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After a while of walking, we realized that the airport was farther than we thought, a vehicle rolled up beside us, the new Captain America and his sidekick rode in the open truck bed, after the blonde insisted we get on, obviously not intending to leave us alone until we did, the three of us climbed into the car, Sam nearest to the driver, I sat in the middle, and Bucky took the edge seat.

The blonde soldier seemed to be studying the three of us, before turning his attention onto me "So who are you? Are you a civilian?" Captain America, or John Walker as I'd learned, asked me suddenly. He sat back, what looked to be a permanent smirk etched into his features, although there was some curiosity mixed in. "Did they kidnap you or something?"

Both boys glared at him, while I narrowed my eyes, opening my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Sam before I could. "None of your business, man" he shifted as if trying to protect me from John, looking at the man as if he were the devil himself.

"I kind of think it's my business if you have a civilian running around with you" John retorted, crossing his arms like a child, pouting like he didn't get a toy he wanted.

"It's alright Sam" I placed my hand on Sam's arm before turning back to Walker. "I suppose I'm not really a civilian anymore, I was in a tough spot, Bucky and Sam found me and got me out" I answered vaguely. Obviously neither Sam or Bucky trusted John, which meant neither did I.

"Rumor is that you met Rogers while he was a fugitive" Lemar commented, leaning forward in interest.

"Yeah. I heard that too" John crossed his arms, his head tilted slightly to the side as he narrowed his eyes.

Mimicking Lemar, I got close, whispering conspiratorially. "Wouldn't you like to know" I winked, before sitting as I had been before, my entire demeanor shifting. "So I hear you're trying to be him, must be cool to be the American Icon" I remarked lightly, crossing one leg over the other and raising a brow.

"I'm not trying. I am Captain America" John insisted. "Arguably the better one"

Internally, I rolled my eyes. This guy seemed like he had too big an ego to be Steve's replacement in any capacity, Bucky's stories of his time as Captain America were things that felt like they'd only happen in fiction. However, Steve always had a knack for helping people, even when he was already beaten and bruised, I saw that kid stand up and fight.

Captain America should be bold but helpful, kind but not prideful. At least that's the impression I've gotten off Sam. Captain America was a superhero, someone people looked up to.

Sam scoffed while Bucky stared the man down, a look of disgust on his face. "This guy said he felt like Steve was a brother to him, the two of them have never met by the way" Sam whispered to me, glancing at Bucky to gauge his reaction.

My eyes narrowed at the new information "tell me John, why do you think you deserve Steve's legacy over his own friends?"

He looked taken aback, adjusting in his seat before answering. "I was a highly decorated captain in the army and I was the best candidate on all physical tests. Besides Sam turned it down anyway. He gave up all rights to the shield"

"He saves lives" Lemar interjected, defending his friend.

Wrong crowd bud.

I shot a look at Sam who was avoiding my gaze with a guilty expression on his face, although Bucky distracted me from addressing it with his next words.

"You ever jump on a grenade?" Bucky asked, crossing his arms. The dark metal one gleaming in the warm sun.

"Yes, many times, I had a specialized helmet that all-" John began, but Sam cut him off.

"He's not talking about 'special gear'. Steve, before he was even offered the serum, jumped on what he thought was a live grenade in order to help contain the explosion and protect the other military personnel on the base. He put himself on the line when there was plenty of time for him to run away"

I shot Bucky a withering glare, curbing my outrage for later. The boys had neglected to include that in their initial story.

"I wasn't there to stop him" Bucky muttered quietly as he could. "I didn't even know he'd made it into the army until way later"

While we were talking, John was retorting to Sam's claim. "We don't know if that's even true, Peggy Carter probably made it up to make Steve look good"

That drew my attention away from Bucky. "And just who do you think you are? Acting like you know Steve personally. You should be ashamed of yourself." I snapped, the familiar protectiveness bubbling in my stomach.

"Why don't we calm down" John called our attention, his hands held up in a mock placating gesture.

"I am calm" I bit out, before turning back to Bucky. "You're telling me everything you guys decided to leave out of your explanation" he nodded, even going so far as to scoot away as far as he could in the confined space. "And you" I began, rounding on John, pointing at him. "you would do well to never tell me what to do again" Sam and Lemar looked afraid that my wrath would be turned on them and wisely remained silent.

John was smart enough to nod and to not say a word, allowing the car to become silent as we rode.

After a while, John and Lemar tried to get information out of the boys, claiming that it'd be best to work together on the super soldier matter. A comment on Steve's good name later, and we'd vacated the vehicle, walking on our own down a road that was mostly deserted.

"You're one scary lady, you know that?" Sam commented as we passed near the line of trees the road cut down.

