Chapter 11

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"Miss?" a tap on my shoulder. I don't respond, my body seems paralysed, somehow, I don't want to let go of the cold hand I am still holding. 

"Miss?"another tap. I'm shivering and crying now, I know I'm not supposed to be crying but the tears don't stop. 

Who's going to make my hair now, who am I going to be watching movies and taking ice-cream with, who am I going to be ranting to when something happens, who's Oliver going to be playing with now? I'm crying, clutching on to her hands. A voice keeps telling me everything's going to be fine but I don't accept because I know there's going to be a huge gap there. This is why I don't like getting close to people, at the end of the day, its either they leave or they die. 

A pair of hands grab me by the waist and pull me up, I'm still holding on to her hands and my fingers are pried from hers. The realisation that I'll never see her smile or roll her eyes again hits me and I sob louder, I scream and fight the person's grip but they don't let go, I'm dragged out of the bathroom, my feet hooking unto the carpet. My screams have died down in my throat, soreness breaks through me as I'm laid on the couch, flashbacks of when Adaobi and I would sit on the couch and talk for endless hours about things nobody else would, we would talk about the stars and how it could be possible for dead people could look down on their loved ones, watching over them and protecting them. Tears silently pool from my eyes and I curl on the couch trying to hold the tears in like they wold ever stop. Someone rubs my back and I curl up even more. The garda ask me some questions  but I'm too in shock to answer most of them.


I've cried for hours by now and I'm just laying on the couch, I haven't moved at all. Noah has tried to tell me to stand up but I've refused to. He's telling me that I have to stand up or he'll have to drag me outside. I don't say a word and I feel him lift me up, he wedges the door open with his foot and we go slowly down the stairs. He puts me down when we get to the end of the stairs and holds on to my left hand tightly, I don't even bother prying my hands from his grip becasue I know there's just no point. He pulls me outside and we start walking down the street. We don't say anything for a long time then I tell him the whole story.

"Amara was right" I say and gives me a side eye, trying not to stop me from not talking "My dad was involved in that political thing".


Ok so to whoever on the face of this earth is reading this, I've got a solid piece of advice for you, NEVER EVER EVER EVER, set yourself on various projects or goals you want to finish on time. I am stressed and tired, my body has been stretched and I still have a LOT of things to do.
All these stress and projects may not allow me to finish this book on time, my brain is lagging for a while and this chapter is quite emotional for me to write.
I really appreciate whoever is reading this.🖤🖤

P.S if you do see any mistakes, please excuse it cause my brain is literally turning around different things.🙏😅 . I'm still going to keep writing, I just need my mind  to be stable for a while.


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