Chapter 4

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I don't really know what do with this chapter yet soo......

I'm waiting for inspiration. Since at this point, I don't have anyone reading this book, what do you do as a distraction?

Also, forgive me if I keep switching from present to past🙏. 

This is my first official book.


I hate flashbacks. 

*Sigh* I need to go for a jog even though its almost in the afternoon from what I can see. I always jog on Saturdays and right now, I need it. I put on my trainers and my running clothes.

"Oliver?" I never leave Oliver alone except when I'm going to work and even that, I'm not comfortable with. I pick some cash and my phone from my bag and Oliver and I head out, locking the door. As we burst through the building door, I take off with Oliver right beside me. As we pass, I greet some familiar faces and some of them call out to Oliver. Oliver's pretty popular after he saved some stupid kid's ass from getting hit by a car. We pass Mr. Connor's shop and I wave to him through the window. My office is not far from the café and so when I pass it, I see some of the cleaners and greet them. The cleaners also clean on Saturdays because my boss allows them to leave work early on Friday and Friday's always busy in the office. 

The breeze blows softly on my cheeks as I stop to rest cause I increased my pace after a while. Oliver skids to a stop and lands on the grass by the side walk face first. I smile at him and I go over to sit on a nearby bench. As I sit, my phone rings. Its my dad.

"Good morning daddy" 

 "Seun, how are you?" my dad's voice comes through.

"I'm fine Sir"

"Your mum said she called you yesterday?"

"Yes sir, but she said you went out"

"Yes I did. I went to see our neighbors,  there was some issue I had to deal with. Anyway, How is work?"

"Its good. Daddy, don't worry, I'm doing fine. I hope you and mummy are doing well. Do you guys need anything?" I ask trying to get the topic off me. I know they're fine. My dad's an engineer in one of the big engineering companies in Nigeria and my mum's the owner of one big supermarket in Nigeria. I had nothing to worry about. Only when family problems came would they need my help.

"We're fine. By God's grace"

"Seun?" I was starting to get worried cause of the way he called my name.


"Are you ok, your voice sounds off" I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I was running before you called. I'm fine" they don't need to know I'm using this as a distraction.

"Ok, I'll leave you to it"

"Bye" I sigh as he cuts the call. Sometimes my parents could get soo worried. I don't want to start thinking again so I get up and call Oliver who's rolling on the grass.

"Oliver, come on lets go" we were close to a park so I wanted to rest there cause I was getting tired. I noticed that Oliver was not beside me. He was still on the grass playing with only God knows what. 

"Oliver!" I shouted. Now I was running backwards-ish, my eyes trained on Oliver when I hit something and we both went down. 

"Shit" my head spun as I hit something soft and I heard a groan. I guess I hit someone. 

"I'm so sorry" I said, trying to stand up. When I turned around to see who it was, I was shocked.

"Oh Eleanor its you" he chuckled. I was right in front of him and that's when I noticed that he had grown taller since the last time I saw him. As for me, I was still short...well, taller than when I was younger but still short. 

"Hi Noah, sorry for hitting you. I was trying to call my dog. I'm so sorry" by this time, Oliver had rushed over to me.

"Its fine Eleanor. Don't you remember those times in school when you would push me in the school pool during swimming lessons without a single sorry and I would push you back when you weren't looking?" he said laughing.

"I remember" I smiled.

"And then everyone would start a water fight ignoring the swimming lessons"

"I remember, then the teacher would make us do ten butterfly up and down the length of the pool" I said laughing "which would make us late to our next class"

"Come on, lets go sit" I drag him by the hand to a bench in the park.

"I really have missed you Ellie. Have I said that before?"  he says as we watch Oliver play with some other dogs.

"I think so" I chuckle. We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes and I remember me imagining  having this kind of conversation with Noah years back when I just left school. 

"You know, after you left, everyone was so confused. We asked the teachers if they knew whether you were coming back, we asked the Principal but they all said they didn't know and then we went for the summer break and you reached out to me" he's silent again.

"I'm sorry Ellie"

"You've said that before Noah" I sigh cause I really don't want to have this conversation. I just want to forget about it and continue.

You don't want to continue, you want to know the reason he sopped replying to your texts.

Shut up Eleanor. Ok maybe I do but I still feel stupid sometimes for getting angry cause it wasn't like he betrayed me or something like that, he just stopped talking to me. Its not that big of a deal. 


I heard my ringtone 'Wellerman' by Sea Shanty come through. It was Cara.

"Hey Cara" Cara was like my assistant in the office. I wonder why she's calling me.

"Miss Eleanor" I keep telling her to stop calling me that.

"Yes Cara, the boss called me just now asking for the business conference report on Monday. I just needed to tell you that"

"Ok Cara thanks. Bye. Have a nice weekend"

"Yes ma'am. And you to"

I turned to Noah who was now playing with Oliver.

"Who stays with Oliver when you're at work Ellie?" he asks

"No one"

"Can I take care of him when you're at work? I think the guys may even be interested too" that shocked me.

"Are you sure? Are the guys going to be okay with that? I don't want to burden you guys"

"I'll call them right now" he said bringing out his phone and putting it on speaker. "Hey Liam, so do you guys want Oliver over during the week cause Eleanor is going to be at work" 

"Yeah sure why not".

"Thank you soo much guys, I really appreciate it" God I thank you for sending angels to take care of Oliver while I'm at work.

"Ok Noah, thank you soo much. I have to go now, I have work to do at home. I'll see you around sometime" I say and stand up calling Oliver over.

"Or you could just take my number Eleanor" he said chuckling

"Oh yeah right" we exchanged numbers and as we were leaving the park, Noah's phone rang.

"Its the guys" he said smiling at me. He picked the call. "Hello

"What?" he shouted which made Oliver and I jump a little.

"Jesus! Liam what got into you guys to do that?" he continued shouting and some other things followed. "Ok I'm coming hold on and don't touch the washing machine" I heard someone shouting from the other line. Noah cut the call hurriedly and sighed.

"I have to go now Ellie, James and Liam were trying to wash their clothes but apparently the two idiots don't know to operate it and they put too much soap so I have to help them" he said, rubbing his neck nervously. I chuckled 

"Yeah ok, tell them I said hi" I said as he ran off.

"I'll call you later today. Bye Oliver!" he shouted. Oliver and I started walking home. I was already sweaty and tired so I was itching to have a long shower but I know that when I get home I'll just have a quick one so I can start early on the report my boss told me to write.

I started working at Lohan's Best after I worked at Mr. Connor café for a while after university. Lohan's Best is a family business so when I started working there, my employer was my present boss' father, Mr. Lohan... well you get it how it works. Mr. Lohan later handed over the business to his only child Brian Lohan who is my boss and is indirectly telling me to work during the weekends. 

He keeps calling me his second hand even though his has an assistant called Brenda and that lady does not like me at all but my boss doesn't seem to take the hint. He's funny and pleasant and a true gentleman. He can be hot tempered sometimes but its fine, who doesn't get angry?


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