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1926 - nine

I swung next to my younger brother Steve, he was only a year younger than me, and my mama told me that I needed to take care of him.

He laughed as we raced each other higher and higher, trying to pretend like we were flying on the creaky playground equipment. Other kids ran around us, tagging each other. Some girls were even playing with the boys. Mama told me that Steve was the only boy I should play with because the other ones all had cooties.

"Laurie watch me!" Steve yelled, carefree to the world around him as he pumped his feet higher in the air. Then he slowed down, coughing heavily into his hand as he dragged his feet against the grass, his breathing became a wheeze as he desperately searched for air that wasn't there anymore.

"Stevie!" I stopped my own swing, immediately rushing toward our jackets and rifling through Steve's jacket, I found his inhaler, before running back to him and rubbing his back as he frantically took his medicine.

Mama had told me what to do if he got like this, if I didn't pay attention, Stevie could stop breathing entirely. She made sure I knew how it worked and how to help him if I needed to.

"Just breathe" I soothed, moving the two of us to the ground and away from the swings. Steve let his breath go, the medicine finally in his lungs, allowing him to breathe, he let out a quiet sigh in relief before leaning his head against my shoulder.

"I don't like having Asthma" Steve huffed. "I can't breathe when it acts up"

"I know baby brother" I patted his head. "But you gots to deal with it cuz it's part of your body now"

I was so absorbed with comforting Steve; I didn't notice the approach of a little boy around my age and his group of friends. "Aw is poor little Steve Rogers needing his sister to take care of him?" The kid mocked. I shot him a dirty glare, wanting nothing more than to get up and punch him for what he said.

No ones mean to Stevie and gets away with it.

"Hey! leave them alone Lewis" a new boy stormed toward us, he was in my class.

"Or what?" Lewis propped a hand on his hip. "You gonna tattle on me Barnes?"

The new boy wrinkled his nose. "No but I'll hit you instead"

Lewis glanced at his friends, before turning back to 'Barnes' with a sneer. "Oh yeah, I bet you hit like a girl! Just like Laura."

I carefully leaned Steve against the wooden beam that held up the swing. Quietly I avoided attracting too much attention until I was standing next to Lewis. "You mean like this?" I didn't give him much time to react as I threw a punch at his face, nailing him in the cheek.

Barnes jumped into the fray as other boys tried to hit me back. Steve must have joined us as well because I saw his head of blonde hair, but I was far too concerned with dodging Lewis' incoming fists to worry about my brother fighting people.

"Alright that's enough!" An adult voice yelled over the crowd, making us all freeze as we were all caught. We'd get the paddle for sure.

The teacher, Missus Lino was a strict lady, she didn't tolerate any poor behavior and expected her students to be perfect little angels.

That's why when we walked single file down the halls of our school, Lewis in the front and Barnes holding up the back, we hung our heads knowing that we were about to receive punishment from the strictest teacher in school.

She marched us straight to the principal's office where we had to wait on hard wooden chairs as we listened to her rant about how it was inappropriate to fight on school grounds, especially a lady, and that if she had anything to say about it, we'd get the paddle and write lines for an entire month.

Barnes sat to my left, Steve on my right, my brother had his head hung low as he kicked his feet under his chair. I held my head high, glaring at Lewis with all the ferocity that I could muster. Barnes elbowed me lightly before whispering as he watched Missus Lino's turned back.

"My name's Bucky Barnes" he held out a small hand in greeting.

"Laura Rogers" I returned. "Why did you stand up for Stevie?" This grabbed my younger brother's attention, he watched subtly as he could.

Bucky shrugged. "Don't really like bullies, Lewis is a bully"

"I could've handled it myself" I held my chin up, I took pride in my ability to protect Steve, and Bucky thought he cou-

"But I wanted to help" Bucky interrupted my thoughts. "Besides, it was two against five, thought I'd make it a fair fight. My mama always said that I should help those who need it, and if they don't, even their odds."

Narrowing my eyes, I decided I liked this kid. "Your mama is a smart lady"

Bucky nodded vigorously. "Very smart"

"Okay, we can be friends" I decided, nodding as I agreed with myself. Bucky shrugged noncommittally.

"I'm okay with that"

Steve poked his head around me so he could see my newfound friend. "Can we be friends too?" He asked with a hopeful expression.

"Yeah buddy" Bucky nodded. "If we can get out of this alive" he joked.

The front doors to the school opened, and there stood Sarah Rogers. My mother. She walked over to us briskly, a stern look on her face.

"What have the two of you got to say for yourself?" She knelt next to our chairs, reaching out to hold Steve's hand.

"It wasn't their fault ma'am, it was Lewis" Bucky pointed across the hallway to a glowering Lewis. "He was being mean to Steve"

Mama looked like something had finally dawned on her. "Ah, and who are you young man?"

"James Barnes ma'am, but everyone just calls me Bucky."

