Chapter 5

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To anyone reading this.
If you saw someone going through self and non-self inflicting pain, would you report even when the person tells you not to?
Thanks for reading. ❤


I unlock the door and head straight to the showers cause its already in the afternoon and before you know it *snap* its tomorrow morning and I've not even started  the report. Oliver follows behind me and tries to shut the door with his butt but fails faithfully. I laugh cause when he tries to do it he always fails. Its not like I actually expect it to shut. I'm about to take off my clothes when my phone rings. *Groan* 

Its my boss. Why is he calling me?

"Yes Mr. Brian, Cara already delivered your message. I-" I pause cause I was just about to tell my boss that I'm about to have my bath which I am pretty sure is not professional.


"Sorry, um...I'm about to get started on it soon" 

"Ok good, and enjoy the rest of your weekend" he chuckles when he says that cause he thinks the stupid joke is funny.

"Sure, I'll enjoy it with the work you just gave me" I almost shout into the phone. 

I hear him laughing from the other side, "Don't worry, you'll receive a reward"

"Yeah, it had better be a leave of absence for a whole month from work"

"I can't do that Eleanor. I can't do without my favorite assistant and person in the whole office. I really can't do without seeing your face" 

"Boss, you should really stop calling me your assistant, your actual assistant doesn't like that" I point out for the billionth time. 

"Then I'll fire her"

*Gasp* my boss is wild but he has never said something like that before.

"No you won't, I don't even do half of what she does" after I say that I hear a mumble.

"What did you say?" 

"Nothing- ugh I said then I'll train you to do what she does" 

"And what if I refuse?"

"I'll make you accept it Eleanor" he says this while laughing, which gets me laughing too.

In between laughing fits, I say, "Boss I have to go so I can have my bath and start the report" I slip out before its too late to stop it. There's awkward silence for a few seconds with me wishing that he didn't hear that.

"So that's what you didn't want to say" he says quietly.

"I have to go. Bye" I hurriedly say and cut the call. Aaaaand I just cut the call on my boss. Oh well... I'm most definitely not calling him back to apologize.

I quickly remove my clothes while Oliver hides his eyes under my duvet.

I take a cold shower cause, why not? I really want to run the water through my hair but I gotta wait till I'm ready to loosen my hair. I change into my inside shorts and my grey sweater. I pick my laptop and my phone and head to the living room with Oliver trailing behind me.

When I go for boring meetings like that business conference I went for recently, I always put on the voice recording app on my phone so I make sure that I don't miss some of the important stuff they say, sometimes, I even point my phone camera to the person speaking.

I so don't want to do this but I have to cause  I'm trying not to be lazy. I start compiling all the important information that was said.


It's been an hour and I'm still at this report. The time is 3:20 pm.

That's when my stomach grumbles. I don't eat much cause my digestive system is slow and I don't get hungry that much but this time, I know that I'm really hungry. I've not taken anything except the cough mixture. I'm too lazy to cook anything so I go to the refrigerator to check if I have any leftovers. I open it and there's nothing that's tantalizing enough for my stomach, so I decide to make a smoothie. I bring out Greek yoghurt, banana, pomegranate, and some nuts. I quickly blend it so I can go back to my work. I really don't like my smoothie smooth which technically contradicts the name. 

I take my smoothie and go back to the report while drinking/eating the smoothie. Do you drink or eat a smoothie? I don't know. I want to finish this thing and get it over with cause Sunday is a  drag. I've always hated Sundays even in Nigeria when we always go to church. Its always boring and quiet. 

Thirty minutes later, I'm done with the report. I send it to my boss through email even though I know he won't check it till tomorrow morning. Its 3: 34 in the afternoon and Oliver's chewing on my slippers. I really need to get Oliver some toys.

"I guess that's what I'll do" I rinse my smoothie cup and change into more presentable clothes 

"Come on boy, lets go finally get you some toys to play with"

I'm very good at faking accents so I say this with a British accent whish is the easiest for me  even though I'm not British. The closest pet store is quite far so I take my keys and my purse. 

