Chapter 6 - The plan

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It's time bois. . . tried to make it the best >:D


The sun felt like it was beating harder on her scales, as they turned an uneasy pale green.

"But do they have an animus or any advantages that we need to know about? " Stormrider asked the orange Sandwing concernedly.

" Not yet, " Monty replied mysteriously. " But they wanted me to join them. What If I join them. "

Daisy was the first to react with her pale green scales now with spirals of yellow.

" We should introduce ourselves. " The dark grey Icewing interrupted, trying to break the short silence as Daisy's scales were flashing with colors, changing with taking over; red; orange; yellow; green, all you could name, as the others ignored her.

" I'm Storm, Capsian, " Storm noted, then the Black and white dragonet. " Storm' rider, " She pointed to Daisy's dad " Daisy, " She said pointing at her changing colors, indicating she was very much a Rainwing, unlike other dragons. " And-? "

" It's Monty, " The SandWing answered.

" I want to join the mission!! " Daisy exclaimed with an unexpected confidant yelp as her scales turned bright yellow, the other colors dissipating, jumping up and flaring her white-blue-yellow little wings.

" You? " They all echoed, like the Rainwing couldn't do anything. Believing the Rainwings were still lazy.

" Yes! " Daisy said with a pride that could not be crushed. " I could be a bodyguard for Monty, I'm actually pretty good at getting into different scales. . . " but she ended with an uncertain note.

" She is, I believe in her, unlike some others. " Commented Stormrider defending her daughter.

All the rest of the group looked at her with surprise. Monty especially, with a longing feeling coming off him looking like he wanted some help, She couldn't be that good, could she? She is just a RainWing. His mind flashed to an older looking SandWing that Daisy thought was his mom. Anything for her. . .

" That's why I would like to join you in your spyin', " Daisy said with enthusiasm again, feeling kind of hurt by his thoughts. " You know would want some help. "

Monty looked down then nodded softly. How could she-?

Daisy heard this and hid her surprised look and kept her yellow and toned it down to match the sand under her, with some darker sandy colors, put white spots on her underwings, revealing her silver teardrop scales by her eyes. Her wing membranes/wings still fading to white.

Monty looked at her surprised, she strained her tail and tried to shade her scales to make it look like she had a poison barb.

" What'cha looking at? " Daisy growled picking a serious and Australian voice. " Let's get going already, Monty, call me, Adder. You guys stay here, you will be caught if they see you, so join at your own risk. "


A PERSON! - Paige

WHO? - Daisy

. . .Draw With Jazza. . . - Paige

?? - Daisy )

Everyone stayed as Adder and Monty launched off of the ground making sand fly around them, as Monty was having a hard time flying. Daisy- er Adder flew over, despite her small size she could help him get sturdy just a tiny bit, and he kinda straightened out. Her face was trying to turn out of character, with a slight smile. She flew back towards the place she was before keeping her pace with him, her scales trying to turn into a light pink.

* * *

The Scorpion den was coming into view and Daisy put on a burst of speed trying to keep her scales the same colors. And the same thoughts of being Adder.

She looked back at Monty and thought in Adder's voice. The slug, he will never be alright without his leg, wonder why is he joinin'-.

She stopped seeing the guards by the entrance, they were wearing black hoods, the hoods back behind their head- unworn.

As soon as the guards saw them they quickly put on the hood back on their head. She heard the guards thinking about how borin' their jobs were. One was a light sandy color and the other one was a brown, a Mudwing - SandWing hybrid probally.

Ughhhh Its so boring here, the hood makes it much hotter. The light sandy dragonet thought.

The Muddy SandWing had a silent mind. She had a very small earring with a red-black stone in the shape of a sun, which Daisy guessed was Skyfire. She and Monty landed in front of them.

" We need an audience with the Talons of Power leader. To discuss something important " She growled with her Adder voice " And I'm sure he would like to see this one, I'm sure you remember attacking this dragonet before "

( GoRe WaRnInG )

She could see from the sandy dragons face turning to horror remembering seeing the attack from below, and blood almost flying on him along with a leg that he kept in his room hidden from everyone. She stopped her face from turning anything but being serious.

( ok, we're done, avoid above at your own risk )

" Well, we don't have all day," Daisy- er Adder snarled. " So let us in or we will be on our way. "

The Brown SandWing looked at Monty then to Adder.

" Fine, go in, " Said the dark SandWing who surprisingly had a girl's voice. She was regretting this but then thought.

Wow, she is cute. Who knew there was such beauty in the world. She as Adder thought, she was glad nobody could hear her think at that moment.

" T-thank you, " Adder said, pretending to have a crush on the mud-colored SandWing. And Daisy-Adder pulled on Monty a bit who was frozen, scared. " Come on, slug. "

They walked in and kept their heads down heading towards the oasis of the town.

* * *

The sandy dragons sped through the road, Daisy just had to put her head down, and she only saw her talons on the sandy street of the Scorpion den. They made it to the sandy oasis in a couple of minutes. and they lifted their heads. Daisy held her head, on the way there were thoughts that she heard was unbelievable, some were thinking along with talking to friends from different tribes. She used this to look bored.

" Come on, sl-Monty. . . You need to be in your meeting and become a valued Talons of Power member. " Daisy toyed him in her 'Adder' voice still. " You have fun with the rest of your life! "

Daisy started to walk away then her scales shimmered into her surroundings as she did this, Monty walked in and Daisy followed slowly after, not being seen, that much. A large NightWing sat on the thrown 3 times as tall than her dad. And he sat up from his chair.

Don't be scared, remember your mission Monty. Daisy thought, instantly regretting it

" Well, hello. Your the one that I've been looking for, " The NightWing said to Monty, his tongue slithering in and out of his teeth. "It's so sad that you wanted to betray me. "

Enchant this dragon to obey my every command, and to have no idea of the outside world and only know life in the Scorpion den. The Nightwing thought exaggeratedly while putting a talon onto Monty's forehead.

Daisy stopped a gasp and tried to erase her thoughts.

" Find your friends and say that the mission failed and enchant them to be under my command when you say this. " The huge NightWing said to Monty as he nodded slowly with a bow.

Daisy was frozen, how- could. she thought before feeling the cold gaze hit her.

Rainwing, she growled in his mind. I would suggest you stay right there if you want to live, mindreader.

Daisy ignored this comment and opened her small wings and flew out of the tent and to her friends. As Monty looked like he had one mission, his face blank, go to the others.


Started at 1210 words

. . .

Ended with 1403 words

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