"You're a Barnes boy" mama smiled. "You tell your mama I said hi"

Bucky nodded "I saw Lewis being mean to Steve and I wanted to help, obviously Laura can handle her own" he babbled, blushing when my mama laughed.

"It's alright James, thank you for helping my kids" Mama put her hand on Steve's shoulder.

The door opened to the principal's office before Bucky could respond, all of our attentions were now on the adult in charge. Lewis' friends' moms were all gathered waiting to hear from Mister Gram.

"What do we have here?" He questioned with a raised brow. The secretary leaned over, whispering over to him. "Ah I see, Lewis, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Lewis gave Mister Gram an innocent look before pointing an accusing finger at me. "She started it sir!" Lewis' friends nodded along, making me out to be the true bully.

"No, she didn't" Bucky got to his feet. "I saw Lewis being a bully to Steve, I was going to step in, but Laura got to him first."

The principal sighed. "Lewis, I think you've earned a week suspension. I trust your mother can find a suitable punishment when you go home"

Mrs. Montgomery nodded, sending her son a scathing look. "Thank you, Thaddeus," she grabbed Lewis' shoulder, pushing him gently toward the entrance, the beginnings of her lecture just heard as the glass doors closed behind them.

"As for you, young lady" Mister Gram turned to me. "You can't hit every person who bullies your brother, I expect you in the detention rooms at eight sharp tomorrow morning to write lines in Missus Lino's classroom"

Nodding, I was already dreading it. Lines were the worst! At least we didn't get paddled. It would have been uncomfortable to sit for the next week. Mama gently nudged mine and Steve's shoulders, urging us to stand.

I waved goodbye to Bucky as we also walked out the doors, except instead of going left, which would have eventually lead us toward the larger houses like the Montgomery or the Barnes properties, we turned right to head toward the poorer side.

Mama had to work hard to provide for Stevie and me. She refused to let us work in the factories just yet, saying 'I want the two of you to grow up fond of your childhood, not resenting me for those horrible places'.

So, she did it on her own because Papa died in the Great War, just after his leave, Mama found out she was pregnant with Stevie with that one. We were born because Papa was home for a bit both times.

Then he went and fought for our freedom, at least that's what Mama told us because Steve and I were too young to remember.

As soon as we entered the apartment, Mama had Stevie go to our shared bedroom before pointing toward the couch.

I followed her request sullenly, though quickly because her expression just dared me to ignore her. "Laura Grace Rogers, what have I told you about hitting people."

"That it's wrong" I replied quietly, my gaze on my worn shoes.

"What was that young lady? I can't hear when you're mumbling." Mama sat down on the couch beside me, gently lifting my chin up to meet her gaze.

"That it's wrong" I repeated. "But I was defending Stevie"

"How's he gonna learn to defend himself if you're always doing it for him?" Mama searched my expression. "One day, he isn't gonna have you or me there and he's gonna have to protect himself. We have to show him how"

"I don't like to see him bullied" I frowned.

"I know baby, but Steve has to stand up for himself if he's ever gonna make it." She brushed some hair away from my face, kissing my forehead.

"Did Papa stand up to bullies?" I questioned. Mama froze for a moment before giving me an easy smile and nodding.

"Yes, he did, stood up to those big mean bullies and didn't back down until they did." She confirmed. "Your Papa was a hero"

"A hero" I grinned, envisioning the man I only saw in photos standing proud.

Mama stood "now, I have to go back to work. Are you going to be alright with Steve?"

I nodded, still thinking about Papa. "I'll have Steve help me make dinner, just like you taught me"

Mama kissed me on the head, grabbing her coat and hat before heading toward the door. "You behave now, I'll be home soon"

"Yes Mama" I watched as she closed the door behind her, off to work at the fabric store. I hopped off the couch, padding my way to my room where Steve sat on his bed. He was sitting against the wall, his arms curled around his legs. "Hey Stevie" I sat on the bed next to him.

"Did I get you in trouble?" He questioned, looking up at me with those big blue eyes.

I shook my head. "No Stevie, it's none of your fault." I assured. "It's Lewis' fault for thinking it's okay to bully you"

Steve was quiet for a moment, staring at the older blanket. "Why do people have to be mean?" He mumbled.

"Because people like Lewis believe that they're better than everyone else." I explained. "But I want you to promise me something Stevie"

He met my eyes, curious about what I was going to say. "What?"

"You'll stand up for yourself when people are being mean, and you'll help others do the same alright?"

Steve nodded. "Just like you do for me"

I smiled "just like me"

"And like Bucky, right?" He uncurled, now sitting cross legged.

Laughing, I nodded again. "Yes." Then I held out my pinkie, grinning when he wrapped his around mine. "We're in this together"

He grinned "we're in this together" he repeated.

Steve and I continued to talk as we made our way to the kitchen, my little brother's spirits lifted as he poured noodles into the boiling water.

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