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Sam led Bucky down a dimly lit hallway, the two of them doing their best to not draw attention to themselves as they snuck into a large crowd.

The room wasn't big, half of it was already taken up by a stage. A crowd of men and women stood, watching as the person in front auctioned off various items that'd been without a doubt acquired illegally.

"What exactly are we doing here, don't you think we have bigger issues right now?" Bucky questioned his friend. The two had been battling a faceless group who had dubbed themselves 'the flag smashers', they all wore masks but the two could tell they had some sort of super serum in them. They had been in a race of sorts with the newest Captain America, who had beaten the two to different locations they knew the group would be. They'd yet to meet the man and actively avoided it at all costs.

"I know, but I got a line about some big ticket item they're selling here. It apparently has something to do with Cap" Sam defended. "And I was thinking that whatever this is, isn't something that's supposed to be on the black market."

"If it's so important, why are we just finding out about it now?" Bucky crossed his arms.

"Because I have a guy on the inside who's been keeping an eye on this place, making sure nothing like the super soldier serum is sold, then he caught wind of Rogers and Captain America. This thing has been rumored to be important to Cap, so we're gonna get it" Sam whispered to his colleague.

The auctioneer suddenly looked around excitedly after looking down at his podium. "Ladies and Gentlemen, you are in for a treat!" The slimy man began. "Perfectly preserved for nearly seventy years, this item survived even the blip" he announced.

Sam and Bucky glanced at each other with confusion. The same question crossed their minds.

What would need to survive the blip?

"Now we have to keep this peaceable, this item could be used any way you want, you can defrost it or simply keep it" two men pushed a large, heavy looking object covered by a sort of cloth. "I mean how many can brag they have something that survived in ice for so long" he smirked as the two lackeys pulled the cloth down, revealing a blonde woman.

She was dressed as if she had stepped straight out of the nineteen forties. Her hair pinned up, her dress a deep blue, complementing her fair skin. She was, quite literally, frozen in time.

Bucky's quiet gasp took Sam out of his thoughts, his friend looked like he'd seen a ghost. "What is it? Who is she?" He tried to coax Bucky to talk to him, but all his friend could do was stare at the figure. They'd told Steve and Bucky both that this woman had died years previous, when the two had gone off to war.

Obviously the opposite was true.

Sam knew what he had to do, he was planning on taking the item, although at the time he had no idea that it was an actual human that was being sold at the black market auction.

He jolted as he realized that the auctioneer had been calling out large sums of money and it kept growing. He felt sick to his stomach, who would sell a human?

Sam sent out the signal to the tactical team that had been on standby while he and Bucky had gone in to check out this lead. They'd be here in a few minutes, ready to take all these slimy dirtbags and place them under arrest.

"Five million, going once, going twice." The auctioneer searched the room, about to hit the gavel in his hands.

The tactical unit came in, guarding the exits quietly. Once they were in position Bucky and Sam readied themselves for a fight.

"Freeze!" One of their guys shouted, the crowd immediately started to panic, only to find all their exits were now blocked by armed men.

Sam walked up to the stage, getting up onto it and facing the audience. "Alright everyone, I'm going to need you to form single file lines at the exits" he directed, then he looked at the auctioneer who immediately held his hands up in surrender.

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