Waving it off, but unable to contain a smirk, I replied "had to be, our father died in the First World War and our mother passed a couple of years before the Second World War hit. The Barnes family was kind enough to help with the funeral arrangements, but Mama was sick long before that. I practically raised Steve myself." I almost laughed, remembering the small kid who'd beg me to play hide and seek.

"She was too stubborn to accept any other help from us" Bucky rolled his eyes. "Said that she and Steve could do it on their own." Lightly bumping his right shoulder with mine.

"That's because we could" I defended, crossing my arms. "I was perfectly able to provide"

"You were, by working for a group who named themselves 'the Dracolichs'. You were lucky to make it out of their grasp alive Laura" Bucky huffed.

"Do I need to be concerned about them?" Sam piped up from next to me.

"No" Bucky and I said at the same time.

"The Dracolichs were a local gang, I just got them coffee and cigarettes, not that big a deal" huffing at the look Bucky shot me.

"Wait let me get this straight" Sam stopped us on the road, amusement clear on his features. "You're telling me that the woman who raised Captain America, the golden boy of patriotism, worked for a gang back in the day?"

"Steve didn't know" I shrugged. "He didn't know about a lot of things I did"

"So you were part of a gang, were they anything like the movies?" Sam questioned, almost excitedly.

"No" Bucky answered. "They weren't. The Wakandans showed me some, and they weren't"

"Did you work for the gang too?" Sam looked between Bucky and I as he waited for the answer.

"My family was old money, didn't really need to worry about that, I was set to inherit all of it, but I was drafted before I could, I gave it all to my younger sister, Rebecca." Bucky replied. "She made me promise I'd come back to her, but instead she lost everyone but our two youngest siblings, our parents died in a car crash a month before I was deployed, Steve followed me, and apparently Laura didn't make it home one night" he said pointedly looking at him.

"Hey! I didn't ask to be kidnapped." I defended hotly.

"Maybe, but you did work for people with a lot of enemies" Bucky shot back. I glanced to Sam for help, but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"He has a point Laura. I mean working for a gang, that's just bad news." Sam interjected.

"I was trying to support Steve and myself! My brother was in no shape to work a job, with all his medical issues, he would have been fired within the day. So excuse me for finding something that allowed Steve and I to live" I threw my hands into the air frustratedly.

"I still could have helped you out!" Bucky repeated. "My parents loved you and Steve"

"Alright alright alright" Sam stepped between me and Bucky. "That's enough. Let's all take a breather."

I moved away, taking a deep breath and wrapping the jacket around me. It smelled like the laundry soap I used when I washed the clothes. I didn't know how Steve managed to keep the smell, but it was familiar and calming.

"Laura, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled" Bucky approached me apologetically. I let him come closer, not saying anything as he tugged me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around his waist as he wrapped his around my shoulders.

"Bucky, please, can we leave the past as the past?" I muttered quietly.

He nodded. "Sure Peaches" he kissed the side of my head.

I pulled away, giving my friend a small smile. "I just need some alone time, even if it's just walking ahead of you guys"

He nodded again, allowing me to move forward on the road, a few seconds later I heard the sounds of boots behind me, but it was further away. I silently thanked my best friend for giving me the space I needed, and I also thanked my new friend for not saying anything.

Along the road there were wildflowers, the very same I used to lay on my mothers grave. A shot of grief spiked through me as I thought of my dead mother and lost brother. Steve was all grown up now, I'd missed so much of his life. The familiar notion had been running on repeat in my mind ever since Bucky told me Steve's story.

Which apparently had some holes.

Now that I thought about it, there was more than I originally thought. How had Bucky gotten here? Why did he have a metal arm? How had he and Sam meet? Surely Steve wasn't caught up in the same things Sam was. Bucky was hiding something from me and Sam was helping him do it.

Sam was working with the military, but Bucky had said that Steve was a, what was it he called them? The ascended? No, the defenders? the avengers? That sounded more like it. I don't know how closely the supposed hero team worked with the government. So where was the connection?

I shot a glance behind me to see that the two were talking, Sam had a teasing grin on his face while Bucky scowled at him.

Sam kind of reminded me of what Bucky was like back in the forties. He was loud and expressive, while Bucky had become more reserved and quiet.

I hadn't realized that I'd stopped until the boys were standing next to me. Sam set his hand on my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"You good?" He questioned.

Nodding, I sent the two a reassuring smile, at least I hoped that's the message it sent. "Yeah"

"What's the plan after we make it to the airport?" Bucky questioned, although he kept glancing at me.

"Torres is gonna pick us up there and bring us back to the states in the same plane we were in on the way here" Sam explained, he brought his wrist up, tapping against the screen attached to his arm.

Where did it all fit in?

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