Chapter 1: Introduction

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━ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 ━


What are emotions?

So strange and rich..

Can he understand everything? Can lost emotions be found again?

He was always curious to ask, if a person lost their emotions, what would happen when they were most helpless, how painful would it be?

No... He doesn't want to have to find out about it, just let time pass, maybe one day he will find out, find his nature, right?

Today, he the same, I sit on the terrace of an unfinished building that has been abandoned for a long time, strange shapes are drawn on the walls or layers of sand on the floor, so dirty and dirty. No one wants to enter this building but it has a very good terrace, the wind always blows on the terrace, from above you can see quite a lot of things.

Baby wishes to be like a normal person, will cry when he can't buy things or is criticized, will smile happily when being loved, will worry when he does something wrong, will be angry when he loses things , he will look scared when he sees his leg bleeding and he will feel proud when he defends himself. It's just a pity that it's just a wish, a wish locked tightly in my heart like a safe

The phone rang, he regretfully looked at the beautiful sunset gradually disappearing before picking up the phone. There began to be some buzzing noises on the other side as if the transmission was jammed, then after the signal returned, a robot's voice rang out again.

- Robot with registration code 077KN has connected to the server, please confirm

- Received...

When did your voice become hoarse?

Is it because of many nights of crying until my voice is hoarse? Or scream in hysterics?

- Confirm the answer, sir, there is information about some "superstitious things" that have gone out of control during the "stress reduction" process

- Please return to the organization, and also organize a meeting between senior levels in the organization

- Okay... I'll be there in 30 minutes

- Answer received, God bless you

How many times has he turned off the phone slowly? This robotic voice seemed to haunt his mind, his eyes looked indifferently at the dark screen and then closed his mouth. A mission, always a mission, it was really annoying, but thanks to it he was able to stop thinking nonsense, thanks to it he was able to find a little joy in this boring life

So from here we can easily know that he is a member of some mysterious organization

There are two images that appear: "superstitious object" and "stress reduction process"

So what is the superstition that the robot talked about?

What is the stress reduction process? He used to be very curious about it, but if he were to explain it in detail, it would take a long time to fully explain it.

We can roughly understand that the superstitious objects he needs to make are objects that possess different supernatural powers, such as a source of infection, from inanimate objects to animals and plants. Even if it is human, it appears and takes over the host

Freedom harms so many people, so his organization was established from there. The stress reduction process is one of the methods used to seal captured superstitious objects and bring them back to the organization for research

The organization is also divided into many different levels, initially the founder of the organization, followed by the supervisors.

These supervisors have abilities that are slightly greater than normal people, for example being lighter in weight, or being stronger than normal people.

Attach these supervisors as 'the scribes'

' The scribes ' are responsible for following the supervisors, they must record what they hear and see to conduct investigations. At the same time, the 'scribes' were normal people who would die if attacked by those monsters

That's why very few people work in the organization, new people have to take on the role of 'scribe'

It was not uncommon for some new 'scribes' to go on a mission to go mad or die

These superstitious objects appear everywhere, so whether they are strong or not...

It's because of luck

Whether or not you die on duty...

It's because of luck

He stood on the rooftop, letting the warm breeze caress his cold face and then regretfully left.

He is a 'supervisor' who also has a fairly high position in the organization, being one of the board of directors of the organization

It is rare for every 'supervisor' to be promoted to a board of directors but he is a special case

Is a man who has been with the organization the longest and earliest

He is a precious gem that has been meticulously polished, now he has become the brightest gem in this dark place.

-"I also hope that God can listen to my prayers..."

God, please teach me

Please tell me what I should do

Please guide me to the light

Pray for someone to save my life

Tears flowed long

My cheeks are wet and begging

God please...

- Mr. Tong!!

Two or three times the subordinates called him "Mr. Tong", they always respected him very much

Partly because he is a superior, partly because of his admiration. Because who doesn't admire a successful person? admiration to envy

- Has the meeting started yet?

- No sir, there are still superstitious things...

Speaking of this, the young man was a bit cautious. He silently observed the people here for a while and then entered the laboratory where the superstitious object was trying to hide.

- Code?

- Sir, superstitious object code 46221 is a superstitious object that can copy other people. When attacked in the head, neck or heart area, it will turn into liquid. If it is in sandy terrain, it will quickly seep into the soil sand and ran away

The young man following me tried to list the main idea and summarize it for you, but actually I just needed to ask for the code of this superstitious object.

Do he remember...?

