Bumps in the Road

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Chapter 11- Bumps in the Road

"Well, Sena. You're 25 weeks on. The baby is growing just fine. Your due date is about two weeks after Tenpo's."

The paper crinkled under Sena as he sat up and fixed his shirt. "Thank you, Dr. Tennyson."

"Do you want to know the baby's gender?" Dr. Tennyson asked with a raised brow.

Sena paused. "No. We decided to wait."

"Okay." Dr. Tennyson gave him the peace sign and headed out the door. "Well, I'll see you in two weeks."

Sena shook his head and waved.  Such a free spirit.  "Bye, Doc."

Tenpo was waiting for him in the reception area. He put down his magazine and joined him at the door. They took the elevator to the first floor then walked through the exit. Tenpo shielded his eyes then put his sunglasses on as they walked down the busy city street.

"How'd your check up go?"  Tenpo asked.

"It went well. I'm due two weeks after you." Sena glanced out the corner of his eye trying to gauge Tenpo's reaction.

Tenpo snickered. "Bashir will get no breaks."

"It's his own fault." Sena tucked his hair behind his ear. "What was he thinking impregnating both of us at the same time?"

Tenpo's thin shoulders went up as he smiled. "That he was tired of condoms?"

Sena turned beet red as Tenpo burst into laughter. "Tenpo!  You're horrible!"

"It's true," Tenpo insisted wiping his eyes.  "That horn dog. We should have stock in a condom company." The baby kicked inside letting Tenpo know it was time to refuel. He rubbed his swollen stomach.

Sena laughed softly beside him. "That's so not nice."

The baby kicked again. "But it's true." He looked around. "God, I'm hungry. Let's go get something to eat."

Sena pointed to a small stucco building with green and white awning. "What about that place over there?"

Tenpo raised an eyebrow. "You want Mexican food? On a muggy day like today?"

Sena shrugged. "Why not? Afterward, we should drop by the lab and say hi to Bashir since he's not coming home tonight. It's his turn as a shadow for Dr. Watanabe and a new batch of omegas is being spawned in the morning."

Tenpo put his hand on the door handle and pushed. "Ah. That's right."  Since Kevin filed his report about the stalker, security had been amped up around the campus and the clone lab staff was taking turns shadowing each other to be sure everyone was safe.  In that time, though, the stalker's activities seemed to have stopped.

A bell chimed overhead as they entered the restaurant. "La Cucaracha" played over the speaker system while a gaudy chubby Mexican with a poncho and sombrero spoke the daily special in Spanish.

Tenpo wrinkled his nose. "That is the worst ever."

"How cliche," Sena agreed.

"As a partial Mexican, I'm offended," Tenpo sighed.

Sena's eyebrows went up. "You're part Mexican?"  They'd been living together for two years.  How did he not know that about his other partner?

Tenpo started to squeeze into a booth then thought against it and chose a table and chair instead. "Yeah. My grandmother is Mexican."

Sena sat across from him and picked up the menu. "Oh."

The waiter came and took their order. Tenpo folded the napkins into origami figures and sat them in the middle of the table. Sena dug into his free nachos.

"So what do you want to do about the nursery?" Sena asked.

The waiter returned with their food. Tenpo doused his with hot sauce and chili pepper sauce while Sena covered his enchilada in sour cream. The waiter looked at them both with a frown before setting their drinks down and walking off.

Tenpo cut a huge chunk of his burrito and shoved it in his mouth. "Bashir suggested we just have one room converted to the nursery and move in with him."

Sena belched. "I dunno. I kinda like being able to sleep alone."

With a mouthful of burrito, Tenpo looked up. "Really?"  Tenpo only slept alone because of the irregularity of Bashir's working hours.

"Yeah."  Sena poured more sour cream on his plate.  "Have you ever slept with Bashir for an entire night?"

"Before he joined the lab.  He wasn't that bad. The last time, I think I was drunk, though." He took another bite. "Usually just a nap and then in my own bed."

Sena stabbed his enchilada. "He's a horrible bed-mate."

Tenpo chuckled softly at the angry omega.  Only when Sena was angry it was adorable instead of frightening. "Why do you say that?"

"He sleeps like a wild man and hogs the bed!" he crushed a napkin in his hand and tossed it angrily.

"Now that you mention it, I recall being smacked a few times in the face when he changes position," Tenpo recalled.

"And he snores," Sena went on. "Not like, soft snoring but like grizzly bear in the woods."

Tenpo began to choke as he laughed. "And I'm not nice?"

"Looks like you two are having fun."

They both looked up in surprise as Cash walked up to them.

Tenpo stopped mid chew. "Heyyyyy...Cash?" His voice trailed off as he took in Cash's appearance from head to toe.

Sena stared at the round belly sticking out from his normally fit body. A frown creased his brow. "How are you doin'?"

Cash blushed and rubbed his stomach. "I know. It's been a while."

Tenpo kept blinking as if his eyes were playing tricks on him. "No kidding."

Sena couldn't take his eyes away. "You...p-pregnant."

Tenpo gingerly reached out to touch his bump and felt a small kick. "Wow!" His eyes widened. "You really ARE pregnant!"

Cash laughed and sat next to Tenpo. "Yeah, Dr. Jamison is loving it though."  He couldn't help the smile that spread across his face.

Soda spewed across the table as Sena began to choke. "Dr. Jamison?!"

"Wow, Cash." Tenpo wiped his face. "How did you manage to tame that shrew?"

He scratched his cheek with his index finger and looked off to the side. "I messed up during one of the moons.  We both did."

Sena and Tenpo looked at each other and burst into laughter. Cash rubbed his thumping belly. "Laugh all you want."  He said jutting out his chin with pride.  "I've always had a crush on her."

They began talking during their meal about their due dates, baby names, and cravings when they heard a sudden commotion outside.  They looked up to see a newspaper bin clang to the ground and Dr. Watanabe flying over the top of it.  Their eyes grew wide as a man in a dark hood grabbed him with one hand and pulled out a knife with the other.

*Thanks to @RealBeaStyles  for being the first to vote!

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