " She growled softly. And tugged on their wings and started flying away, Caspian and Storm scrambled to catch up.

*               *               *

They had slowed their pace while crossing the desert the moons moved from what it looked like to Caspian, the length of how much traveling they had done so far, which wasn't that much, but it took the living moonlight out of him. And Storm, Caspian, and the dragon who they just met, Daisy, kept flying in silence, Oasis's passing them every now and then. When the sun was on the brink of the horizon line, they saw a stronghold about two or three times bigger than Blaze's stronghold. Storm's dark grey scales shivered a bit but kept flying. Caspian looked at it in awe, even as they got closer, when they landed a NightWing rushed over.

" Daisy! Did you bring the dragons you wanted to get? " He looked over to Caspian and Storm, " my apologies, I'm Daisy's father, Storm' Rider it's very nice to meet you "

" They've been living under an icy rock, they didn't even know about this place. "

" Calm down, there must be a logical explanation for this, " the tired dragon said. " We need to get to the nursing place as soon as possible. "

(That went by fast! I only had to change a word or two but there are 1076 words! Eeeeee - Paige)

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