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The first thing I was aware of was the cold, then waking up in a dark room surrounded by strange men in lab coats who held some sort of heat toward my skin, they were hot and almost uncomfortable. I blinked several times, but it was hard to open my eyes to the bright lights above me.

"She's awake!" One of the men shouted. Several people moved about quickly, frantically speaking with one another. I only caught bits and pieces of it. "Rogers" then "Barnes" could just barely be deciphered among the chaos.

Trying to coax my limbs to move felt impossible, they were heavy and sluggish, like heavy weights attached to my body instead of my arms. A hand on my shoulder didn't really help matters.

"Don't move, your heart hasn't circulated enough blood yet." A voice warned, most likely connected to the hand.

Slowly I managed to get my eyes to remain open as they'd been struggling to do for the last few minutes. The man that hovered above me was young, his face kind.

I opened my mouth to try to speak but my mouth was so dry it felt like my tongue was sandpaper.

"Here" the same man gently helped tilt my head up before tipping a glass of water in my mouth. It tasted good, so unlike the rusty flavor I'd been so used to as our country prepared for war. "Do you know who you are?" The man asked.

Clearing my throat was easier now, and I nodded the best I could. "Laura Rogers, that's my name"

He nodded as if he knew the information already. "What year is it?" His question took me aback.

"1942" I answered hesitantly, not liking the look on the man's face. "Where's Steve? Who are you?"

He held up his hands instantly, backing away slightly to give me room. "Ma'am you were found frozen, you're in 2023, you've been asleep for almost 73 years."

"No, no that can't be right" I managed to bring my hand to my head, feeling like my limbs shouldn't be as heavy as they were. "I was on my way home, someone grabbed me, and I can't remember what happened after"

That was a lie of course, I just didn't know if I trusted this man, after all he did just tell me I was frozen for such a long period of time, surely I would have died.

"It's the truth Laura, although I think Mister Barnes would be better able to explain it to you if you're feeling up to standing" the man glanced over me.

I nodded, feeling more confused than ever, shouldn't Bucky be too old by now. He'd been my age when he went off to war.

The man put a hand behind my back, helping me sit up, then stand. My legs buckled beneath me the moment I put weight on them, but the doctor helped me up, letting me lean against him as he guided me out the doors behind us.

As soon as we entered the bright room, I saw Bucky jump to his feet, he didn't look like he was old. Beside him stood another man, his arms were crossed, looking for all the world like he was trying to be mad, maybe the two had gotten into a fight, he looked over me curiously.

"Laura, is that really you?" Bucky drew my attention from the other man, holding my face in his hands.

"Buck who are all these people, they said I was in ice?" I grabbed onto his forearms and the man who I'd spoken to earlier let Bucky take my weight.

"Yeah doll, you went under. They told Steve and I that you were dead" Bucky's eyes darkened at the thought.

"Where is Stevie?" Bucky looked away at my question, now refusing to meet my eyes. "Bucky what happened to Stevie?" I asked, now more panicked.

"It's a long story Peaches" he replied quietly. I wanted to roll my eyes at the nickname, but I was more concerned with what happened to Stevie. Why wasn't he here?

"Apparently I have the time" I felt more stable as I pushed myself away from Bucky slightly, allowing myself to stand on my own feet, it was a little wobbly and felt like my knees would buckle beneath me, but I wanted to stand on my own.

"Let's go somewhere a little more private" Bucky licked his lips, avoiding my eyes again.

"Fine, but you're telling me everything" I huffed.

The man who'd been standing beside Bucky earlier approached, almost cautiously. "Hi" he greeted, sending a glance at Buck.

"Hello" I replied with the same enthusiasm.

"My name's Sam Wilson, I'm a friend of Steve's" he held his hand out.

"Laura, I'm his older sister" I introduced myself. "Is that how you know Bucky?"

Sam nodded. "We work together"

"Well that's great because Bucky was just about to tell me what happened to my little brother" I crossed my arms.

"And I said I'd tell you when we were somewhere more private" Bucky glanced around the bright room, it kind of reminded me of a hospital, but it was colder than what I remembered. "Come on Peaches" he held his arm out to me. Sighing, I took it, allowing myself to be guided out of the doors that could move on their own.

Sam and Bucky lead me toward a place where there were sleeker looking cars. The cars in the forties were big and blocky, really only the people with a lot of money had them back then because it was too expensive for most to fuel them.

A large black vehicle pulled up in front of us, I stepped back further into Bucky's chest, not fully ready to trust whoever was driving.

Bucky pulled me closer, running a comforting hand up and down my arm. "Sam" he called out.

Sam turned, glancing at us. "Hey, it's okay, I know him, his name is Gary, he's a nice guy"

"It's alright doll, I'll be sitting right next to you every step of the way" Bucky reassured. I nodded, swallowing nervously at the thought of meeting yet another stranger.

