Chapter Six - A Familiar Voice

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K.O. sat down with his legs crossed as Potato went to make him something to eat. He still didn't really understand why Potato and Colewort still cared about him after his outburst, which he knew would affect him for the longest time.

He just let out a sigh and looked at his bear that he used as a pillow. He remembered the exact moment he got it and how happy he was. There was one distinct feature about the bear that made it special, and that was that a person could record their voice and set it as the audio file that played when you pulled a string on its back.

Remembering this caused K.O. to turn it around, and he saw the string was still there. He felt his eyes sparkle a little bit when he saw it and he had the urge to pull it knowing what the bear said once it was was pulled.

He took a deep breath and carefully pulled on the string, doing his best not to accidentally yank it off. He didn't think the audio would play, but to his surprise, it did. Something lit up inside him as he heard the bear talk in a familiar voice he hasn't heard in a long time.

"You're my adorable little hero, K.O.!"

He pulled the string again, and another audio clip played.

"Stay strong and remember that mommy will always love you no matter what!"

He let out a small smile as the memories started coming back to him. There was one more audio clip that was left, and he pulled the string one last time.

"Mommy will always be here for you, no matter what happens! I love you!"

K.O. was on the verge of tears afterwards, trying his best to force them back. There was something about them, mostly the last one, that made him want to cry. Maybe it was the fact that even though his mom said she'd always be there for him, she really wasn't with him, and he had nobody to look up to.

He had nobody to ask what to do or where to go, he didn't even have anyone to ask where she's gone missing to.

He just let out a sigh and wiped away the few tears he let come out and set his bear back down on his bed. Not too long after, Potato walked up to him and gave him a bowl of sliced potatoes. "Haha, I know it's really not the best thing, I just decided to heat up the first thing I saw," she said, letting out a small chuckle.

"Thanks, Potato," K.O. said, smiling a small bit as he sat the bowl in his lap and started eating. They tasted dry and they were still sort of crunchy and cold, but they were basically gourmet food compared to some of the stuff they had to eat in the past.

After he was done eating, he got up and went to place the bowl by the small area of water they had. It was a small hole that Potato dug a long time ago under a weak spot where water would drip through whenever it rained. It also some plastic wrap on the edges of the hole so the water wouldn't mix with the dirt and cause it to not be usable.

"We should've definitely stocked up on our water supply when we were out stocking up our food supply," K.O. said. "We've had a few bottles of water but haven't been able to use them because we're low, and the water hole isn't going to last forever. I mean, we are able to get water from some of the foods we eat, like the potatoes, despite them being dry, but that still isn't going to last us."

"Yeah, about that," Potato said, rubbing the back of her head. "A night or two ago ago me and Colewort went out and stocked up on water while you were asleep. I mean, the place that threw out the food threw out a lot of extra water and even a few pop bottles that we managed to grab."

K.O.'s eyes went wide once he heard this, and he didn't know what to do. "You WHAT?!?" He shouted, shocked at their decision. "Do you guys realize that you could've gotten caught?!? Why would you do that?!?"

"You're always putting your life on the line for our survival, we thought we'd do the same for you," she responded. "Besides, we thought we'd make up for almost getting caught while stocking up on food not that long ago."

K.O. just looked at them, unable to believe they did that. He was in shock that they would do that, yet he was so amazed at the same time. It made him really grateful to have them as his friends, and he didn't know what he'd do without them.

He really didn't.

(A/N) I had no school today so I'm a lonely human until someone gets home and goes online xD

Anyway, here's another filler chapter and there's prolly gonna be quite a but of filler chapters until I'm ready to start progressing the plot forward. This was really fun to write though, so ye xP

Welp, that's really all I have to say for this chapter other than please vote and comment if you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next one! :>

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