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APPEARANCE: These cats are around 3/4 the size of an average cat. They have massive, iridescent wings that come all in shapes and sizes, but have the rough appearance of a butterfly's wing. They have 3 tails, the middle one slightly larger than the other two, and this is used to aid them whilst flying in the air. Most hatch with 2 eyes, very very few hatch with 5 eyes. They have two pairs of antennae to help them sense for movement in the air.

SIZE: They are 3/4 the size of an average cat.

HABITAT: Places where the woodlands border moorlands, as this is where they can manoeuvre the best. Their wings catch the wind to fly. 

ADVANTAGES: They can fly, they can produce silk from their wrists.

WEAKNESSES: They are very passive, most of the time, and are often maimed, killed or eaten by dogs. Very few of the hundreds of eggs survive to adulthood.

DIET: Mainly consists of nectar from flowers. In winter, they migrate to warmer places.

LIFE CYCLE: Catterflights lay their eggs in early spring. When they hatch, the young are called Flightlings. Flightlings are very fluffy and round, they have a very small pair of wings to aid them in jumping around. They are very fluffy and round because, in case they fall and land on a branch, there won't be that much damage done to them. The wings grow with them, and these creatures undergo metamorphosis to gain their three tails and two pairs of antennae.

If a Flightlings hatches with 5 eyes, Catterflights say that they have been chosen by their ancestors to lead their migration next.

If a Catterflight decides they want to challenge the current leader, they shall ask for a battle on the closest full moon. The leader chooses whether to accept for reject it. If accepted, they shall fight until one of them yields. The one that yields will have their antennae semi-cut off, one of their eyes blinded and their wings sliced off. These catterflights are the lowest of the low in their migration and no one pays much attention to them.

Only the leader of the migration may have eggs with whichever female/male they please.

SOCIALITY: These creatures are very social. A group of them is called a migration.

USUAL TEMPERMENT: Passive. These creatures hate fighting, but will trap enemies in their sticky silk if they have to.

ABILITIES: These creatures seem to attract swarms of butterflies wherever they go. Their presence seems to bring joy, sunshine and flowers. They also, as stated before, release sticky silk from their wrists to bind enemies but also to make sure their eggs don't fall off the trees.

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