Chapter Five - Why Have You Forsaken Me

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Throughout the rest of the day, K.O. still felt terrible about his little outburst and it kept on bothering him for the longest time despite both Colewort and Potato forgiving him for it. He kept on thinking of scenarios that could've happened if they did get caught because of his actions, and boy, they weren't very pretty.

He couldn't have been more relieved when it was time to go to bed, he just wanted to fall asleep and forget all about today. He tucked himself in and curled himself into a ball, and after a long while of moving around and getting comfortable, he finally fell asleep.

K.O. was standing in the middle of the plaza, which now destroyed from the nuke. All of the buildings were destroyed and there was a bunch of debris scattered all around the ground. There were screams in the distance and many dead bodies on the ground.

He just decided to walk forward, watching his steps carefully. He didn't want to step on anything sharp and cut himself or take a wrong step and fall into a hole.

He felt himself shiver as he walked forward, looking around him. He was just wandering at this point, trying to find somewhere that he'd feel safe. The entire area was unsettling and unrecognizable, and he just felt extremely uncomfortable.

He continued to wander until he saw a familiar body in the corner of his eye and he ran up to it. His eyes went wide at the sight of Dendy's head lying on the ground. He let out a gasp and his body started to tremble. He knelt down and picked up her head, turned it around to where her face was facing toward him. He just looked at her, tears threatening to spill any moment.

Suddenly, she opened up her eyes. "Hello, K.O.," she spoke, a smile on her face. K.O.'s eyes went wide and his mood immediately changed from grief to fear. "Why have you forsaken me?"

This caused K.O. to let out a loud scream as everything around him faded out into nothingness. He could hear people saying his name and calling for him.




Potato was shaking K.O., trying to wake him up from his nightmare. "K.O.! Wake UP!" This time she jerked his body quickly, and this caused him to immediately jerk awake with a scream. His fist was glowing with a bright blue fire, and he was in a fighting stance, ready to attack.

"Woah, K.O., calm down!" Colewort said, popping out from behind Potato. "It's just us."

"G - guys?" K.O. asked, looking at them with his eyes wide. His gaze shifted over to his fist and realized that he almost attacked them out of a reflex, and he felt his heart sink. He immediately made his power fist up away and he shook his head, trying to remove the awful dream from his mind.

"K.O., are you okay?" Potato asked. "We heard you mumbling in your sleep so we decided we'd come over here and see what the problem was. When we got here you were tossing and turning and we knew we had to wake you up."

K.O. placed his hand on his head and blinked a few times, still very confused. He didn't know why he had a nightmare, he hasn't had one in a long time. It really confused him and made him hope that they weren't coming back, he didn't want them to, he went so long without one.

Then he realized that there really was no escape from his awful nightmares and the life he lived in. It was his reality now, that was something he knew for a long time yet was still struggling to accept. It pained him to know that no matter what happened, everything would always come back to him when he tried to forget.

"Hey, K.O., is something bothering you?" Potato asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. "If there is something bugging you, you can always talk to us about it, you know that, right?"

"Oh, it's nothing," he responded. "It wasn't really anything to be bothered by anyway. It was just a silly little dream that wasn't even worth freaking out over." He laughed a small bit, his throat going dry as he remembered how Dendy spoke to him. There was something so unsettling and horrific about it, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Hey, you look like you're really hungry," Potato noted. "I mean, you haven't eaten in a long while. Maybe it's time for you to eat again, K.O."

"What? No!" K.O. said, shaking his head. "We can't use up our food supply so quickly! Besides, you guys should eat first if anything, you went longer without eating than me!

"We're not humans, though," Potato said. "And actually, we're a bit older than you. You're still a child, and besides, you're getting skinny. Come on, you deserve it."

He just let out a small sigh. "Okay, fine, but if run out of our food supply quickly I'm blaming you," K.O. said, slightly annoyed.

Potato smiled and let out a small chuckle, happy that K.O. was willing to eat something.

It's been three weeks, after all.

(A/N) Yet another filler chapter with a small moment inspired by some hilarious Fanart on DeviantArt I found of this AU! Credit for that idea to the person that made that mini comic and started the Dendy Head Cult on DeviantArt, you're an amazing human xD

But yeah, filler chapters because I need some space in this story before I start progressing the plot forward and stuff like that

Anyway, that's really all I have to say for this chapter other than please vote and comment if you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next one! ^.^

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