After finishing dealing with that superstitious thing that was causing chaos, he strode out of the once noisy laboratory, his cold appearance and eyes kept looking forward, he walked like a tall man. arrogant in front of everyone's admiring looks

He is still the same, always one of the most effective members of the organization, a strong man who is alert and always keeps a cool, heartless head. He is so strong that he makes so many people angry. People who should be jealous and jealous, how come you are so strong and not them?

He looked at a number of subordinates walking closer to him, as if they were escorting him to the meeting room. Everyone's faces were tense, only he was the only one remembering

Standing in front of the solid iron door, he took out a passport from his pocket and hesitantly looked at it

- Mr. Tong, we thank you very much for this matter

- Thanks to you, the superstitious object was captured, otherwise...

- ...we don't know if we can still live

- If it weren't for me, there would still be other supervisors

He answered softly and then inserted the card into the verification machine, and suddenly the heavy door opened again. He entered the rather dark room with only the dim light of the candle placed in the center. The table was in the middle of the room, and as soon as he entered, several eyes looked towards him

This room is closed and has no air conditioning, but just entering it is enough to send chills down everyone's spine, especially the staring eyes of the board of directors, everyone looks gloomy.

He's used to it

The board of directors he hates, no matter how big or small, they always drag him into his head and force him to solve it

Standing on the abandoned building last time, the whole world around him was now in darkness, the sound of friction and spots suddenly appeared before it turned on a warm flame and gently burned the tip of the cigarette. He took a long breath and exhaled milky white smoke

Cigarettes are always bitter and can cause him to choke on the smoke, but it acts as a stimulant to the cells in his body. He likes smoking because it makes his mind go blank. empty, feeling vague and enjoying the peaceful scene where only you are the best and most stimulating feeling.

- Superstition...what created it?

He whispered to nowhere

His response was silence

- Where did my parents go that time?

He have a wonderful father and a kind mother. But one day, your father left without any notice. Your kind mother lost her husband and fell into a semi-conscious state. Half dreaming, she took care of him like a crazy person until he was 6 years old. At that time, he no longer saw his mother.

Why is that? he didn't see his mother's presence but the people around him did, they saw, at that time he was extremely panicked, he lost his father and didn't want to lose his mother

Day after day passed, everyone always assured me that my mother was always by my side and took care of me, but only I knew that I had to face the first superstition in my life when I was 6 years old. Even though You said that what everyone sees is a superstition, but no one believes it

Everything was clear until he was older, when he had evidence that his mother was a superstitious creature created to deceive people around him. That was the year he turned 20 years old, he returned to his old house.

Found the dried and crushed body under the bed in his room

Ah... that's his mother, she passed away a long time ago. He couldn't remember how he felt at that time, like a large lake with thin walls. When he saw his mother's body, he was shocked. That wall broke and water poured down like a storm

- It's really bad...

He feels that his mood is indescribable. From the day he learned the truth, he felt like he had lost something, like there were thousands of maggots crawling in his body, chiseling and eating him from the inside. He always feels pain every time he remembers his family

Therefore, he has followed this organization since he was 8 years old. He was trained to be a supervisor and from then on he was strict with his own emotions. Many people advised him not to suppress his emotions. If I do that, it will distort his psychology

But... your psychology has been distorted since the day his father left, from likes to dislikes, everything is different, your way of thinking is also different

- 077KN, quickly inform your employer to return to headquarters for an urgent meeting

An older man looked at the papers piled up on the table, holding a half-lit cigarette in his hand.

He is the founder of this organization. Lately, there have been a lot of people lacking money, so they have flocked into this organization like bugs into a fire.

If they complete the task and are lucky enough to return, they will immediately receive a generous amount of money, but if they cannot, then...

It's natural that right from the beginning, those who are short of money and come here have to accept being scribes. They also consider and warn these people who sell their lives for money.

Whether they live or die, the organization will not guarantee

- Received request, contacted owner, connection problem...

- Huh...? "Problem?"

In organizations, those who serve as the board of directors will be given a robot to inform them of their tasks

His robot is a particularly good robot so there will definitely be no interruption in delivering its mission.

- I'm really sorry, the owner is dead


- So you're looking for death to end it...

For the first time he truly faced death

For the first time, he truly felt how relieved his body was

Dark red blood flowed down the floor of the convenience store. It was clear that the store still had lights on but there was no one in sight.

Red blood kept flowing through every crack in the white tile, her hair spilled onto the white tile floor, her eyes closed indifferently.

He died, died at the age of 32, he died because a knife stabbed into his heart, died from blood loss, died because he wanted to hide from the truth, died to not have to face superstitions, died to escape avoid

Death is the end

━ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 ━


Hello~ this is me having a new idea again... call me Tenku

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