Sam opened the door to the back seat for me, but upon seeing my hesitance, he nodded, as if deciding something. "How about this, I'll sit in the back, that way, you won't have to separate from Bucky, and you have a somewhat familiar person on the other side." He offered.

I nodded, allowing Bucky to guide me toward the back seat. Sam went around, getting in on the other side.

Sam helped me in, Bucky holding on to me as best he could as we readjusted. It was smaller than I was expecting, but Bucky had definitely bulked up since the forties, Sam was also built, which only left just enough space for us to sit shoulder to shoulder.

Bucky held my hand as the driver, Gary, if I remembered correctly, began to guide the vehicle down the road, merging smoothly into the evening traffic.

"Bucky why didn't I die?" I questioned softly. I was human, but my mind was still foggy on any details.

"I don't know peaches" he replied in the same tone, resting his head on the seat behind him. "But we'll figure it out" he promised.

"What did I miss Bucky? You look different, Stevie, isn't here, why isn't he here?" I bit back tears, doing my best to keep the emotions at bay. Bucky's hand tightened in mine, he and Sam made eye contact over my head.

"We'll explain that later doll" this time Bucky looked at the driver, a grimace on his face.

I involuntarily shivered, the chill of the ice still lingering on my skin despite being sandwiched between two men, Bucky on my left and Sam on my right.

"What's wrong?" Bucky questioned, seeming almost panicked.

"I'm fine Buck" I reassured, resting my head on his shoulder for a moment.

"Oh, I see how it is" Sam began, his voice light as he teased his friend. "She can call you Buck but I can't?"

I could practically hear the eye roll that echoed Sam's statement. "It's just Bucky" then his voice dropped to a mumble so only I could hear as his mouth hid in my hair. "At least you didn't call me by my usual nickname"

"It's not that embarrassing" I laughed, at the curious look I received from Sam, I explained, taking my head off my best friend's shoulder. "Bucky gave me the nickname 'Peaches' but most of the girls wanted Bucky to go steady with them and that earned him the nickname 'dreamboat'."

"And then she and Steve heard about it, and I never got to live it down" Bucky huffed a laugh.

Sam grinned "wait wait, I'm sorry, they called him what?"

"Don't you dare" Bucky gave my hand a small squeeze. I smirked, using my free hand. To stage whisper over to Sam.

"We didn't call him dreamboat, the other dames who knew about Bucky did, Steve and I just made fun of him"

"I didn't hear you complaining when we went dancing every weekend" Bucky grumbled.

"That's because Stevie heard it all, and those were the times I went" I shot back, leaning more into his side as a wave of dizziness washed over me, the effects of being iced I suppose.

"Yeah yeah" Bucky rolled his eyes.

"So were you two ever..." Sam glanced down at mine and Bucky's linked hands and the way I was sitting against him.

I nodded. "We tried when we were young, but it didn't last. I was mostly taking care of Steve"

"So, what was Steve like?" Sam asked almost hesitantly as he gauged our reactions.

"Stubborn" Bucky stated resolutely.

I laughed at that "yes he was, the kid was asthmatic, and his hospital bills cost more than our apartment, but he couldn't let other people get hurt if he could help it"

Sam hummed "sounds like him, with everything that happened, I'm not really surprised. Steve was the same way when we met, although at the time the dude was running from an evil organization"

Bucky stiffened next to me, drawing my attention toward him and away from Sam, Bucky had closed his eyes, jaw clenched as he took quiet deep breaths. Although, the close quarters weren't doing him any favors in the way of secrecy.

"You good?" Sam asked from his seat.

Bucky took one more deep breath before opening his eyes and nodding. "I'm alright"

"What happened?" I successfully shifted enough to face Bucky more than I had the entire night, my knees knocking into his as I did so. Sam had to press himself against the door, giving me a little more room. "What's wrong"

"I'm okay Peaches, really" Bucky assured. I watched him for a moment, not sure if I believed it.

"That's good, but Laura, can you sit back again so we can all be comfortable again" Sam asked from his seat.

Sending one last worried look to Bucky I shifted once again back to my original seat, allowing Sam to sit normally again.

It was quiet in the car we settled. My eyes drooped as my skin finally began to warm up. I tried to fight the drowsiness, but I felt so exhausted that I could feel it in my very bones.

Despite my best efforts, eventually I began to succumb to sleep, leaning my head on a shoulder that I thought was Bucky's. I was still awake enough to register the last bits of conversation before I fell asleep.

"Should we be worried?" That was Sam, he was the one who's shoulder I'd laid my head on, his voice was closest.

"No, just let her sleep, she's been through a lot"

"You have to tell her the truth man" Sam whispered after a moment.

"I know, and I will, but let her remember me as I was, at least for a little while longer"

I didn't get to hear the rest as I finally gave in to the sweet darkness.

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