Hive Creatures

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(Those who have participated in my RP, The Experiments will know this creature quite well)


APEARANCE:  A large cat with wasp, bee or beetle-like wings. They have a pair of antennae to sense the air for any disturbance. They are usually larger than an average cat.

HABITAT: Preferably inside abandoned Two-leg places, however, they shall roost in trees if they have too.

ADVANTAGES: They are able to fly, they have a larger and stronger build than most creatures that they live around

WEAKNESSES: They cannot survive after being fully submerged in water, if their antennae is cut or scratched, they will become quite clueless.

DIET: They mainly feast on small animals such as rats, mice, squirrels and rabbits. However, in desperate times, they aren't afraid to snack on larger animals, like cats and dogs.

LIFE CYCLE: The Hive Mother will choose a spot to start her colony. Preferably one where there is a source of both food and water and a peaceful place so her eggs won't be disturbed. She will raise the first 50 eggs or so by herself, and when they have completed their metamorphosis at 10 moons of age, they will take over the job of what the Hive Mother was doing and she shall spend most of her time laying eggs. Eggs are only laid in late winter and all of spring, so for the rest of the time, the Hive Mother will be checking on what her young are doing.

Hive creatures are all equal when they come out of their eggs as hivelings. Hivelings do not have wings. However, they shall choose their profession when they reach the age of 5 moons. There are Hive Servants (servants of the hive), Hive Members(those who catch prey and patrol the territory) and Hive Guards(those who patrol inside and outside the hive, guarding it, as well as the Hive Mother's eggs) to choose from. However, if the Hive Mother does not approve of the decision the hiveling has made, she shall change it.

When a Hiveling reaches the age of 10 moons, they shall undergo metamorphosis, growing their wings in a chrysalis and emerging, after 3-4 moons, as a fully grown Hive Creature. Their body will know how large they should be because of the diet they eat and also because of their training.

SOCIALITY: They live in colonies. The Hive Mother is the ultimate ruler of all those who live there and is treated with utmost respect. Anyone who dares to contradict or disobey her will suffer a public execution.

USUAL TEMPERAMENT: They are very hostile towards anyone who intrude on their territory, and if they do, they will immediately be taken to the Hive Mother for her judgement. However, they share a fierce bond between each other and will place their own lives in danger to save another.

ABILITIES: The Hive Mother has a stinger at the end of her tail which, upon contact, will cause severe hallucinations for days. She will only use it to protect her eggs or if it seems fit as a grave punishment. The rest of the Hive creatures can fly and are much stronger and larger than an average cat.

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