Chapter 7 - The Worry

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The group had been hanging about as they heard two fast wing beats in the distance; one faster, more hurriedly, and closer than the other.

Soon later a thud came and Adder was seen, his scales were wavering, like the sand dunes he had seen. Caspian was confused why the dragon was early so soon.

" Go-. . not- what, he- seems. . .Magic corrupts. . .  " He finished, his voice slowly turning into Daisy along with her scales. She looked tired against the distance figure of Monty, terrified and hurt. She fell down, heaving. She kept pointing to her wings than to the sky and away. " Monty, controlled- crazy animus nightwing. " 

Monty was getting closer, about 5 tail-lengths away. Daisy got up and started to hover in the air, still winded.

" Come on, he is not himself right now! " Daisy cried to them, he had an odd fear in her eyes looking like Pyrrhia was going to fall on them.

She could be lying, we haven't seen her do anything. Well, He thought about how she woke them up and persisted them through the night, she couldn't have seen she was said to leave him alone.

" I'm not lying, " Daisy cried again, looking towards the group and more at Caspian. " If you don't believe me. nobody will. " Daisy finished this and flew away. From the look of it, Daisy was crying. 

" I'll go after her, " Caspian said comfortingly to Stormrider standing up to go after her. He got into the air, winging after her.

" If you insist, " Stormrider sighed looking to Monty and welcoming him, before he was out of earshot.

*   *   *

After a while of flying, Daisy landed by an oasis, crying softly to herself. Poor thing, I hope she will be alright.

She paused trying to wipe her tears away, " I know your here Capsian, and I'm not alright, you guys don't listen when there is something important, and now they're gone, under the Nightwing's control. "

" Who is the ' Nightwing ' " Caspian questioned Daisy

Daisy looked at him with hurt eyes, like she had just noticed what had just happened. " Where are the others? " Daisy aked with worry " Did you leave them with him?! "

Now Caspian was really feeling confused.

" Tell me who is the Nightwing. " Monty asked.

" I don't know. He looked ' nice ' then talked, a lot" She took a deep breath changing to be a menacing voice, mimicking a voice. " ' Well, hello. Your the one that I've been looking for, It's so sad that you wanted to betray me. Enchant this dragon to obey my every command, and to have no idea of the outside world and only know life in the Scorpion den. ' Find your friends and say that the mission failed, enchant them to be under my command when you say this. ' "

" Why didn't you say this before?! " Capsian worried, now pacing.

" I did say it '  Go-. . not- what, he- seems. . .Magic corrupts. . . Monty, controlled- crazy animus NightWing. ' So, I did! You guys didn't believe me even when I wasn't in best shape, it was a long way. " Daisy complained.

" Then what do we do now? " Caspian asked " We still have the scroll, right? Can we check it? "

Caspian took the scroll from Daisy's trembling talons, without waiting for an answer. And got some rocks and placed one on each corner.

He and Daisy looked at it.

Ok, any clues? He thought again, nervously scanning the scroll.

" All of this was here, " Daisy looked at a specific part. " I don't remember writing that. "

She pointed to a map. Of a stronghold, Caspian believed. And it was being written with utmost carefulness. Capsian looked at Daisy again.

" They know exactly what Sunny's stronghold is. " Caspian replied, " And with the other castles as well "

He pointed to others that were labeled; Summer Palace; Deep Palace; Queen Cloud's Palace; The Rainwing-Nightwing village; Queen Lumi's Palace; The Scorpion Den; Queen Sunny's Stronghold; Queen Autumn's Palace; and the full map of Pyrrhia, big and heavily detailed. Capsian and Daisy looked at other with worried eyes. Capsian noticed there were little dots with names of dragons exact locations.

Including theirs, with Storm and Stormrider on the way. They looked behind them and saw them flying, quickly. With blank, white eyes, And Storm looking more serious than she ever could. Capsian and Daisy opened their wings and started to fly towards the Rainforest, to try and lose them, in the trees.

*   *   *

They kept flying all night, and so did the blank-eyed dragons behind them.

They saw the Rainforest and the mountain range.

Caspian and Daisy tried to lose them, communicating by thought.

They're behind us now, let's try to lose them up ahead. Capsian thought, knowing Daisy could hear, and she nodded.

They split up, as Caspian could notice how when Capsian flew anywhere, and Storm would follow him. He did a sharp turn to the left avoiding a mountain in their way. He heard a scrape and turned around.

It was Storm, scraping her talons on the barren rock.

He thought he might try, he silently flew towards Storm, her growling at his touch. When he started to think Daisy came her wing beats coming in hurried strokes.

He hoped it would work then kept his talon to her neck as Storm snapped her teeth at him, this was not the Storm she remembered. . .

Enchant this dragonet to be put back to normal and be back to her normal \self, with all of her memories intact. He waited, nothing her eyes were still blank, she was now growling even more.

Caspian felt his heart would just jump out of his chest, he looked down at those, blank, staring eyes. Nothing like he remembered.

" It didn't work. " Capsian said sadly.

" I was trying to tell you, I think Monty enchanted them to only think of the enchantment because I kept hearing ' enchant these dragons to obey Darkstalker's every command. and irreversible- ' " she topped, her scales now white, she shivered again, and didn't speak again a lot.

" So- " Caspian asked " Storm won't be able to. . . "

" I- I'm sorry " Daisy replied, her voice breaking off. she cried and hugged Caspian, shivering at his cold scales.

" Well, what, what if we enchant something else? She does have this little armband she loves that she always wears, we could enchant that. " Caspian said and thought of a little string with a beautiful black bead on it.

Caspian tried to lift Daisy's head before he lifted it herself, her tears still staining her face.

" Ok, plan. . . Get the necklace from the angry Stormcloud! " Daisy said, cheering up, her scales were still a snowy white, and that. . . kind of worried him.

Started at 1092 words

Ended at 1183 words

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