We got to the pet store and got out. I saw a familiar car parked in front of the store, it looked like my boss's car. I waved off the thought. 

As I entered the shop, the bell tingled and Oliver barked, earning a few head turns. I moved to the toy section to check out some chewy toys for Oliver. I allowed Oliver to pick since I had no idea what to pick for him. We had passed a few chewy toys  for dogs when Oliver stopped, looking at a white dog bone. He looked at me, then looked at the toy then back at me.  I pick it and squeezed it, which gave out a slow surprising bark. Oliver barked.

We walked leisurely around the aisles, I saw some other animal toys but Oliver never stopped so I continued. We got to the cat aisle; obviously there was nothing I wanted there since I didn't have a cat. I love cats, I've always wanted a cat but the universe first gave me a dog besides, I always wanted a dog first then a baby cat cause I feel like a grown dog would know how to take care of a baby cat. We got to the end of the aisle when I see someone I never expected to see in a pet store.

My boss. What was he doing here, did he have a pet? I think he sensed someone looking at him cause he turned, meeting my face.

"Eleanor?" there wasn't shock written on his face but a delightful smile stuck there. 

"Hey boss" I replied, trying to shake off the shock.

"I never knew you had a pet" my boss was very fond of Oliver cause he met he met him once and they hit off immediately which is why Oliver is moving in and out of my boss's legs. 

"Well... now you know" he said lifting a bag of cat food.

"Oh" was all I could respond with.

"Are you done with the report?" he said in a 'I-don't-expect-you-to-have-finished-it-yet' voice.

"How lowly do you think of me boss?" I say in a fake offended voice

"I sent it to your email not long ago" 

"Ah okay. I'll check it tomorrow" he turns back to the counter to pay while I wait awkwardly behind him. When he's done, he turns to me and says.

"See you on Monday Eleanor. Bye"

'Yes Boss" I do a mock salute and he chuckles. I move up and pay for Oliver's toy. I wouldn't need to buy Oliver's dog food for now cause two weeks ago, he won a ton of dog food. I keep it stored in a provided storage space in the apartment building. We left the pet store and headed home. 

I am soo mentally tired, I just want to go home, take hot chocolate and read Wattpad on my soft duvet without having to worry about anything. Which is exactly what I'm going to do. Oliver's in the back seat playing with his new chew toy. 

Its raining now and there's light traffic giving me time to pick my outfit for tomorrow in my head. I don't like rushing, especially on  Monday morning when my boss is in a bustling mood.

When I park my car, Oliver and I quickly rush inside. I change my clothes and settle with my hot chocolate on my duvet when my phone rings and Noah's name comes up on the screen.

"Hey Noah. How you doing and how's the washing machine?" I ask remembering the laundry incident.

I hear him chuckle "The washing machine's fine" I hear some people talking in the background whom I assume are Liam and James. 

"I wanted to ask when I could pick Oliver up tomorrow" 

"Um..... chill let me think"

"I have to get to work by 8am, I don't know how it will work since you don't know where I stay so..."

"Where do you work again?" he suddenly asked

"Um Lohan's Best, do you know it?" 

"No... but I could check google map and I can meet you there that way, I can pick Oliver up. Is that ok?" 

"Yeah...yes, that's perfect actually. Thanks Noah"

"No problem. I'm sure that we'll have lot of fun taking care of Oliver. I'm off work tomorrow so I'll be cool"

"Ok bye. See you tomorrow. I have to sleep now so I'll wake up early tomorrow. Say hi to James and Noah for me" 

"They're right here actually"

"Hi Eleanor. Hi Oliver" I heard them chorus.

"Hi guys" I replied and Oliver barked.

"Bye" I said finally and waited for him to cut the call. My one peculiarity in phone conversations. 

I settled back in bed with my phone to continue the book I was reading. Soon enough, my eyelids were starting to droop and the words were getting blurry so I plugged my phone in. I felt Oliver move by my foot. Placing my head on my pillow, I drifted into a dreamless sleep.


Sorry for any wrong spellings.

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