Unrequited Love

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Chapter 12 Unrequited Love

~One hour prior to the pregnant ones lunch rendezvous~

Kevin rubbed his rumbling stomach and looked down at his watch. It's lunch time already? He looked around the lab. Bashir and Kira were in the spawning chamber taking final readings from cryo tubes. Cash was out on an errand and Peter was nowhere to be found. He sighed. Guess I'll have to run out right quick and come back. He grabbed his bag and headed out the door.

He shielded his eyes from the sun and sighed. Damn, it's unbearable already. He rolled up his sleeves and looked around. Coast is clear. Let me hurry up and get back. He walked briskly through the campus and walked out of the gate.

A few faces he recognized from the college and labs greeted him on the street. He felt his nervousness melt away and took in a deep breath of fresh air. It's been a long time since I've gone out without worrying. This stalker has consumed too much of my time.  Nearly two months of constantly looking over my shoulder and being on edge.

He stopped by a men's clothing shop and looked at a deep navy suit on the mannequin. That's a nice looking suit. The cut of it would look nice on Peter's muscular body. That striped shirt would look good on him too accented with a paisley tie that brings out those icy blues of his. He smiled. Damn.  I sound like a wife out shopping for their husband.

"Hello, Dr. Watanabe," a deep voice breathed in his ear.

He felt the heavy presence behind him and froze. Shit. Shit. Shit. He started to turn and felt a sharp piercing pain in his side.

"Don't turn around."

Be calm. "Do I know you?" He asked.

"I used to think I was special to you. I see you like to fool around with anyone, with your loose ass."

His mind began searching through the faces of people he'd encountered. "I- I don't understand."

"Whenever I delivered packages to the lab you used to smile at me so sweetly." He sniffed Kevin's hair making him shudder. "They were the highlight of my day."

Deliver package? Kevin's eyes opened wide. The delivery driver that just disappeared. Rex Owen.

"Then I saw you and that arrogant bastard of a doctor and sorry excuse for an alpha making out in the lab," Rex's voice was laced with venom.

Shit. This is so bad. Kevin's eyes darted from left to right. People passed them without so much as a second glance. In the position they were in it looked like nothing more than a couple cuddling and admiring a suit. Gotta get away from him.

Rex leaned against him. "Why did it have to be him?"

Rex's scent invaded his nostrils making Kevin feel nauseous.  He shut his eyes and took a deep breath.  "You don't like Dr. Esson?"

"I hate that arrogant prick!"  Rex spat causing spittle to land on Kevin's skin.  "He used to say nasty things to me whenever he signed for your packages. I hated it when he was there."

Kevin felt sweat dotting his brow. "I'm sorry for that." He felt a sharp prick in the side of his neck.

"Don't apologize for that bastard," Rex growled in his ear.

"I'm sorry." He shivered as something warm and wet trailed his ear.

"You were the only thing that made my day bearable." He nuzzled Kevin's neck. "But you chose that bastard even after I showed you how much I loved you. I was always sending you flowers and candy and letters."

Shit. He felt something press against his butt.  His eyes grew wide and his breath hitched in is throat.  Shit! This bastard has a hard on?! I gotta think of something. But what? My mind is blank. "Are you responsible for the bird?"

He chuckled. "You noticed?"

Kevin swallowed hard. "Yeah."

"Why did you ignore me?"

I should tell him the truth, right?  As angry as he is that might be counterproductive.  "I-I didn't know you felt that way and all the gifts were sent anonymously."

Rex was quiet for a moment as if contemplating his words.  Then Kevin felt the sharp object digging into his side again. "I'm going to purify you and erase Dr. Esson from your mind."

Shit. Gotta make a move soon. "And then what?" Kevin trembled as Rex nipped his ear.

"I'm going to kill you."

Kevin's eyes darted around as Rex gripped his arm and began dragging him along. I gotta do something. They approached a group of young rugged looking boys from a nearby highschool and Kevin shoved Rex with all his might.

"What the-!"

"Hey!" One of the boys yelled.

"Get back here!" Rex roared.

Kevin shouted an apology over his shoulder and took off down the crowded shopping street. His heart thundered in his ears as his feet thudded down the sidewalk. He reached into his pocket and swiped the screen. He put the phone to his ear and glanced over his shoulder.

Rex had gotten loose of the angry boys and was chasing him. He was yelling and cussing as he went. Several women screamed as he bowled through them, gaining on Kevin.

Kevin felt a pain in his side but kept going. Shit! I should exercise more.  "Answer the phone!" he screamed in frustration.


"Bashir! Help!" As soon as the words were out, he felt something crushing his Adam's apple and he was jerked backward by his tie.  Rex slammed him down onto the ground knocking the phone out of his hand. Kevin cried out as Rex 's foot made contact with his ribs.

"Why did you do that!? Huh?! Why!?" Rex screamed red in the face.

The wind was sucked out of him as Rex stomped down on his stomach. Kevin rolled onto his right side holding his stomach and coughing.  Rex seized him by the front of his shirt and hauled him to his feet. 

 "Stupid fucking beta!" His fist connected with Kevin's cheek. He grabbed the front of Kevin's shirt in his two fists and pulled him close, their noses nearly touching.  Kevin tried to shrink away from the raw unbridled rage he saw in Rex's eyes.  "You think you can beat me? I'm an alpha, bitch!"

"I-" A metallic taste filled his mouth and the side of his face began sting.

"Shut up!" Rex screamed shaking him like a rag doll.

Before Kevin could comprehend what was happening, he was airborne.

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