Chapter 10

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Hi guys, sorry, I just resumed school and I've been busy with projects and stuff but I'll still try to post some more but bear with me. This part is a bit hard for me to write.❤

Oh yeah ad there are some parts that may not be so-pleasant for some people. 🙏 Do forgive me.

God bless y'all.

Oh and '>>>' stand for repitition.


Margaret and Oliver leave with Oliver whimpering behind her, I wave to him but the door's already shut.Now its just Noah and I.

Adaobi. Has she accepted Christ?

Well yeah she should right?

"Ada" I quickly stand up. I need to see her, somethings about to happen. I can feel it.


"I need to go" then I remember that we were supposed to go to a party.

"What!, where!, are you still coming to the party?"

"No I'm not. I need to do something very important"

"Um ok"

"Yeah" I look around for my car key but I can't find it. Shit I'm loosing time.

"If its really important, I'll drive you"

"Really?" he nods. "Thank you" I run to my room where I put my Bible and pick it. Thats the only thing I need. I silently pray that she's ok. I remember where she lives, its not far from her salon.

Noah and I leave but I don't lock my door, I'll worry about that later.

God please send your angels to stay with her and also send your angels to occuy my apartment.

We don't obviously take the elevator. When we get outside, its raining but Noah's car is thankfully not far away so we rush to his car, my Bible under my shirt. We get in.

"So just tell me where to go" I start giving him directions still praying silently in my heart that we get there in time. Its 10 minutes later and we finally get there. I race up to her room, and knock but I hear no answer

Go in.

Fortunatly, the door's not locked so I open it. Its dark inside but I try to look for the light switch. I find it and flick the switch. The room is flooded with light.

"Ada?" I call out. I hear a moan but I don't see anthing. I walk towards the living room remembering the last time I came here. I just finished from work and she wanted me to watch a movie with her. I smile at the distant memory.

Find her.

"Ada"I call out again, I hear it again. It sounds closer now, my feet hit a stool and I hiss in pain until I see Ada on the floor in front of me, there's blood on her clothes and her hands, the white carpet is stained with blood and I hold in my tears.

Oh God.

I rush to her side calling her name. I hear a knock but I ignore it. The door opens and I hear Noah's voice calling my name. I try to answer but what comes out is...

"Ada, come on wake up, wake up!" I tap her cheek and her eyes flick open.

"Ellie?" I look up to see Noah with a shocked face. He comes to kneel beside me.

God, what do we do.

Take her to the bathroom.

"Ok um, help me carry her to the bathroom ,we need to wash off all this blood" we struggled to carry her so Noah just carries her and I pick my Bible and lead him to the bathroom. He carefully drops her into the tub and we fill it with water with her inside. She seems fully awake now but doesn't say anything.

"Hey Ada" I sit on the tub and take her hand, drawing circles on her palm, though I'm not sure if that'll keep her awake or make her sleep. I look over at Noah who has blood smudged on his clothes. I nod at his shirt and he shrugs. I take a deep breath, trying to get ready.

"Have you given your life to Chr-" I don't expect her to interupt but I let her talk.

"No I haven't but I do believe in Him, I just don't know how to approah Him. He has told me in several different ways to give all to Him but i keep refusing. I want to believe this is my last warning and I am ready to give my life to Christ, especially since I'm probably going to die soon anyways" she chuckles as she says the last part and I see more blood bubble to the surface.

"You're so granny like" I roll my eyes trying not to tear up. I hold her hand tighter and close my eyes, my spirit screaming at me to get it over with.

"Ok lets do this before its too late. Repeat after me"she squezzes my hand.

"Father in the Name of Jesus"

">>>" she repeats, her voice becoming more gentle.

"I come before you this moment acknowledging that I am a sinner"

">>>" I see Noah bow his head and lean on the wall.

"I believe that you raised Jesus up from the dead to give me a brand new life"

">>>" the tears form knowing that her brand new life is in heaven with Jesus holding her hand instead of the grips of death.

"I believe in my heart that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and I boldly confess His Lordship over my life"

">>>"her voice becomes quieter like a child trying to whisper.

"In Jesus name I pray. Amen"

"Amen" Noah and Adaobi say. She closes her eyes and her body relaxes into the water. I put my Bible aside and kneel by the tub. My crying heart prays that angels take her spirit with them to heaven and she's holding the hand of Jesus smiling and no longer worrying about bloddy stuff to deal with.

Noah's already gone to the living room, probably calling 999. It seems like two minutes that I've been in that position when I hear the apartment door open, the toilet door's already open and someone's soft footsteps move closer to me.

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